Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – July 1988

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – July 1988

THE MOSCOW SUMMIT IS OVER, THE EFFECTS OF IT, OR THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS WILL NOT SOON BE KNOWN. Is he through with using the Soviet Union with ‘Hooks in their jaws’, controlled for a definite purpose? Time will tell. I noticed that Mrs. Reagan was able to call attention to the fact that Russia was once christian, even though Mrs. Gorbachev passed quickly over that part of the exhibit they were looking at. Mrs. Reagan was able to call attention to the part that religion played in the development of Russia before it became the Soviet Union.

I also noticed that those men in America who have played the Soviet Union and the United States against each other for many years, such as Henry Kissinger and those who follow his lead are now against this treaty signed by the two nations. One would think that they were worried about the power of this nation to defend herself, after all these years they have worked to disarm America. Perhaps since they are against the treaty then it will work out to be good for us.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – January 1998

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – January 1998

Clinton and Rubin Bail Out the Indonesians:

TREASURY SECRETARY RUBIN, UP TO HIS OLD TRICKS, announced that the administration will treat the Indonesian kleptocracy to three-billion dollars from the same Treasury fund that they bailed out Mexico. This fund is the same one that Rubin and Clinton raided in 1995 after it was apparent that congress would not vote authority for the billions of dollars the administration needed to bail out the Mexican peso. This the Treasury Department’s “Exchange Stabilization Fund,” that they are once more raiding. That is also where they will go for funds to bail out the Asian nation economies. Where do they get this money? Oh, of course from the American tax payers. This was a fund set up a long time ago and added to for emergencies and thus Clinton is now sidestepping Congress for Unappropriated Foreign aid.

The Bail out of the Asian nations is coming next:

Do you know who will get the money as this bailout takes place? The Big Bankers of New York have loaned the money to these Asian nations and as we pay the way out of this crisis, then we just as well transfer the money to these big banks, from the American taxpayer, for that is where the money will go. Just as it did when Mexico was bailed out.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – January 1997

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – January 1997

AS WE MOVE INTO JANUARY, WE ARE STILL DEALING WITH THE SERPENT ON THE FIRST OF THE MONTH. Hale-Bopp is coming out through the last coil of the serpent’s tail. But the 15th of January, the astronomers have charted Hale-Bopp to be in the sign of Aquila. Although this is just the line which Hale-Bopp is moving on in the heavens, you must remember that this so-called comet is huge. It is perhaps as much as two or three miles wide. But remember also that the pictures in the sky are also big, for they cover the dome of the heavens that we see from earth.

Perhaps we should pause here to consider this. Some people use this story of the pictures or signs in the heavens to argue against Christianity. Some think it is pure speculation to hold this for truth, that there is a personal God; that the Bible contains revelations from HIM. That Adam-man has a soul and spirit that lives beyond death. That the earth is a globe of motion ever rolling around the sun. That Jesus the Christ is the only Saviour for our fallen race. And that we must put all those things from us as empty dreams. We say, “NO.” For the story of the Cross of Christ is true and the pictures in the heavens unite with the word in the BOOK to assure us of the certainty of our Faith.

Thus, according to what we are seeing, then as Hale-Bopp leaves the sign of Ophucius it will enter the decan called Aquila. And with this constellation, then Aquila is not the only decan to be considered as a part of this Constellation called Capricorn. And thus, we have the Arrow in the picture, and even Delphinum or the Dolphin to consider as part of this story that the comet is pointing out as it travels this side of the Zodiac.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – January 1996

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – January 1996

FROM ‘SKY AND TELESCOPE’ PUBLICATION. The line-up of the planets for January: Mercury (the U.S.), Mars (war), Uranus (money), and Neptune (chaos) are still in a tangle. Venus (the Great Revealer and the ‘hammer of the LORD) is between them and Saturn (Satan).

January information about Hale-Bopp

The year 1996 would be considered very interesting for periodic comet Hale-Bopp if 1997 weren’t so much better. (Remember the last report thought that 1996 would be the greatest year for Hale-Bopp).

In March of 1996, amateurs may recover the comet from the sun’s glare before dawn as a 9th magnitude glow still in Sagittarius very low in the South East. (Notice they are saying that Hale-Bopp will still be seen shining through the sign of Sagittarius, thus, it is further out there than they originally thought.)

By June of 1996, the comet will be much higher and easier, growing at perhaps 7th or 8th magnitude and will be between Sagittarius and Aquila in the south. By August it will be well placed in Serpens Canda during the evening hours, and may be as bright as 6 magnitude. September or October finds the comet in Ophiuchus high in the Southwest after dark, still with a predicted magnitude of about 6. By early December, Hale-Bopp will be getting very low in the West after dusk but brightening to 5th magnitude.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – January 1990

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – January 1990

ASTRONOMERS HAVE DISCOVERED A ‘GREAT WALL’ OF GALAXIES STRETCHING ACROSS THE HEAVENS, in the northern Hemisphere. It is said to be composed of at least 2000 very bright stars or Galaxies. They have also discovered that there is a vacant region in that area of the Northern Heavens. They are finding that there is bigger and bigger things out there in the heavens where it would take ‘TIME’ to build. This is said to disturb the ‘Big Bang’ Theory, and once more they are asking how did the Universe get that way?? Even if we told them would they finally believe??

Another story or rumour surfaced, this reunification of Germany is very disturbing to some people. They have even resurrected the story that Hitler is still alive. He is over 100 years old living in the mountains of Chile with the Indians who treat him as a God. A respected anthropologist is said to have found evidence that proves that Hitler and Eva Braun came to Chile in a U Boat. Nazi memorabilia was supposedly found in this hut where Hitler had lived for 44 years, but he was not there. The Indians claim that he is now very frail, but has a clear mind. Hitler is said to have been a great doctor to the Indians, and they care for him, and supposedly carried him away when white men were coming to the hut, and will fight and even kill to protect him

A new Chapter was unearthed in the story of the Mayan Civilization of Central America when Archaeologists identified a large centre of Mayan civilization and extended the time factor back many more years before the birth of The Christ, back at least 400 to 600 years before the birth of the Christ child. This site lies about 350 miles from Guatemala City.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – January 1989

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – January 1989

THE ELECTION IS OVER BUT POLITICKING STILL GOES ON, heard Arthur Schlesinger (Remember him?) propose a move to abolish the office of Vice President. He thinks this move will gain ground after the Inauguration of Vice President Dan Quayle. Mr. Schlesinger feels that the office of Vice President makes people less prepared to be President than they might have been before being elected to that office.

He suggests that without a Vice President then if a President were killed in office, a special election could be held to once more fill that office. MY! MY! how convenient for the political party in power in the House of Representatives, for the Speaker would of course fill the office of President, so really no hurry for the election. Then the head of the Senate would be next in line so of course in this case then the Legislative body could also control the executive branch of the government.

The idea of Dan Quayle being Vice President sure disturbs those old builders of what they thought of as Camelot. There is also much criticism of Barbara Bush, she must wear different clothes, and colour her hair, and this idea of being seen so often with the grandkids must stop. Did you know that on vacation when the kids and grand-kids come to visit, that the grand-kids are allowed to come and jump in bed with Barbara and George. MY! that isn’t done in America anymore. This family image has changed, or has it???

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – February 1998

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – February 1998

1997 WENT OUT THE DOOR. IT IS GONE. WITH JANUARY WE BEGAN TO LOOK FOR NEW THINGS. The heavens are still displaying our Father’s handy work. We believe as did the Israelites of old, that these of from time to time messages in the sky. For the sun, moon, stars, and planets were for us to see and be as signs displayed in the sky. Thus we seek to find if we can read the message written there. For the prophets under guidance of the Holy Spirit, recorded this passage through the darkness of America in this end time so as we would know what to look for. What to expect, as we pass through this end time experience as we advance from this trap of ‘one worldness’ into the kingdom age.

Perhaps we need to stop and review a bit as to what has happened and where we go next.

I have been out of the main life for a while. The lung is seeming to work good now. I do not care to do that trick over again. But I did meet a lot of nice people who work very hard to try to help you back on the track to good health.

My Identity kids, of course, have been wonderful through this rough time. We are into winter weather, of course, and that has to be contended with.

As we look back on 1997, we remember Hale-Bopp and its message. We watched it disappear into the Southern sky from which it will go back out into space to rest until it is given another mission. Before Hale-Bopp, we had the comet Hyatake in its short run pointing out the ‘Sheep folds’ of the Bible picture. With Hale-Bopp pointing out the Biblical story as found in the ancient ‘Star Bible’ we began as a people to awaken a bit.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – February 1997

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – February 1997

DENVER COLORADO: December 1996

THE DENVER POST MADE AN INVESTIGATION OF THE OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING AND THEY WORKED ON THIS FOR SIX MONTHS. And they came to the conclusion that the Government is not telling us all that they know in the case. For they have proved that neither McVeigh nor Nichols could have driven the first Ryder truck to the lake where it was supposed to have been seen.

These are the only two people charged in the crime, but there was definitely a second Ryder truck and a shadowy figure who may have had a role in this whole affair. And a primary role at that. Why does the government not tell the American people just what happened that day?


A meteorite slammed into a sparsely populated area of Honduras last month terrifying residents and leaving a 165-foot wide crater, scientists confirmed.

Villagers reported seeing a fire ball crash and break into small red and yellow pieces on Nov. 22, near San Lois, in the western province of Santa Barbara. Then on Sunday, the scientists confirmed that this was a meteorite, saying that it consisted of materials that were four billion years old. There was no word on the size of the meteorite. But it was much smaller than the one which made the crater 50,000 years ago in Arizona, and was 180 feet wide. And which dug a crater 4,000 feet wide. A 300-foot meteorite struck in Siberia in 1908, levelling trees for miles.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – February 1994

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – February 1994

Hutchinson News: (By Thomas J. Billiteri, St. Petersburg Times) The Gospels: Was Jesus misquoted?

FOR NEARLY 2,000 YEARS THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH HAS TAUGHT that Jesus spoke certain words which form the foundation of the Christian faith. Now a group of some 78 Bible scholars, known as the ‘Jesus Seminar’ say it ain’t so.

After an 8 year study this group says that Jesus never spoke the words on judging, that he did not teach his disciples ‘the LORD’S prayer’ or predict an end of the world (order) or ask God to forgive his tormentors as he hung on the cross. In fact the conclusion published last month as to The five Gospels, that of Thomas being added to the Biblical four as to What did Jesus really say, has stirred the ire of Conservative Christians every where. These scholars also translated the scriptures into a colloquial sounding Gospel that avoids sexist language and leaves such words as Messiah, son and Sabbath uncapitalized.

The results is a portrait of Jesus who does not initiate dialogue or debate, rarely speaks about himself in the first person and makes no claim to being the Messiah. They have thus concluded that Jesus DID NOT SAY:


In fact according to these so called scholars, the Gospel writers were not only disciples of Jesus but skilled fiction writers who embellished the words of Jesus with borrowed lore, passages from Greek scripture and other sources to fit the times and persuade their audiences that Jesus indeed was the long awaited Messiah.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – February 1991

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – February 1991

WELL, THE WAR STARTED WITH A RUSH! We sitting on the sidelines are wondering just which type of a One World Government will emerge from this Crisis in the Gulf, now called Desert Storm?? On the Diplomatic front, Saddam has the easy path, he is a Dictator and that nation speaks with one voice, while on the other front is a Babble of voices with some still trying to bring down a President by a political process, while others are trying to steer a course that will result in a One World Government under the control of the Anti-christ, while some just want to talk and build their ego, knowing little of the true situation.

As to the Message in the Heavens we note that Jupiter blazes with Glory through the month of February, Jupiter is in Cancer, and under it is the Head of Hydra. February 5., Mars (war) and Mercury (U.S.) are close together, but still Jupiter is the stronger message and we see Saturn is growing faint and weak, and with Jupiter above the Head of Hydra (the Serpent) this is very encouraging. This war is not like the Vietnam War.

An American General is at the head of our troops, and in charge of the operation called ‘Desert Storm’. Yes, we have a U.N. Resolution, but not a U.N. Commander as we had in Vietnam whereas the enemy knew every move you were going to make, same as in Korea. General Scharzkopf the American General, is 56 years of age and has been in the Army for 35 years. Technically Prince Khalid of Saudi Arabia is joint Commander, but in practice no one questions the Generals authority.