Thou Art a Holy People

Thou Art a Holy People

IT IS A SIGNIFICANT THING THAT IN VIEWING THE WORD OF GOD, AND THE EXISTENCE OF THE WHITE RACE, that we recognize that God has very clearly stated certain things that are undeniable in His world. Among these things which He has ordained is the establishing in earth, of His Household. This would be the establishing in earth of His Kingdom to bring the earth back into order. This is declared as necessary because of the Luciferian rebellion against the program of the Most High God, which swept 1/3 of the Universe into chaos.

In the course of the defeat of Lucifer and his followers by Michael’s the Archangel, the vastness of time and of space, and of the coverage of planets and conditions is without question a tremendous development. And in the hour that Michael defeated Lucifer, and drove him to earth, here he would have accomplished an area of devastating victory, but God said: ‘Stay’. Remember, Lucifer is still an Archangel although a fallen one. Then He said: ‘I will deal with Lucifer in my own time’.

He said: I am going to send my own family into earth, and thus the hand of Michael was stayed, to serve the program of the Most High God. We are to note that in the patterns of the Scriptures that this is referred to, and even the Jews refer to how the Archangel Michael was stayed in his power and not allowed to denounce the program of Lucifer’s power. But the programs that followed the areas of the ages, the chaos, the violence, the viciousness of the Luciferian Kingdom were many and evil. The purpose and program always was to mongrelise the people upon the face of the earth, all which was displeasing to the Most High.

This Generation Shall Not Pass Away

This Generation Shall Not Pass Away

We are talking about this generation which shall not pass away until all these things are fulfilled. You will note the words of Jesus in the book of Matthew, after He has called this to the attention of His disciples, events that have become common place news in your time. In which He had discussed the strange forces which are at work for this struggle for the earth. He talks about the wars and the rumours of wars and the powers of evil forces seeking to take over the world. Discusses clearly the famines and the pestilence, the earthquakes, and the floods, the conditions of upset weather and unbalanced factors of the Universe.

He tells His disciples about false religious leaders and false ‘Christs’ who will arise, which will attempt to lead the nations of God’s Kingdom into error. And He tells them about these things which will climax the world events. The gathering hoards which you see on the horizon, and the backdrops which you see to the prophets. And in this situation, He talks about this condition which arises in which we see even ancient Jerusalem filled with a strange people. And these people, the scripture tells us who occupy it, are the Abomination of the Desolator, standing in the Holy Place.

They Who Rule One Hour With The Beast

They Who Rule One Hour With The Beast


CHRIST PROMISED HIS DISCIPLES THAT BY THE CONSECRATION OF THE BREAD AND THE WINE that He would transfer the flowing power and Grace of His Spirit from heaven to earth, that when men assimilated them thru the process of digestion He would charge their bodies with the processes of His Spirit. That His Spirit would purify the ailments of their bodies. That His Spirit would clear the areas of the errors from their minds. That it would permit the Spirit to gain major control over the thinking and over the life, and the actions of His people.

Therefore there was a nourishment in the table set of God. This table He told us, never to leave off assembling of this supper. He said many of us would not understand this, and because of not understanding, do not realize that here is the Lord’s body and the blood of the Lord in the transference of this Mystery of the Communion. We urge you to come to the full understanding and to recognize that the communion as it is consecrated for its use becomes as the blood and body of Christ. You become joined with Him in the hour of His atonement, so that you may know the power of His Resurrection, while we live. We acknowledge that this was a Holy program instituted by Christ, for His Church.

They Shall Acknowledge My Sons

They Shall Acknowledge My Sons

WE TURN TONIGHT INTO THE SUBJECT OF GOD DECLARING, ‘THEY SHALL ACKNOWLEDGE MY SONS.’ And I think it most important that we understand these facets as they relate to you and me. As they relate especially to the people who constitute his household, who make up tonight, a company of nations and a great nation in the earth.

It is a significant thing that thru out the entire background of antiquity, there has been continued references to the sons of the Eternal Father in the far off distant vastness of space. Out of the ancient patterns of the ancient world they talked about the sons of the ancient YAHWEH-PUTAH; THE God of all times. That when great changes took place in the earth and continents slipped beneath the waters of the Atlantic, the migrating people across North Africa were carrying the great documents of Horus and the prophecies that related to the kingdom of the Most High. They talked about reconstructing for themselves and building another kingdom in the earth. And as they talked about this, they also talked about the prophecies concerning the God of the heavens whose displeasure had caused the loss of their continent in which they had resided. And they looked for the day when the sons of YAHWEH-PUTAH would walk the earth and be embodied as they.

There Were Giants in The Land

There Were Giants in The Land

AS WE TURN TONIGHT TO TALK ABOUT UPON THIS SUBJECT, IT MIGHT SEEM IRRELEVANT AT THIS TIME, but there were Giants in the earth in those days, in the past. And I am going to show you why it is very important to establish this ancient record on the part of ancient history and anthropology and biblical record. I am turning to the sixth chapter of the book of Genesis and I read here that as it came to pass, that men namely Adamites, began to multiply upon the earth, and daughters were born unto them. And the word here in its proper translation should be Nephilin, as they saw the daughters of men that were fair, and they took themselves wives of those which they chose.

In your King James Version, it says that the ‘Sons of God’ saw the daughters of men, who where fair and they took wives of all of those whom they chose. But the word Nephilin belongs to a very definite group of people. They were a type of the Angelic hosts who did not retain their first estate. They were the byproduct of a war, a rebellion of an Archangel and his hosts against the Most High God in outer space in the ancient ages of antiquity. The results was that defeated by Michael the archangel and the hosts of heaven, while you as a spectator were with the father before the world was framed, that these defeated hosts were driven into our solar system and eventually to earth

There is no Middle Road

There is no Middle Road

WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON TO DISCUSS THE SUBJECT, ‘THERE IS NO MIDDLE ROAD.’ It is with the realization that we are speaking of the responsibilities of the Christian church and of those who are aware of the Sonship in the family of God, and who understand their relationship to God’s plan and to HIS kingdom. The great battle for the consciousness of men and which seeks to direct their thinking by capturing today their minds and setting up the panorama of ideas, is trying to neutralize the church of God today by reinterpreting for them the things they want to follow and do, and make it look as though this was Christian responsibility. We continue to receive a flow of literature from church organizations and from the National Council of Churches, and areas that are seeking to influence the church in general. And they are working on a field of special stress on fields of semantics and areas of things whose field of function would be great. And the present attempt is to try to sweep the entirety of religion of all of the areas of social relationship and all of the areas of the world political design by trying to embrace and envelope all of this with a four-letter word called LOVE.

You might say, ‘but that is a wonderful thing, for love can change things.’ And I saw that we have from the scriptures as one bulletin said that was distributed, “God is love.” And then a little further down they were using the expression, that they were to use the words ‘Love the brotherhood.’ That is right. The scriptures tell us to love the brotherhood. But we have to find out what the brotherhood consists of. We have to find out what we have been instructed to love.

Then Are Ye Abraham’s Seed?

Then Are Ye Abraham’s Seed?

AS WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON UNTO OUR SUBJECT WE TURN INTO THE BOOK OF GALATIANS, and we find our text laid out in these simple words of the Scriptures. In fact they are so simply written that it would be very hard for anyone to misunderstand them. We find in the third chapter in the 29th verse of Galatians, “If ye be Christ’s then ye be Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.” If you belong to God, if you belong to the Good Shepherd, ye belong to Christ, then ye be Abraham’s seed.

Now by the same token we note by some translations, they reverse this translation. And they said, if ye be of Israel, then ye belong to Christ. And this, my friends, is also a very vital translation. And in other translations then you see, If ye be Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and you belong to God. Then once again if ye be Christ’s then are ye Abraham’s seed.

Now this makes it rather clear that the people referred to today as Christians, and many of them are referred to as the Church today, are from the house of Abraham, and the Seed of Abraham in every generation. But ye belong to God. And if you are of the household of God, and if you are Christians then it is because you are Abraham’s seed. But by no stretch of the imagination can they change it or translate it any other way. Because the fact remains that if ye be Christ’s, ye are Abraham’s seed.

And if you belong to God then ye are also Abraham’s seed and it amounts to the same thing either translation establishes the fact that if you are of the Household of God, the family of God, or if you belong unto God then you are of the Seed of Abraham. For God hath made his statements clear as to the house of Adam and to his descendants, from Adam thru Seth, and to Enoch, and down thru the house of Noah. And then every time God spake to the house of Abraham, he said, “Ye are my Israel.”

The Quickening of Our Divine Spirit

The Quickening of Our Divine Spirit

IN THE BOOK OF EZEKIEL, WE READ THESE WORDS: ‘The blind leads the blind and they all fall into the ditch’ — never have we had a more opportune time to see this. For except the concept and purpose be of God and except it be the Word of God, and from His ministry, which is sent forth from the pulpit, it has no purpose or lot in our midst. And those that are supposed to be the delivering of God’s Oracle, and are His ministry should not be sending forth from the pulpit, or any platform wherein they have a responsible position — any statement, or any words they are putting in God’s mouth that is not God’s words.

Now I am going to tell you that we are in the midst of a great religious upheaval. And great religious activity is also taking place. But don’t think that mass religious activity is necessarily a sign of great spirituality. It is not. Mass religious activity, where lots of good people go — or where lots of good people of the children of God sing, and talk because they get emotionally stirred up — do not think that this has God’s blessing upon it. Nobody was more religious than the devils crowd that ran the synagogue in the days of Jesus. Probably no one is more religious than devil worshipers are. Religion is not necessarily the sign that this thing has the blessing of God. In fact, the most dangerous enemies that Jesus ever had were in the religious field, even though they were worshiping something.

We tell you at this moment, that there are a great number of people who are being hoodwinked and bilked from words that come from ministers of Israel who are not preaching the word of the LORD. This is why the scriptures said that their own mothers and fathers are going to say that our preacher sons are no preachers, and the words that they preach is an abomination to Israel. We are ashamed of them, and we want you to fire them. And eventually, they will. And you will be surprised at who will go.

Now some times we find that to tell the truth is not popular with people who just like to be carried along and leave the thinking to some one else. Because when something is going on and there is great expectancy, we find we have had that. For instance, in Madison Square Garden, we had Billy Graham. And there in Yankee Stadium, was held one of the largest religious activities that we have had in these United States for a long time. So important, that even Vice President Nixon came down and stood on the platform, although he was a Quaker, to call upon the world for World Peace, and to support the tranquility he saw emerging. So you see this was not all for the awakening of a nation, but to pacify the people.

The Unclean Frogs of Revelation

The Unclean Frogs of Revelation

AS WE TURN TO THIS SUBJECT OF THE UNCLEAN FROGS OF REVELATION, I think it important that we consider our relationship to the chain of events through which we have been passing. As we have said — America responds with great waves of emotion to great historic events that present some of the Majesty of a great nation. In the inauguration of a President they were caught with the swelling emotion of the pageantry of America and its history, and they all wished to believe as well as possible in the President whose forthright address was challenging, although there were facets of it which were not acceptable. Within all of the events of this hour, I can tell you that behind the scenes moved forces, hard sometimes to analyse, unless one is aware of all the facts that are involved in the scene.

There is no doubt that to Protestants everywhere, this election, and the speed with which it swept across the nation in a great rising force of a minority movement and its organizations — to behind a candidate who little over a year or so ago was not known to many people through out the nation. And even in Washington D.C. he was not known to well, for if you asked where is Senator Kennedy from they couldn’t tell you whether from Indiana or Ohio, or just where. The fact was that to the average government worker, he was just another Congressman, or Senator from somewhere. And to those who watched the political life of the nation they knew that he came from a powerful, wealthy Irish Catholic family from the Boston, Mass., area. Those who knew more about it knew that he was connected with the Fitzgerald’s, the Curleys and all the political strength that once came out of Boston.

Now, we are well aware that the election has come and gone but as we look out of this situation, there are some things which we cannot forget. It is rather generally believed by all those who are observing the situation in Washington, that the election was never decided on the amount of votes cast. They do not believe that Kennedy actually won that election. I found that most everyone believed that the election had been won as to the matter of numbers in most of deciding states by Mr. Nixon. One of the things I would like to recall to your mind, even though you say it is too late, it has no part now in this picture, just consider it. I consider it most significant, and I think it should be looked out.

The Zero Hour

The Zero Hour


We are well aware today that our great Christian civilization is in a struggle for survival. That the forces of evil have infiltrated us with a ‘fifth column. They have raised their own great political anchor in the conquest of the Rushes. They have expanded their political system in the expanse of communism all over the earth. We are also aware tonight that they have engaged in a religious war and have infiltrated into every branch of Christianity, into every denomination and every segment of its society. They have sought to condemn the doctrines of the church. They have sought to place themselves in places of responsibility, to shape its thinking. Then not satisfied with this political and religious invasion, they have used the one peculiar thing with which they have had infinity, and raised an economic warfare against God’s Kingdom. For this area of activity, they are most adapt.

We therefore are aware that this great mystery city of Babylon referred to in the scriptures is divided into 3 parts, Political, economic and religious. Into these areas, move the powers of darkness which have long dominated this earth., ever since the great Luciferian rebellion, and his unassimilated, and un-absorbable children were sown among the races of the earth. They have become the priests of darkness, the conspirators of evil, and the economic conspirators also.