Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – February 1996

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – February 1996

YOU WILL FIND IN YOUR PACKAGE THIS TIME, the summary of the four Swift Identity tapes which some have wished for. I tried to summarize them so that they would not be so long and perhaps you would not lose interest before you get them read.

In the ‘Hutchinson News’ paper this week, was the story of the ‘State House Prayer Which Shocks Lawmakers.’ I thought that this Pastor was right on the mark with his prayer, so will reprint it for you.

“Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and seek your direction and guidance. We know your word says, ‘woe to those who call evil good.’ But that is exactly what we’ve done.

We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and inverted our values.

We have worshiped other gods and called it multiculturalism.

We have endorsed perversion and called it an alternative lifestyle.

We have exploited the poor and called it ‘Lottery.’

We have neglected the needy and called it self-preservation.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – April 1996

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – April 1996

AS TO THE LINE-UP OF THE PLANETS FOR THIS MONTH, the map does show that there will be a conjunction of the moon and Jupiter on April 10th. Some reports are looking for Earthquakes and others for some other thing as happening at that time. As with all prophecy, you wait for the date and see what happens.

Now in the March edition of ‘National Geographic,’ is an interesting article about the Tarim Basin as it is today and what it used to be back in the days when it was on the ‘silk route’ into China. In this area, they picture the mummy of a woman. Still, they claimed, beautiful, although she had been buried for at least 3,800 years. They found a mummy of a baby also. And it should be interesting to you, for these mummies show the countenances of someone of Indo-Europe people. So what would White people be doing over in that ancient land?

As most of you well know, that was the birth place of the civilization of the White man or Adamites, who came down out of the Tien Shen Mountains to the north where the Garden of Eden was located. The area is not quite like it was before the flood of Noah’s time that destroyed the people high up in the Himalaya Mountains. If you have been learning, then you know that all of the Adamites had left that High Tarim Basin by the time this flood came . . . all but Noah and his three sons and their wives, where they were building the Ark, which YAHWEH ASKED THEM TO DO. If you still need more information about this ancient basin, then we suggest you find the Swift booklet entitled ‘Were All of the People Drowned in the Flood?’

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – No Date 1

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – No Date 1

THE ELECTION IS OVER, THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN TO THE BEST OF THEIR ABILITY. I believe that YAHWEH-YAHSHUA is in control and that this is His Great Nation of Prophecy and WHAT WILL BE, WILL BE. We are slowly learning the reason why the great hue and cry about the Quayle nomination. We believe that the far left Eastern Liberal establishment thinks that they, and they alone should choose the President and Vice President of the U.S. The Myth of a Kennedy Dynasty is not realistic then the people of the west and south of this nation are gradually making their voice known. The voters of Texas sent that message to Senator Benson, and I think he will remember the message as he goes back to the Senate.

The people of Connecticut also handed a defeat to Republican, LIBERAL Lowell Weicker, and he seemed to be in shock, but he has always been out of step with the Republican party. This policy of inciting the minorities of this country, of turning them against the White Christian majority has worked well over the years but it is beginning to fail.

No where does it say in the Scriptures that you TAKE from those who have worked all their lives and give to someone who did not work in the production of that blessing. No where does it say TAKE and GIVE to someone else just to please the thinking of those who follow the plans of a World Government. The White nations of the western Christian World have been most generous in their giving to the unfortunate people of the World, but no where does it say you are to allow rulers of the World Order to TAKE from you and then let them decide where to give your Blessings.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter November and December 1988

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter November and December 1988

THE ELECTION IS OVER, THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN TO THE BEST OF THEIR ABILITY. I believe that YAHWEH-YAHSHUA is in control and that this is His Great Nation of Prophecy and WHAT WILL BE, WILL BE. We are slowly learning the reason why the great hue and cry about the Quayle nomination. We believe that the far left Eastern Liberal establishment thinks that they, and they alone should choose the President and Vice President of the U.S. The Myth of a Kennedy Dynasty is not realistic then the people of the west and south of this nation are gradually making their voice known. The voters of Texas sent that message to Senator Benson, and I think he will remember the message as he goes back to the Senate.

The people of Connecticut also handed a defeat to Republican, LIBERAL Lowell Weicker, and he seemed to be in shock, but he has always been out of step with the Republican party. This policy of inciting the minorities of this country, of turning them against the White Christian majority has worked well over the years but it is beginning to fail.

No where does it say in the Scriptures that you TAKE from those who have worked all their lives and give to someone who did not work in the production of that blessing. No where does it say TAKE and GIVE to someone else just to please the thinking of those who follow the plans of a World Government. The White nations of the western Christian World have been most generous in their giving to the unfortunate people of the World, but no where does it say you are to allow rulers of the World Order to TAKE from you and then let them decide where to give your Blessings.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter December 1989

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter December 1989

OCTOBER SAW ONE CATASTROPHE AFTER ANOTHER. They have continued through Nov., to a lesser degree, yet the U.S. is still trying to make a pact with the World Order. This program seems to be right on track, in fact some people are suggesting that we borrow Billions of dollars in an attempt to SAVE the Soviet Union until she does not have to cut her defence budget although of course in the process America is to cut our defence spending.

Jim Taylor (U.S. Naval Reserve Officer) has been touring the U.S. trying to outline facts for our people. He is telling his audiences that when the new President of Iran, Rafsanjani decided to arrange the release of the American Hostage, Terry Anderson, who had been held the longest in an attempt to gain a better understanding with the U.S. Government the Israeli government went into high action. The Zionist leaders were seething with rage, this must not be allowed to happen.

Why? It might lessen the bitter hatred so carefully built up in America against Iran and the Arab world. The Zionist have a confidential saying that any act that helps anyone else, including their benefactor the U.S.A. automatically harms Israeli. It is thus the duty of all Israeli’s to make certain that turmoil and bitterness continues in payments to Israeli. American hostages, or lives are of no consequences, the Status Quo must be maintained unabated. Bitterness and hatred must remain in American hearts against everyone in the Mid-east except Israeli.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter April 1990

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter April 1990


ENVIRONMENTALISTS WARNINGS MAY BE BUILT ON ‘HOT AIR’, AND THE COST OF THEIR PROGRAMS WILL RUIN THE INDUSTRIAL BASE OF OUR NATION. This is the consensus of the experts, as we watch these people scream and cry about different things. For instance: take this scare about ‘Asbestos’ the truth of the matter is that Asbestos is better left alone in the school buildings. It is considered less of a threat than if it is torn out at a tremendous cost. Then there will be more in the air, and there will be a much greater risk of fire which the children will face. Actually, much of this hue and cry is all a part of the new age tactics, to bring you to the worship of ‘Mother Earth’ instead of God Almighty.

A North Carolina Judge, H. William Constangy is being sued by the American Civil Liberties Union, on behalf of five Attorneys, because he opens his Courtroom each session with these words which they call a Prayer: ‘Let Truth be heard, and wisdom reflected.’ They call this a violation of Church and State. How ridiculous can you be? The Supreme Court opens its Sessions with these words: ‘God save this honourable Court.’ Will they try to change this also?

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter August 1988

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter August 1988

THE LAST HALF OF JULY HAS BEEN A BIT RUGGED AROUND HERE, Allie’s brother had a stroke, and was making a comeback from that, paralyses of the right arm and leg when he developed Urinary problems. Then Allie was also having problems, had been since we saw the Dr. in May. We went back for some check-ups to see what the problem was. Remember he fell off the ladder a little over two years ago, and hit his head on the cement sidewalk and his back on some rocks and above one kidney it was quite sore again. Well, Allie underwent surgery again on the prostrate July 21 and has had one week of Cobalt treatments this last week in the month. Will have five more weeks of treatments to go. He is doing quite well I think, and his brother is now home as well, so maybe we can get back to more normal living. Allie and I go once every day of course to Garden City for his treatments but are back home by noon so that he can rest. Different friends go with us each day, as they think we shouldn’t go alone.

On the world scene: From the World Economic news: The Mid-east situation, lest we forget, it was President Carter and his advisors who put Khomeini in power, and laid the foundation for the U.S. Arms to flow to Iran, the Policy to continue the State Department and President Reagan has allowed the Kissinger policy to continue.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter October 1988

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter October 1988

Discovery went into space without difficulty. Did you notice that the Soviet Union now has a space shuttle, looks like ours, only they say it is much different, but now America is allowed to forge ahead once more into space. A Soviet Interplanetary probe worth millions of dollars, ten miles out in space is tumbling out of control. Phobes I, veered from its 400 million mile path to Mars on September 9 after a controller at a space communications centre outside of Moscow gave the space craft an erroneous computer command. Phobe’s problem came a mere three days after a Soyus spaceship with two Cosmonauts aboard was temporarily marooned in orbit while returning to earth from the Soviet space station Mir.

In the United States where the space program is recovering from post Challenger jitters, and where loss of life has spawned time consuming investigations, and political problems, such embarrassing mishaps back to back might stall a program indefinitely. But in the Soviet Union with no reporters to watch every move, the drive goes on, and the Soviets have taken the lead in space. At least they think they have.