THE MESSAGE:- Most people are under the assumption that the Fall of white Adamic man in the Garden of Eden was brought on by Eve listening to the manipulative and deceitful words of a literal talking snake and Eve’s eating of a literal piece of fruit that she took from the ‘Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.’ In this message, I will show you that the Fall in the Garden was not brought on by what I just mentioned. Rather, using only the Scriptures, I will show you that the Fall was brought on by an unholy sexual union between Satan and Eve. In Gen. 3:1, we read of a ‘serpent’ appearing to Eve in the Garden of Eden.
It’s important to realize that the ‘serpent’ spoken of here was not a literal snake, but rather Satan in human form. The word ‘serpent’ here means ‘Magician or enchanter. A spellbinder.’ Check your ‘Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible’ for definition verification here. Now, in Rev. 12:7-9, we read about a war in Heaven, when Lucifer and the angels who followed him into rebellion against God were defeated by Michael and the angels who reamined loyal to the Almighty. Lucifer became ‘that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan’ (Rev. 12:9 – KJV).