As we turn tonight to survey the situation, you remember that we discussed quite thoroughly this afternoon as we talked about being surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, this continual invasion of state rights, and individual liberties by those who control the Federal Government. We only mention that there is nothing more abhorrent to every free American than increasing Federalism, guided by the enemies of Jesus Christ surrounding the President of the United States, whose mind they must hold captive. Since we spoke to you this afternoon, you have had a chance to hear the President speak to you one of those mealy-mouth speeches which was tended to justify his invasion and the felony which he committed. For I charge that the President of the United States has committed a felony. He has violated the rescinding of the right to use ‘Possicomataris Act’ signed into law by President Eisenhower. And with his using of Federal troops which he used today in the state of Mississippi, he has become a felon whether there is courage enough in the Congress to charge him for impeachment and for the Senate to hear such a case.
As in The Days of Noah
As in The Days of Noah