God’s Message to The Church

God’s Message to The Church


There is no question about the sagacity of YAHWEH, when HE established by His power His own intended church. The Spiritual centre of His Kingdom. The church existed in the Old Testament as well as in the New because it was the ‘called out ones’ who were studying with authority the words of God. The entire area of the spiritual assembly and the congregations of Israel was a called out people, and most of the congregation of Israel, accompanying the nation attended their areas of their worship and service, and made up the church of the Old Testament. We are interested specifically in the church of the New Testament because we are under a new covenant, and the ministry it was to produce, and its purpose.

God’s Great Transition

God’s Great Transition

WE TURN IN OUR THINKING TODAY AS TO THE TRANSITION OF THE KINGDOM. There are many things transpiring today in your environment and in your nation that are not to be considered a permanent course. Possibly nothing is more inspiring and possibly nothing will more help you acquire a serenity of spirit than a knowledge of what God intends to do, and your relationship to these purposes. I find from time to time that a great number of people are swayed by public opinion and they are downcast when it looks as those these things in public opinion are going in reverse from the Biblical patterns of what they have been taught to understand was to happen. But I want you to know that today you cannot go by public opinion as to the true course of events. But you can depend on what God said HE was going to do, and what HE said HE would accomplish. HE said, ‘What I do is forever, and no one is going to stay, no one is going to hinder it, and no one is going to destroy it.’

God’s Controversy With The Nations

God’s Controversy With The Nations

THIS IS A SUBJECT THAT HAS BEEN VERY OFTEN OVERLOOKED because many think of God as a pacifist and as they think this way, they do not for a moment consider what God has in mind to do.

Jeremiah 25: “Therefore prophesy thou against them all these words, and say unto them, The Lord shall roar from on high and utter his voice from his holy habitation; he shall mightily roar upon his habitation, he shall give a shout, as they tread the grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth. A nose shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the Lord hath a controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh and give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the Lord.”

God’s Appointment With The White Race

God’s Appointment With The White Race

THIS AFTERNOON we will be discussing the coming of Christ and the purpose for which HE came. We have been discussing the things that relate to your existence and how you existed with the Father before the world was framed, and as to your identity. And how all through the scripture, the Household of God was spiritually begotten of HIS Spirit in the ages past.

We are still very much interested in your responsibility in the earth as a people and as a race. We have brought to you the fact that the scripture refers to you as strangers, a pilgrim race in the earth because you are God’s Household. And since you are strangers and pilgrims in the earth, then the earth was not worthy. And because of this, the Patriarchs, the great men of your race, are designated by the MOST HIGH as outstanding sons of the MOST HIGH which HE had sent into the earth for HIS own purpose. All through the Old and New Testament, the relationship of the children of God to the MOST HIGH and their difference from other people is continually referred to. We have often referred to this Bible as your Book. If you want an exact premise as to this Book, this is a recorded pattern of the experiences of your race with God.

God Will Realign The Nations

God Will Realign The Nations

WE ARE TURNING TONIGHT IN ONE OF THE GREAT CRUCIAL PERIODS OF OUR HISTORY to find that this great nation of God’s Kingdom, the nation which has great and specific responsibilities, and we find that we have been aligned with forces which do not have the best interest of our society in mind, diametrically opposed to the program of God for this nation and for its welfare and for the benefit of the world which it shall serve. We, tonight, as a nation, are aligned with the powers of anti-Christ. We do not make this statement lightly. But if you want to understand the strategy of the anti-Christ and the powers of darkness and the forces of evil, you then carefully watch what it is that they support and what their agents support inside of your nation. You are a very foolish people, tonight, if you do not realize that the anti-Christ is a political reality in the world. If you want to identify it and its political strategy among nations, then you find it waging warfare specifically upon Christianity. It does it best in the area where it has the power to eradicate the Christian Church.

Make no mistake about it, you are a race specifically ordained that by placing your race in the earth, is the history from that time on for establishing God’s Kingdom. Accompanying those Covenants and prophecies that relate to you is this Book of your race. For as I refer to the Bible, I continually call your attention to the 5th chapter of the book of Genesis, and to this fact that this is the Book of the generations (race) of Adam. You may not like this fact that this is the generation of Adam and this is the book of Adam’s God, our Father who art in heaven. This is the Book of the tracing of the genealogy of your race and the nations of God’s Kingdom back to the great fountainheads of time and of history of your faith and of your race.

The Glory of God

The Glory of God

THE PROPHET JOEL WAS WRITING CAREFULLY when he was writing about the end of an age. And as he referred to the great forces and the spiritual power that would take place, he says that it will be the great ‘Latter Reign’ movement and power that will descend upon God’s Kingdom. He said it would come when he saw the umbrella of fire and the smoke portraying the atomic age, climaxing a time of transition and entering in under the condition named the DAY OF THE LORD. Described again by the Apostle Peter as he said this DAY OF THE LORD would see things dissolved in fervent heat.

Now we pinpoint this as the end of an age. And following this the prophet Joel prophesied one thing that was going to take place. We cite this to you because we were talking of this last week and the cry was: ‘All ye heathens, assemble yourselves together round about, thither, cause thy Mighty one to come down, O LORD, Oh, ye heathen, be ye awakened and come together. And remember that over in the second Psalm, the spirit speaks to the Psalmist and this is the theme according to this assembling. It is climactic and it relates to the end of the age; ‘Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing. Note this, the heathen. The kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the LORD and against HIS anointed, saying; Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.’

Give Not What is Holy Unto The Dogs

Give Not What is Holy Unto The Dogs

WE TURN TO THE BOOK OF MATTHEW, to the Sermon on the Mount, to a passage that is patently strange, which emerged out of the lips of Jesus, but is to be taken deeply into consideration because it contains so much wisdom. Jesus said, “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under feet, and turn again and rend you. “This passage has puzzled many people. What did Jesus mean when He turned to them and said, “Cast not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast your pearls before swine?” There is a very definite pattern of identification and evaluation in these words: “Cast ye not that which is holy unto the dogs.”

When we examine the Scriptures we find that many things relating to the Most High God are considered holy. We discover that that which emerges forth out of God is holy; that which pertains to God is holy; that which is the light and vitality of God is also holy. And as we study the Scriptures to learn more about God’s concept of holiness, we find that he also said, in Deuteronomy, “Thou art a holy people unto Yahweh thy God.” – He had chosen them to be a special people unto Himself, above all the people on the face of the earth.

Getting Out of The World Conspirascy

Getting Out of The World Conspirascy

THIS IS THE MESSAGE WHERE WE WILL BE DISCUSSING THE MOST IMPORTANT DIRECTIVE CONCERNING GOD’S KINGDOM AND THE PRESERVATION OF HIS HOUSEHOLD. This is to come out of this confederacy and get ourselves out of this conspiracy which we have been led into. So tonight, our subject is getting out of this conspiracy. And we are going to show you that this is practical and it is biblical. And when we get through, although some of this material may be repetitious, you should have a solid list of scriptures that should prove to you tonight, that you cannot obey God unless you separate yourselves from people of other lands, especially the pagan people. That you must separate the White race from all of the dark races, the pagan races, and from all of the idol worshipers of the earth. We shall show you that this is not only by divine command, but also that not any force or power which has set itself up against the principles that the MOST HIGH has ordained is doomed to utter defeat. And so in this instance we point out to you what you are well aware of. You have heard ever since the collapse of the Roosevelt administration on up to our time, the great necessity for joining ourselves together with all of the people upon the face of the earth.

It was in San Francisco as you will remember, that the United Nations was formed, and it had such a strange number of displacement that you knew it was an administration of evil because there were 153 signatories among the nations in that opening of this organization in San Francisco. The violation of divine law was quite obvious. The scriptures had warned us consistently and continually that we were not to enter into an organization consisting of pagan countries, and that we were not to join ourselves with any pagan nation. And that the only acceptable organization before God is when you join your nation with other Christian nations of your faith and your race for mutual and defensive activity against the powers of darkness.

Gathering of The Tares

Gathering of The Tares

NOW TONIGHT THE SUBJECT WE ANNOUNCED we were going to speak on was “Taking Away The Tares”. The reason I say that is because the Los Angeles Times had the subject “Taking Away The Fares”. It might be interesting to some people and we’re not going to take the “Fare” for it had nothing to do with the subject so we mention this. This may be an accident, but anyhow the proof was right and the other newspapers had it right, so apparently they decided to change the subject, maybe there was a tare or two involved.

We are greatly concerned, however, about the situations that affect our Nation in our time and what we think about it is also important to our enemy. This might seem strange, but on a subject like this, they want to cover it, so lets turn to the basis of this subject which is important to us tonight, for we find in going back into the Book of Matthew that Jesus is teaching His Disciples and laying the foundation for an understanding concerning a great many of the mysteries that effect His Kingdom and unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, to them it’s not given.

What Really Happened in The Garden of Eden

What Really Happened in The Garden of Eden

THE MESSAGE:- Most people are under the assumption that the Fall of white Adamic man in the Garden of Eden was brought on by Eve listening to the manipulative and deceitful words of a literal talking snake and Eve’s eating of a literal piece of fruit that she took from the ‘Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.’ In this message, I will show you that the Fall in the Garden was not brought on by what I just mentioned. Rather, using only the Scriptures, I will show you that the Fall was brought on by an unholy sexual union between Satan and Eve. In Gen. 3:1, we read of a ‘serpent’ appearing to Eve in the Garden of Eden.

It’s important to realize that the ‘serpent’ spoken of here was not a literal snake, but rather Satan in human form. The word ‘serpent’ here means ‘Magician or enchanter. A spellbinder.’ Check your ‘Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible’ for definition verification here. Now, in Rev. 12:7-9, we read about a war in Heaven, when Lucifer and the angels who followed him into rebellion against God were defeated by Michael and the angels who reamined loyal to the Almighty. Lucifer became ‘that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan’ (Rev. 12:9 – KJV).