The Myth of German Villainy

The Myth of German Villainy

I SERVED IN THE UNITED STATES NAVY FROM 1955 UNTIL 1977, MOSTLY AS A NAVY PILOT, and saw a lot of the world as a result. Aircraft carriers on which I served regularly visited European ports, as well as other ports around the world. I have also travelled extensively in the years since leaving the Navy.

After travelling around most of Europe, Germany emerges as my favourite country. During our visits there we found the German people to be pleasant, industrious, disciplined and civilized with many similarities to traditional Americans. They in no way resemble the stereotypes depicted in all the anti-Nazi movies, books and articles we have been subjected to over the years.

I am 74 as I write these words. My generation grew up virtually inundated with anti-German propaganda. We were taught, quite literally, to hate the Germans as a people. Yet, Germans I have met or befriended through the years seem no different from other Europeans, or even Americans, and they seem no more inclined to violence and militarism than anyone else; if anything, less. I have never detected anything that might be considered intrinsically “wrong” with the German character.

They are a highly cultured, highly civilized people in every respect. When studied objectively, even Germany’s leaders of the 1930’s and 40’s were not very different from other European leaders. They were only made out to be different by the relentless hate propaganda directed against them.

Germany suffered more than any other country by far as a result of World War II. Some 160 of her largest cities and towns were completely destroyed by the Allied bombing campaign and perhaps as many as 20 million Germans lost their lives as a result of the war. Yet, no one wants to hear their tales of suffering, and no sympathy has been allowed the defeated and disgraced Germans.

War Is A Racket

War Is A Racket

SMEDLEY DARLINGTON BUTLER (July 30, 1881 – June 21, 1940) was a United States Marine Corps major general, the highest rank authorized at that time, and at the time of his death the most decorated Marine in U.S. history. During his 34-year career as a Marine, he participated in military actions in the Philippines, China, in Central America and the Caribbean during the Banana Wars, and France in World War I. Butler is well known for having later become an outspoken critic of U.S. wars and their consequences, as well as exposing the Business Plot, a purported plan to overthrow the U.S. government.

By the end of his career, Butler had received 16 medals, five for heroism. He is one of 19 men to receive the Medal of Honour twice, one of three to be awarded both the Marine Corps Brevet Medal and the Medal of Honour, and the only Marine to be awarded the Brevet Medal and two Medals of Honour, all for separate actions.

In 1933, he became involved in a controversy known as the Business Plot, when he told a congressional committee that a group of wealthy industrialists were planning a military coup to overthrow Franklin D. Roosevelt, with Butler selected to lead a march of veterans to become dictator, similar to other Fascist regimes at that time. The individuals involved all denied the existence of a plot and the media ridiculed the allegations. A final report by a special House of Representatives Committee confirmed some of Butler’s testimony.


War Is A Racket

War Is A Racket

SMEDLEY DARLINGTON BUTLER (July 30, 1881 – June 21, 1940) was a United States Marine Corps major general, the highest rank authorized at that time, and at the time of his death the most decorated Marine in U.S. history. During his 34-year career as a Marine, he participated in military actions in the Philippines, China, in Central America and the Caribbean during the Banana Wars, and France in World War I. Butler is well known for having later become an outspoken critic of U.S. wars and their consequences, as well as exposing the Business Plot, a purported plan to overthrow the U.S. government.

By the end of his career, Butler had received 16 medals, five for heroism. He is one of 19 men to receive the Medal of Honor twice, one of three to be awarded both the Marine Corps Brevet Medal and the Medal of Honor, and the only Marine to be awarded the Brevet Medal and two Medals of Honor, all for separate actions.

In 1933, he became involved in a controversy known as the Business Plot, when he told a congressional committee that a group of wealthy industrialists were planning a military coup to overthrow Franklin D. Roosevelt, with Butler selected to lead a march of veterans to become dictator, similar to other Fascist regimes at that time. The individuals involved a ll denied the existence of a plot and the media ridiculed the allegations. A final report by a special House of Representatives Committee confirmed some of Butler’s testimony.


Germany Still In Juridical Limbo

Germany Still In Juridical Limbo

POTSDAM, GERMANY – THE ALLIED OCCUPATION OF GERMANY BEGAN 58 YEARS AGO this month and in the eyes of many Germans has not yet ended. Foreign armies are still based on German soil and Europe’s largest and most prosperous “democracy” still lacks a constitution and a peace treaty putting a formal end to the Second World War.

The reunified German nation, considered a modern European democracy, has no constitution other than the temporary Basic Law (Grundgesetz) originally written in 1948, under the guidance of the U.S. military occupation forces and originally meant only to apply to the western parts of Germany under U.S. control.

The Basic Law was removed at the request of former Secretary of State James Baker at a Paris conference of the Allied powers and the two former German states on July 17, 1990. The two German states were legally abolished at this conference. As a result of these changes, the Basic Law does not legally apply to the reunified German state, according to some legal experts.

In any case, the Basic Law is incomplete and contradictory and article 139 states that the numerous Allied occupation laws and proclamations remain in effect. The Basic Law has never been ratified by a vote of the people.

Germany Still In Juridical Limbo Part 2

Germany Still In Juridical Limbo Part 2

SIR REGARDING THE ARTICLE: “Germany still in juridicial limbo Part 1” In the article Mr. Ebel says: “Right now, “Germany rests on the 2nd Reich” and on the constitution of the Weimar Republic created on August 11, 1919, Wolfgang Gerhard Günter Ebel told AFP. This is the only legal constitution for Germany, according to Ebel, until a peace treaty is signed.


The Second German Reich (Deutsches Kaiserreich) has a constitution, accepted by all the relevant state organs, the Bundesrath and the Reichstag.
See here.

The “Weimar Republic” is a construct of criminal revolutionaries; it came into existence by the illegal overthrow of the Kaiser and his government and thus is illegitimate, – a criminal organization.

This is not my “opinion” … revolutions are NEVER legal; esp. when acted out by Jews!  All powerful politicians of Weimar were Jews. PLUS: The signators for “Germany” of the infamous “Treaty of Versailles” were all Jews.

Germany Still In Juridical Limbo

Germany Still In Juridical Limbo

POTSDAM, GERMANY – THE ALLIED OCCUPATION OF GERMANY BEGAN 58 YEARS AGO this month and in the eyes of many Germans has not yet ended. Foreign armies are still based on German soil and Europe’s largest and most prosperous “democracy” still lacks a constitution and a peace treaty putting a formal end to the Second World War.

The reunified German nation, considered a modern European democracy, has no constitution other than the temporary Basic Law (Grundgesetz) originally written in 1948, under the guidance of the U.S. military occupation forces and originally meant only to apply to the western parts of Germany under U.S. control.

The Basic Law was removed at the request of former Secretary of State James Baker at a Paris conference of the Allied powers and the two former German states on July 17, 1990. The two German states were legally abolished at this conference. As a result of these changes, the Basic Law does not legally apply to the reunified German state, according to some legal experts.

In any case, the Basic Law is incomplete and contradictory and article 139 states that the numerous Allied occupation laws and proclamations remain in effect. The Basic Law has never been ratified by a vote of the people.

The Revolution of 1688 On Its Religious Side

The Revolution of 1688 On Its Religious Side

‘To condemn those who in the flames invoke the name of Jesus Christ is no light matter” — Anne Dubourg[1]

IT IS A THOUSAND PITIES that English history is treated alone and without reference to that of Europe. The great man of the later Stuart period was Louis XIV, and he set the fashion to Society in his age. Charles II and James II followed his exam­ple, and worked for the same ends.

Nothing more natural: they were bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh, and largely educated under the same influences. Bourbon – Medici – Guise, brought up in France under a bigoted Catholic mother, and dazzled by the blaze and blare of their illus­trious relative at Versailles, how could they do other than try to effect in England what he had done in France?

And they found a great part of the people and most of the leaders in church and state blindly ready to assist their purpose. What king was ever welcomed to the throne with more intense en­thusiasm than Charles II, or was maintained upon it by more devoted loyalty? Macaulay tells us that every servant-girl in London went into mourning at his death; and before he expired all in the room, including Bishop Ken, fell on their knees and in­voked his blessing as their common father[2].

He had a parliament as entirely devoted to his person as if he had himself nominated the members, and he kept that parliament in exis­tence for eighteen years. Charles II alone knew what he was aiming at, but neither ministers nor parliament seemed to have known where they were drifting.

One minister after another found him out, and then they fell, and at last the Cavalier Parliament itself got into a panic and ended by aiding and abetting the infamous concocters of the Popish Plot. But there was and had been a real plot to turn England into a Romanist despotism, and the dominant party had been so bent in destroying the work of the Puritans

Adolph Hitler and The Secrets of The Holy Lance

Adolph Hitler and The Secrets of The Holy Lance


This book was written by two men, one a sailor and one a soldier, who served on opposites sides during World War II. They were enemies then, but now are friends. Each one dedicates this book to his brave comrades-in-arms who honourably served their respective countries. To those who fell in combat and now lie in Bitburg or St. Avold or Other cross marked fields, we pray that their souls rose up like birds escaped from the fowler’s snare may they rest In honour and in peace.
Whether we live or die we are the Lord’s
If he who is but flesh cherishes wrath,
who will forgive his sins?
Let us not therefore Judge One another
anymore: but judge this rather, that
no man put stumbling block or an occasion
to fall in his brother’s way.
The Holy Bible New Testament

Fallen Comrades

The heart is cold now
And the pulse beats slow
But memory ever wanders
Back amind the mournful
Shadows of the past,
And as the silent phantoms
Arise grim review,
Fast falling tears
Pay tender loving tribute
To our cherished comrades
Of the long ago.
From One Who Wore the Gray – By Lewes F. Levy
Yazoo RangersC.S.A,. 1863

The Last Soldier

All soldiers are kindred arid war never changes.
It is a cruel and relentless juggernaut delighting
In human misery and demanding human lives.

Let the Survivors of the causes for which hosts
of noble heroes perished. stand firmly together,
and as their ranks grow thin, ‘Close to the centre’
Let them march relentlessly forward to storm the
last great fortress. over which the pale flag flies,
and before whose batteries the bravest must at
last succumb and furl their colours forever.”

And when these last soldiers have fallen, let there
be no more —
“One Who Wore the Gray” (modified 1863)

Martin Bormann – Timeline

Martin Bormann – Timeline

Martin Bormann -1944-56: M Section MI6 Agent – Nazi Party Treasurer?

1900, 17 June – Martin Bormann is born in Wegeleben, a small village near Halberstadt near Germany’s Hartz mountains, to a strict Lutheran family.1920, 24 Feb – Formation of the Nazi party, NSDAP, in Munich, Germany by group including Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess, Ernst Rohm, Dietrich Eckart, Anton Drexler, Gottfried Feder, Hans Frank and the Nazi party’s ‘spiritual father’ Alfred Rosenberg.

1922 – Bormann joins Freikorps Rossbach, the military wing of the Deutschvölkische Freiheitspartei (DFP), one of many far right political/military groups fighting Germany’s trades unions and Communists.1923 – Pan-European Union formed in Munich, Paneuropa manifesto published by Count Coudenhove-Kalergi, financed by Max Warburg via Lionel de Rothschild.

1923, 31 May – Having risen in the Freikorps after providing land for them to train on, Bormann orders murder of his 63 year old former school teacher Walter Kadow who he suspects of being a communist spy. Prime suspect for the actual murder Rudolf Höss, future commander of Auschwitz concentration camp, was sentenced to ten years in prison.

On March 24th, 1924, Bormann was sentenced to one year in prison for ordering the killing, guaranteeing his and Höss’ status as far right martyrs.1927, 19 February – Bormann joins Nazi party NSDAP. Membership number 605081928 – Bormann made Nazis Thüringen region leader nr. Gotha, Coburg & Altenburg.

The Hoskins Report – The Empire War Against Man

The Hoskins Report – The Empire War Against Man

GOD[1] SAID. LET US MAKE MAN[2] IN OUR IMAGE, AFTER OUR LIKENESS image (the WORD), in the image of God created he him; male —So God created man in his own
and female created he them.”
Gen 1:26- 27. God made man to be both king and priest and to rule the world. God ruled supreme as King of Kings ruling man with his Commands[3].

In the event that God’s Commandments were disobeyed – strict instructions were given as to how disobedience was to be punished[4].

Kings Arrive

The WORD which was God was the supreme ruler and man was appointed to rule the earth as both king and priest under God’s direction. The
chain of authority was complete.
But, evil days came. Fallen angels called Devils came to earth and took
daughters of man for wives and raised up a race of Naphidem-giants, giant in evil powers. These Strangers fought among themselves and they
fought man. They taught man abortion, murder and weapons of war.

They came in multitudes, each group having a king directing his subjects to their evil tasks. War was their avocation. With a king to direct them Strangers were formidable. 


Sons of Man learned their evil ways. They, too, chose a king to rule them – one named Nimrod. Nimrod set the pattern for all kings who were to follow down through the ages. Here is his story: “And Cush the son of Ham the son of Noah, took a wife — and she hare a son and they called his name Nimrod “And Nimrod–-fought the battles of his brethren against all their enemies round about–– and–- all his brethren– assembled to
make him king over them—And he set over his subjects and people, princes, judges and rulers, as is the custom amongst kings.