God Will Realign The Nations

God Will Realign The Nations

WE ARE TURNING TONIGHT IN ONE OF THE GREAT CRUCIAL PERIODS OF OUR HISTORY to find that this great nation of God’s Kingdom, the nation which has great and specific responsibilities, and we find that we have been aligned with forces which do not have the best interest of our society in mind, diametrically opposed to the program of God for this nation and for its welfare and for the benefit of the world which it shall serve. We, tonight, as a nation, are aligned with the powers of anti-Christ. We do not make this statement lightly. But if you want to understand the strategy of the anti-Christ and the powers of darkness and the forces of evil, you then carefully watch what it is that they support and what their agents support inside of your nation. You are a very foolish people, tonight, if you do not realize that the anti-Christ is a political reality in the world. If you want to identify it and its political strategy among nations, then you find it waging warfare specifically upon Christianity. It does it best in the area where it has the power to eradicate the Christian Church.

Make no mistake about it, you are a race specifically ordained that by placing your race in the earth, is the history from that time on for establishing God’s Kingdom. Accompanying those Covenants and prophecies that relate to you is this Book of your race. For as I refer to the Bible, I continually call your attention to the 5th chapter of the book of Genesis, and to this fact that this is the Book of the generations (race) of Adam. You may not like this fact that this is the generation of Adam and this is the book of Adam’s God, our Father who art in heaven. This is the Book of the tracing of the genealogy of your race and the nations of God’s Kingdom back to the great fountainheads of time and of history of your faith and of your race.