As in The Days of Noah

As in The Days of Noah

As we turn tonight to survey the situation, you remember that we discussed quite thoroughly this afternoon as we talked about being surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, this continual invasion of state rights, and individual liberties by those who control the Federal Government. We only mention that there is nothing more abhorrent to every free American than increasing Federalism, guided by the enemies of Jesus Christ surrounding the President of the United States, whose mind they must hold captive. Since we spoke to you this afternoon, you have had a chance to hear the President speak to you one of those mealy-mouth speeches which was tended to justify his invasion and the felony which he committed. For I charge that the President of the United States has committed a felony. He has violated the rescinding of the right to use ‘Possicomataris Act’ signed into law by President Eisenhower. And with his using of Federal troops which he used today in the state of Mississippi, he has become a felon whether there is courage enough in the Congress to charge him for impeachment and for the Senate to hear such a case.

Art Thou His Disciple

Art Thou His Disciple

We are hearing from different people in Britain, as to the catastrophe that is hitting that country. They are admitting through their ministry that there has been great dereliction of duty concerning what is happening to their young people. Over 1/4 of their young people in that nation have gone into the Communist oriented, Hippie drug cults while the administration of their nation also supports the policies of Liberalism and Socialism until they feel that even the weather has turned against England. One of the ministers said: God is chastising his people because we have disobeyed him. One said: we are going to return to the God of Israel. Whether this man knew his identity or not I thought that was a good statement concerning the background of this situation.

Armageddon Local and Worldwide

Armageddon Local and Worldwide

About a period of time when the powers of darkness would be throwing all their weight, all their military power, and all their internal subversive force, and all those who are associated with them to attempt to suppress God’s Kingdom, to swallow it up and make it a force of none effect in the earth. Such a struggle has been named in the scriptures and in revelation refers to this type of struggle as Armageddon. We are well aware that this Armageddon has been taught by many that this is a single battle and they want to locate it in the plains of Megiddo, in the land of Palestine because great battles have been fought there in the past. And because it is a natural battlefield, and because of its importance, and significance in the areas of Palestine. But I want you to know that the battle of Armageddon is a world wide struggle by the powers to overthrow God’s Kingdom.

Applying The Law of The Spirit

Applying The Law of The Spirit

Around this subject we find one of the most important discoveries which you can make as you dwell here in the flesh. We are talking about the discoveries concerning the hour in which you live and the great things God is about ready to do with and through you, and in you. There is a passage in the book of Romans which we have called attention to many times which says: ‘The law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.’

Angels Who Kept Not Their First Estate

Angels Who Kept Not Their First Estate

As we turn to this subject we find there is quite a lot in the Bible about Angels who did not keep their first estate although Clergymen seldom mention this. But also the average Clergymen know very little about what is in the Bible anyhow, for he takes a text, and straight way departs from it.

We are going to discuss the patterns of the earth, and the creations, and the problems of the Kingdom as it relates to Angels who did not keep their first estate. In so doing we would go back into the 45th., chapter of Isaiah as in this chapter the Most High said: “Ask me concerning my sons, I want to lay for you a foundation, and as he that created the heavens and formed the earth to be inhabited said: I am YAHWEH, and there is none else, I have spoken not in secret, in a dark place of earth; I said not unto the seed of Jacob, seek ye me in vain: I YAHWEH, speak with righteousness, I declare things that are right.

And This Shall Be The Plague

And This Shall Be The Plague

We turn tonight to the subject ‘This Shall be the Plague.’ And we see the great and tremendous events that are now shaking the world and the situations that are also facing the people of the world. And we try to find a situation that relates to survival and to every individual. There are many things that people do not think about. And when they do not think about them, they are not disturbed by them. We have been toying with the word ‘brinkmanship. This word came into being in the days of Mr. Dulles. We have been on the edge before, we have been told, and this all depends on what we have been told. And we have been saturating the enemy with tapes and then we can be assured that they took the reaction that we wanted them to take. Of course there is nothing to assure you of this at all. We are told that because Russia did not hit us the day after with a nuclear bomb, then they guess, that they aren’t going to do it. After all, that is a strange game to play if we thought that she was going to do it. If we had any idea that we were going to be hit with a nuclear bomb, we should not be at war with the Viet Cong.

America’s Dilemma

America’s Dilemma

Turning tonight to the subject ‘America’s Dilemma’, whether you realize it or not, America is poised for one of the most turbulent periods in her human history. And this dilemma we find ourselves in is caused by strange and competitive forces, which have worked their way inside of our society. Thus we are discussing this subject tonight. This afternoon we talked to you about the origin of your race, about factors which involved your beginnings as children of God’s Spirit, about your coming into the earth and the establishment of that Kingdom and its Divine purpose. This question has often been asked about the United States and about the great nations of Christendom. And over the years there has been those who have sought to preach about the content of the scriptures and talk about the Bible. And they have questioned as to whether the prophecies saw the great nation of America, Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, and Germany and these nations which are a part of your race.

America Battles The Dragon

America Battles The Dragon

As we turn to this subject of ‘America Battles the Dragon’, it is one of the oldest subjects on the face of the earth; in fact it is in symbolism and allegory. None the less it is part of the Mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven, and it is given to you to know the Mysteries of this Kingdom of Heaven. ‘Unto THEM it is not given.’  The oldest and most Ancient symbols of the Dynasties of earth has been the Dragon and the Serpent. Strange as it may seem these have been earth Dynasties way back down through the generations of thousands and thousands of years.

America Ancient and Modern

America Ancient and Modern

As we turn to the subject of America, we find it has its place in prophecy. It has its place in ancient history, in Bible history and in our time, both the ancient and the tomorrows which God has in store. We are not working in the dark because we have the word of God with its related references. We have the great panorama of the record of history which men have left. Archaeological records which date back for thousands of years are now available. And in this great age in which we live, with its science and technology moving out of the areas of inspiration form these people of the MOST HIGH GOD among your race, has not only been able to measure and to understand, but now to probe back and back in history. But the whole ancient story is now coming together as the history of the earth and of the nations which existed upon the very continents.

America so Great A Salvation

America so Great A Salvation


When we talk about Salvation there is one great, one important, one mighty Salvation. This is not geared to what transpires in the spirit after one passes from the face of the earth. This is the salvation God brought to earth with HIS own ministry. Sent HIS own sons and daughters into the world, and that My people were to be saved people from their sins. I want to point out to you that the problem which faces America today and every great Christian nation is the area of Error.