Ella Rose Mast Newsletter August 1988

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter August 1988

THE LAST HALF OF JULY HAS BEEN A BIT RUGGED AROUND HERE, Allie’s brother had a stroke, and was making a comeback from that, paralyses of the right arm and leg when he developed Urinary problems. Then Allie was also having problems, had been since we saw the Dr. in May. We went back for some check-ups to see what the problem was. Remember he fell off the ladder a little over two years ago, and hit his head on the cement sidewalk and his back on some rocks and above one kidney it was quite sore again. Well, Allie underwent surgery again on the prostrate July 21 and has had one week of Cobalt treatments this last week in the month. Will have five more weeks of treatments to go. He is doing quite well I think, and his brother is now home as well, so maybe we can get back to more normal living. Allie and I go once every day of course to Garden City for his treatments but are back home by noon so that he can rest. Different friends go with us each day, as they think we shouldn’t go alone.

On the world scene: From the World Economic news: The Mid-east situation, lest we forget, it was President Carter and his advisors who put Khomeini in power, and laid the foundation for the U.S. Arms to flow to Iran, the Policy to continue the State Department and President Reagan has allowed the Kissinger policy to continue.