AS WE MOVE INTO JANUARY, WE ARE STILL DEALING WITH THE SERPENT ON THE FIRST OF THE MONTH. Hale-Bopp is coming out through the last coil of the serpent’s tail. But the 15th of January, the astronomers have charted Hale-Bopp to be in the sign of Aquila. Although this is just the line which Hale-Bopp is moving on in the heavens, you must remember that this so-called comet is huge. It is perhaps as much as two or three miles wide. But remember also that the pictures in the sky are also big, for they cover the dome of the heavens that we see from earth.
Perhaps we should pause here to consider this. Some people use this story of the pictures or signs in the heavens to argue against Christianity. Some think it is pure speculation to hold this for truth, that there is a personal God; that the Bible contains revelations from HIM. That Adam-man has a soul and spirit that lives beyond death. That the earth is a globe of motion ever rolling around the sun. That Jesus the Christ is the only Saviour for our fallen race. And that we must put all those things from us as empty dreams. We say, “NO.” For the story of the Cross of Christ is true and the pictures in the heavens unite with the word in the BOOK to assure us of the certainty of our Faith.
Thus, according to what we are seeing, then as Hale-Bopp leaves the sign of Ophucius it will enter the decan called Aquila. And with this constellation, then Aquila is not the only decan to be considered as a part of this Constellation called Capricorn. And thus, we have the Arrow in the picture, and even Delphinum or the Dolphin to consider as part of this story that the comet is pointing out as it travels this side of the Zodiac.