Lightening, Thundering and Voices

Lightening, Thundering and Voices

WE ARE SPEAKING TONIGHT ON THE SUBJECT OF VOICES, THUNDERING, AND GREAT EARTHQUAKES. The declaration here in the scriptures as to the period in which we live has been quite clear. As we have mentioned to you, the hindering influences that have held back the full operation of the Luciferian kingdom is lifted now by God to bring things to fruition. Thus the declaration of Paul, in II Thessalonians: “He who hindereth until taken out of the way”, this hindering influence so also we have arrived at the time of the trouble for our race. This is the time of Jacob’s trouble. And the influences which God has utilized to hinder the operation of Satan on the earth, has now been turned loose.

Now understand, if God will now permit Lucifer and all of his forces of darkness to be turned loose, then the time has also arrived when God intends to empower HIS many sons and daughters for a great victory. For God knows what it takes and will not let anything transpire by the strategy of the enemy that will defeat the areas of HIS kingdom. Thus we have arrived at a great historic period and we find that all situations have come to their fullness. Through out all of the periods of the Luciferian attack against the kingdom of God, there has been great upheaval and great distress. There has been during this period of time, martyrdom’s and catastrophes. There has been great struggles and mighty prayers of the Saints, or believing offspring. And their prayers have ascended into the heavens, unto the MOST HIGH GOD.

Lest We Forget

Lest We Forget

WE TURN TONIGHT IN OUR THINKING FOLLOWING THE DISCUSSION WE HAD LAST SUNDAY NIGHT, concerning the mighty armies of God, the mighty hosts of God which number thousands times thousands, and times thousands and maybe hundreds of thousands, until the millions of the hosts of God are being gathered. And we are aware that at this time we are paying a definite part in divine history. We are the children of God. And there are certain things which we must bring to your attention. Thus we turn to these passages which God wanted placed in the minds of the people as he instructed Moses to speak unto them.

So in the book of Deuteronomy, we read these words: “For what nation is so great, who has a God so high as my people Israel. For YAHWEH is in all things which we call upon for things above all. For what nation is so great that has statutes so righteous as all of the law which has proceeded forth from HIM, this day. Only take heed unto thyself and keep thy soul diligently lest thou forget the things thine eye hath seen. Then beware, lest thou forget YAHWEH thy God.” Then going on it says: “Thou shalt love thy God, and shall not go after any other God, and thou shalt swear by HIS name. For all of the people round about are no gods. For YAHWEH thy God is an all powerful God. And HE will quicken with anger if thee serve other gods.”

Land of The Eagle

Land of The Eagle

WE ARE TURNING TO THIS SUBJECT ”THE LAND OF THE EAGLE“, because of its deep significance and because its purpose relates to the program of Yahweh. Probably there is no symbol, which relates to us, or to our nations as does this symbol of the eagle. There are no people who can lay claim to this symbol like we can. We live in this great nation with its symbol of the “Out-stretched Wings of the Eagle”. We are also this land of the eagle, which Yahweh spoke to through the lips of Isaiah, (Chapter 18) “Ho to the land shadowing with wings.”

We note in the older versions of scripture, such as the Septuagint, that it said, “Ho to the land of the eagle’s wings.” This was the salutation signifying the identity of a people. Of a land marked by the symbol of the eagle. We then turn to look upon the standard of our flag and we behold the eagle, lives in no other land to which Yahweh could have addressed this message because we are this land of the eagle.

There are many kinds of eagles. The great eagle belongs in this land; the eagle and the land belong together. Thus it is that here the American eagle lives. There is a difference between the eagle on our standard and many of the other nations. Although almost all of the other eagle standards are over people of your race, the fact remains that this one is the great master, the sovereign eagle of the sky

Key to The Knowledge of All Truth

Key to The Knowledge of All Truth

WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON TO THE SUBJECT ‘KEY TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF ALL TRUTH,’ and we point out that never has it been so important to those who constitute the children of the kingdom who understand the difference between them and they who do not make up that kingdom.  To think sometimes, upon things that they give little reflection to, and wherein they operate in the capacities of the things they feel.  And they understand without thinking sometimes, as to all that relates to it.

There is no doubt about the fact that there is a struggle on for the earth.  There is a struggle going on in these United States and even in this city.  And the influences that direct this struggle are divided into only two camps.  There is no other area than this.  There are those whom you might think are in middle ground.  But really, they are not in middle ground.  And it depends upon where their energies are applied as to where their strength lies.  There are only two forces struggling for the earth, only two beings involved directly.  And all those that are offspring are participators and either find their positions in it on one side or the other.  So I make it clear this afternoon, that the struggle for the earth is between God Almighty, YAHSHUA incarnate, Jesus the Christ, and the powers of darkness, the Luciferian order, the children of Antichrist and all of their captives.

Just Sets of Weights and Measures

Just Sets of Weights and Measures

AS WE TURN TONIGHT TO THIS SUBJECT ‘JUST WEIGHTS AND MEASURES,’ it is with the realization that the problems which beset the world tonight, that the administration of the areas of exchange and the manipulation of areas of value and the powers to create depressions or prosperity, is a tremendous power welded by a few. And because of surrendering of such an authority to their power, has been a particular operation of super-confidence of men in the world horizon. When I speak to you tonight, we tell you that the Bible clearly marks a period of great danger. For this interprets the words in their minds. When we are told that the love of money is the root of all evil, it is when men worship money for the sake of money, and the power which it will produce, and seeks to buy men and their lives and their civilizations in order that they might acquire this substance. And they go mad with Satan’s design. And under this instance, here comes this great area of error. There are those who have cited that money itself is the error. But it is not. It is the ‘love’ of money which outweighs principal and direction that is the root of all evil that is in the world at this hour.

You may say that the powers of darkness are not guided by the love of money. But I point out to you that the life flow of the goods necessary for survival are a part of the strategy of the enemy. And by beholding what they believe to be the very blood stream of commerce and trade, and industry and enumeration they seek to design the world from the point of servitude. This is one of the remaining principals for gaining control of the earth, the fact that no man will be able to do business, nor buy, nor sell, except he give assent to their program and assume the obligation of supporting their way of life. And thus takes the mark in the seat of his intellect and places it upon his hand. This is alluded to by The Christ as the very heart of the Beast system. And the very mark of the Beast is this assent to the programs of darkness and to the gaining of such power over people.

There has been promised to those who would serve the program of the Beast, even among nations of God’s kingdom, that their authority will be increased and their influence will be increased, and that they can rule over this system under the dominions of this power. Thus they will be above their brethren and the household from whence they come, if they will serve this gigantic octopus of evil.

Judgment Day

Judgment Day

IN TALKING ABOUT JUDGMENT DAY, there has been a great number of people who when thinking about judgment have their minds set on final Judgment. And as they talk about Judgment Day, they are looking for the development as to when they see all of the people of the universe, and especially of the earth and the world, where they are gathered before the throne of God. Where they expect a long and lengthy transition, in the magnitude of a great trial to take place.

When we talk about judgment day, we talk about something which is already in operation and is already talking place. So make no mistake about it. In the 20th chapter of Revelation, it says: And I saw these thrones and they that sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them. And I saw the souls of all those who had been beheaded for the Witness of Christ and the word of God. And all who did not worship the beast or received his mark on their foreheads and in their hands, and they lived and they reigned with Christ for 1000 years. Then we are told that the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years had expired.

Jerusalem Old and New

Jerusalem Old and New

THIS AFTERNOON, WE SPOKE ON THE SUBJECT OF ‘GOD’S ARMY.’ And tonight we are speaking on the subject of ‘Jerusalem — Old and New.’  It would be impossible to have covered the subject of Jerusalem and the conditions that relate to the prophecy of this hour with a single message.  But there are some things we must make clear as to the understanding of the situations that exist in the world today.  No understanding of this can take place until you know who the nations which constitute God’s Kingdom are.  It is impossible to interpret prophecy, or to understand to whom the promises were made, with whom the Covenants were made, to whom they are directed, or what they contain unless you know these facts.  Thus it is that anything which relates to world conditions must be studied and viewed looking at the blue print which God Almighty has set down thru the ages for the development of His Kingdom.  There is one attribute that belongs to deity, and does not belong to individuals and is only granted from time to time by special permission to a prophet.  And that is that in the mind of God, and in the ability of His Omniscience to know what is to come to pass over the courses that are ahead.

Someone said that cannot be done, that you are no longer able to deny God the opportunity, and the right which is His, because prophecy has fulfilled itself with absolute literacy down through the generations.  Things which God said would come to pass — statements made by Jesus the Christ through His disciples, were a few hours away, and some weeks away and some years away.  And then they came to pass.  Then there are things which God has ordained for a time, and which are special have also come to pass.  And although the forces of evil have directed their influence, according to their abilities and the magnitude of their energy, there is no one thing they have been able to do that has not already been measured in the mind of God, knowing the exact proportion that they would have the ability to apply.  And He has applied enough vision and understanding, and has persuaded and directed the intelligence in the minds of men to accomplish the results. He wants to counteract the forces of evil.

It is Now Time for The Great Awakening

It is Now Time for The Great Awakening

WE TURN TONIGHT IN OUR THINKING TO THE AWAKENING OF OUR NATION. In this, we turn to the 13th chapter of the book of Romans and we find a very sound text with these words: “And knowing that it is now time to wake up out of sleep. For now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent and the day is at hand and we must cast off the works of darkness and put on the armour of light.” Our great problem is that we have had so many people who have been unaware that they are operating in their life span of existence inside the great time table of God.

They have not been aware that the kingdom of God is a reality in the earth. And as a reality. It has a very important destiny. That God Almighty is infinitely more concerned about that kingdom than a great many citizens who are within it and who are not so much aware that it exists. We have talked often about the strategies of God, about the purposes God unveils inside of the Holy Scriptures. This afternoon we talked to you about mysteries of the kingdom. There is no doubt that it is important for you and I to understand what time it is. It is important for us to recognize how close we are to some climactic events in history. We can assure you that God does nothing unless HE reveal it unto HIS ministers and unto HIS prophets.

It is Later Than You Think

It is Later Than You Think

IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION IN 10:6., we have a passage where the Angel (Eagle) suddenly sounds the trumpet, lifts up his hand to heaven, and sware by HIM that liveth forever and ever, who created heaven and the things therein, and the earth, and the things therein and the sea and the things which are therein, that ‘THERE SHOULD BE TIME NO LONGER’. Of course this is a unique statement, for time is a dimension, it is exactly a dimension of the existence of things. It is the dimension of the happenings that transpire. It is the dimension in which history has its fulfilment. And as we have height and breadth and length, so also have we a dimension of Time.

The Angel didn’t mean that there wouldn’t be any more time because there is going to be time forever. He meant that as far as the study of time was concerned, that the time of YAHWEH’S waiting, the time for giving any further time to the powers of darkness was totally over. He meant that the day of YAHWEH (God) was coming in with Power and great Glory. And thus the Angel lifted up his voice and said: ‘Time shall be no more’. He meant that the time of YAHWEH was now commencing, and the time for the powers of darkness and forces of evil were no longer to be counted.

It is Given to You to Know

It is Given to You to Know

AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT this afternoon, turn to the book of Romans, the 8th chapter commencing with the 27th verse. “FOR HE THAT SEARCHETH OUT ALL THE THINGS OF THE HEART KNOWETH THE MIND OF THE SPIRIT. And makes concessions for HIS believing offspring, acceptable according to the WILL OF GOD. We understand clearly that HE who maketh intercessions and HE who holds forth, even into the minds of his believing offspring is by the process of the spirit. And the spirit is where the believing offspring have descended from God has created the capacity extending out over a Universe containing 1,126 suns. Holding together all forces of vitality and nature having created all things, and all things having been made for him and by him, for HE was before all things, and by Him all things consist. And HE hath looked down upon society in earth and HE hath ordained human destiny.”

Now; we look out upon all of the choices, and people may think that they are deciding their destiny, and little do they realize who is the Master of all things. HE who hath made all men hath made human destiny a part of His good pleasure. And in the book of Isaiah HE says that HE does all things according to the pleasure of HIS Will. Therefore HE makes this declaration of human destiny, as to the ultimate destiny of the white race, this ultimate destiny of the children of God. And what he has purposed for them even before HE planted them in the earth, into our present existence.