THE ELECTION IS OVER, THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN TO THE BEST OF THEIR ABILITY. I believe that YAHWEH-YAHSHUA is in control and that this is His Great Nation of Prophecy and WHAT WILL BE, WILL BE. We are slowly learning the reason why the great hue and cry about the Quayle nomination. We believe that the far left Eastern Liberal establishment thinks that they, and they alone should choose the President and Vice President of the U.S. The Myth of a Kennedy Dynasty is not realistic then the people of the west and south of this nation are gradually making their voice known. The voters of Texas sent that message to Senator Benson, and I think he will remember the message as he goes back to the Senate.
The people of Connecticut also handed a defeat to Republican, LIBERAL Lowell Weicker, and he seemed to be in shock, but he has always been out of step with the Republican party. This policy of inciting the minorities of this country, of turning them against the White Christian majority has worked well over the years but it is beginning to fail.
No where does it say in the Scriptures that you TAKE from those who have worked all their lives and give to someone who did not work in the production of that blessing. No where does it say TAKE and GIVE to someone else just to please the thinking of those who follow the plans of a World Government. The White nations of the western Christian World have been most generous in their giving to the unfortunate people of the World, but no where does it say you are to allow rulers of the World Order to TAKE from you and then let them decide where to give your Blessings.