Where to Look in The Bible – Beast-Chayah-Negro

Where to Look in The Bible – Beast-Chayah-Negro

THE word beast appears throughout scriptures and often appears as simple “Beast,” or “Beast of the Field,” or “Beast of the Earth.” Three different Hebrew words are translated into the English word BEAST in the Bible. The Hebrew word CHAYAH means LIVING CREATURE, the word BEHEMA, meaning quadrupeds (like cattle), and BEIR meaning BRUTE BEAST. The Greek word ZOON translated BEAST means LIVING CREATURE.
In tracing this word down through scriptures, it is important to note that the Bible speaks of both quadruped (four-footed) beast and biped (two-legged) beasts. If you have failed to distinguish between beasts (quadruped) and beasts (biped) in the Holy Bible, you have missed a great deal of truth. We are concerned with the Hebrew word CHAYAH, which means LIVING CREATURE, and which we feel refers to the following biped (two-legged) beasts.
As you study the following scriptures and provide an answer to each question, perhaps the full implications the Bible biped beast will become more clear to you.

Take Your Choice Separation or Mongrelization

Take Your Choice Separation or Mongrelization

THE TITLE OF THIS BOOK IS TAKE YOUR CHOICE – SEPARATION OR MONGRELLZATION. Maybe the title should have been “You Must Take or You Have Already Taken Your Choice-Separation or Mongrelization,” but regardless of the name of this book it is really and in fact a S.O.S call to every white man and white woman within the United States of America for immediate action, and it is also a warning of equal importance to every right-thinking and straight-thinking American Negro who has any regard or respect for the integrity of his Negro blood and his Negro race.

For nine years I have read, studied and analyzed practically all the records and everything written throughout the entire world on the subject of race relations, covering a period of close on to thirty thousand years. For more than three years I have been writing the message of warning to the white men and women, regardless of nationality, of the United States that you will find recorded on the pages of this book.

This book is not a condemnation or denunciation of any race, white, black or yellow because I entertain no hatred or prejudice against any human being on account of his race or colour-God made them so. I have endeavoured to bring to the attention of the white, the yellow. and the black races the incontrovertible truths of history over a span of thirty thousand years. all in an honest attempt to conserve and protect and perpetuate my own white race and white civilization, and at the same time impress especially the black and yellow races with the fact that they must join in an effort to protect the integrity of their own race, blood, and civilization.

Be it said to the credit of the black or Negro race in the United States that no right-thinking and straight-thinking Negro desires that the blood of his black race shall be contaminated or destroyed by the commingling of his blood with either the white or yellow races. The desire to mix, commingle, interbreed or marry into the white race by the Negro race is advocated largely by the mulattoes or mongrels who are now to an alarming degree found within the Negro race in this country.

Surely every decent white man and woman in America should have cause to be alarmed over the mongrelization of their white race and the loss of their white civilization when Dr. Ralph S. Linton, a leading Professor of Anthropology of Columbia University, New York City, said just recently that at the present rate of intermarrying, interbreeding, and intermixing within nine generations, which is only 300 years, that there would be no white race nor black race in America- that all would be yellow. And in a recent article entitled “Who Is A Negro,” Herbert Asbury makes the alarming and sickening statement that “more than two million United States Negroes have crossed the color line. contributing, among other things an ever-widening stream of black blood to the native white stock.”

Russia’s Scythian Past – Lost Tribes and Lost Origins

Russia’s Scythian Past – Lost Tribes and Lost Origins

WE KNOW relatively little of the legendary people known as the Scythians, but what we do know is largely derived from the father of history, Herodotus. The great Greek thinker spoke authoritatively about these fascinating nomads, but archaeologists are just now learning how a vast civilization suddenly vanished. A recent expedition in Crimea, and an ongoing effort known as “Kyzyl – Kuragino” in Siberia, promise a new insight into the warlike people who once ruled over much of Eurasia.

One of the largest scale projects of the Russian Geographical Society (RGS), the “Kyzyl Kuragino” in the Tuva Republic has as its aim the discovery and preservation of vast cultural and historical value. The RGS has organized volunteer expeditions over the past five years comprised of winning contestants from 74 regions of Russia, and from 40 countries worldwide. Excavations in the so-called Valley of the Kings in Tuva back in 2003, whispered of a Russian greatness attached to an idea, rather than to some preconceived notion of nation. Fast forward to today, a 2003 find at a secret site in Crimea tells of a formidable people, perhaps the fabled Colchians even, who were keepers of the fabulous golden fleece the Argonauts sought. Join us in a brief excursion into the world of the Scythians, a people peculiar in their “new ideas”, and their relationships with the world around them.


The Relations Between Ancient Russia and Scandinavia and Origin of The Russian State

The Relations Between Ancient Russia and Scandinavia and Origin of The Russian State

The Lectures which are here presented to the public were delivered at Oxford in May, 1876, by invitation of the Curators of the Taylor Institution as administrators of the Ilchester Bequest for the encouragement of the study of the Slavonic Language, Literature, and History. Within the boundaries set by the terms of the endowment, it was natural to me to choose a subject which, at the same time as being Slavonic, had some reference to Scandinavia, and I could not long be in doubt as to the choice.

I give the Lectures here, in the main, so as I had at first written them, with such slight modifications and additions as, in revising my manuscript, I thought necessary. According to this plan I have not hesitated to insert several details of a philological kind which I was obliged to leave out or abridge when delivering the Lectures, but which are in fact so important to the purpose I had set myself that it seemed to me they could not well be omitted here; such will be found, for instance, in the inquiry into the names of the Dnieper rapids, the Old Russian proper names, the history of the name Varangian, &c.

I hope that the book may have gained by this, and I shall be glad if I have succeeded in contributing somewhat towards the final and impartial solution of a historic-ethnographical problem which may possibly have some interest also to English readers.

I beg to express my best thanks first and foremost to the Curators of the Taylor Institution, not only for their honourable invitation to lecture at Oxford, but also for their liberality in undertaking the printing of the Lectures at the cost of the endowment; next, to all those who have met me with kindness, as well with respect to the present work, as during my stay in England. Among them I must be allowed to offer my special thanks to one of the Curators, the Rev. G. W. Kitchin, who has also kindly assisted me in reading the proofs, an assistance all the more valuable in that it has been afforded to one who is writing in a foreign language.


November, 1877

Myths and Legends of The Celtic Race

Myths and Legends of The Celtic Race

THE Past may be forgotten, but it never dies. The elements which in the most remote times have entered into a nation’s composition endure through all its history, and help to mould that history, and to stamp the character and genius of the people.

The examination, therefore, of these elements, and the recognition, as far as possible, of the part they have actually contributed to the warp and weft of a nation’s life, must be a matter of no small interest and importance to those who realise that the present is the child of the past, and the future of the present; who will not regard themselves, their kinsfolk, and their fellow citizens as mere transitory phantoms, hurrying from darkness into darkness, but who know that, in them, a vast historic stream of national life is passing from its distant and mysterious origin towards a future which is largely conditioned by all the past wanderings of that human stream, but which is also, in no small degree, what they, by their courage, their patriotism, their knowledge, and their understanding, choose to make it.

The part played by the Celtic race as a formative influence in the history, the literature, and the art of the people inhabiting the British Islands – a people which from that centre has spread its dominions over so vast an area of the earth’s surface – has been unduly obscured in popular thought. For this the current use of the term “Anglo-Saxon” applied to the British people as a designation of race is largely responsible. Historically the term is quite misleading. There is nothing to justify this singling out of two Low-German tribes when we wish to indicate the race character of the British people. The use of it leads to such absurdities as that which the writer noticed not long ago, when the proposed elevation by the Pope of an Irish bishop to a cardinalate was described in an English newspaper as being prompted by the desire of the head of the Catholic Church to pay a compliment to “the Anglo-Saxon race.”

Living on The Edge Aliens and Outcasts

Living on The Edge Aliens and Outcasts

IN 1210, King John arrested all the wealthy Jews in England and demanded a ransom for their release. This was a common way of extorting money from a vulnerable community which relied on royal ‘protection’ for its survival. However, this royal protection came at a very high price. The Crown used the Jewish community as a source of large sums of cash. These might be taken in loans or, as in the case of John, through direct force. John had already used this method on more than one occasion, including forcing the Jewish community to make a massive contribution towards the ransom earlier paid to gain the release of Richard I.

The sum John demanded in 1210 was huge and came to 66,000 marks. The mark was a unit of account and worth two-thirds of a pound (or 13 shillings and 4 pence). The amount demanded therefore came to £44,000.

In Bristol the Jewish community was imprisoned in the castle until the money demanded was produced. The chronicler, Roger of Wendover, recorded the story of one ‘Jew of Bristol’ who refused to pay his ransom. The sum demanded from this unfortunate Jewish resident was 10,000 marks, or £6,600. Faced with his refusal to give in to this royal blackmail, the king ordered the royal torturers to work. Their brief was to pull out one of the Jew’s molar teeth every day, until he paid the 10,000 marks. Each day, for seven days, the Jewish merchant, named Abraham of Bristol in some accounts, had one of his teeth pulled from his mouth using pliars and without the benefit of any substance to subdue the pain. And still he held out against his tormentors. On the eighth day, the torturers began preparation to rip out the eighth tooth. As they set to their bloody task, Abraham of Bristol finally gave way. After a week of excruciating pain he could take no more. He agreed to pay the sum demanded. Utterly vulnerable — as was the entire Jewish community — he could turn to no one for assistance or protection. He was living `on the edge’ in an increasingly hostile society.

Labensborn Popular History as Sex (Eugenics) Fantasy

Labensborn Popular History as Sex (Eugenics) Fantasy

The reality of Lebensborn was far removed from the Hollywood-style fantasy. Here, two student nurses bottle feed infants at one home. Student nurses were carefully screened for they too, like the mothers, had a lofty duty to the nation to fulfil Actually most mothers preferred to breast feed as long as possible to prolong their stays at the comfortable Lebensborn facilities. Expectant mothers were provided with fresh fruit and vegetables, chocolate and real coffee. They had no duties except to keep their rooms neat and provide for the health of their offspring and were encouraged to take strolls for exercise through the broad lawns and gardens surrounding many of these country homes

Killing The English

Killing The English

IN April 1945, Dr. Raphael Lemkin (an adviser on international law to the former League of Nations) provided an important review of the primary techniques of genocide, as employed by the Nazis. Those techniques included: the partitioning of previously unified countries into administrative regions to destroy political cohesion; attacking existing cultural structures to weaken national resolve and obliterate former cultural patterns; the use of schools to poison the minds of vulnerable children; the undermining of the spiritual and communal foundations of the established Christian church; the promotion of pornography, alcohol and gambling to create moral debasement within the national group; the destruction of the industrial infrastructure and economic independence of the country; and (most especially) the use of various means to reduce the existing population, and the birthrate, of the targeted native people.[1]

Such techniques closely parallel those of the Marxist Frankfurt School. And both originate from the same malfeasant philosophy of forcing extreme and un-consented social change, by undermining the existing homogeneity of a sovereign country. It is a political process that accrues power by inciting hatred towards others – and thereby providing to itself, and to its supporters, a self-serving and perverse justification for the perpetual discovery of ‘others’ requiring elimination.

In the decades following the Dr. Lemkin report, a covert form of genocide has been developed as a single, ‘progressive’ political doctrine – but one which still retains the core techniques, as outlined above. Although ‘progressivism’ is an ideology that promotes itself as ultra-liberal and tolerant, an arguably more apt description (given the globally redefined, racist hatemongering) is ‘progressive-Nazism’.

Kill The Best Gentiles

Kill The Best Gentiles

The purpose of this book is to present to WHITE YOUTH factual information conventionally suppressed or distorted by the mass media, and denied them by schools and universities — which are forced to promulgate the Marxist line or lose their government subsidies. Appearing throughout the text are quotes from world authorities whose credentials appear in the bibliography. Upon reading TOB SHEBBE GOYIM HAROG! (KILL THE BEST GENTILES!) you will understand that — despite loud protests of denial — an age old CONSPIRACY does exist to destroy Western

Civilization. At this moment we are engaged in a deadly war with the HISTORIC ENEMY to determine whether or not our Nation will endure. We are losing that war because an Iron Curtain of censorship has descended over the landscape abrogating the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Without Freedom of Speech our system of government cannot function.  The hour is late. You and your family are in grave danger. We will present the FACTS then discuss what actions must be taken.
Best wishes,
James W. von Brunn

Jews, and Jews in England

Jews, and Jews in England

HERE is a book which caste aside all prejudice, and with authority, real learning and research, gives us a picture of the Jews as a people, especially in their relations to this country. When the World is seething with uncritical anti-Judaism and equally impassioned and uncritical apologies for the Jew, we are in need of a calm, dispassionate and authoritative review of the Jewish question as it affects us in England. It can safely be said that until the appearance of this volume no such work was in existence in the English language. The conference on the settlement of Jewish refugees at Evian is no mere academic matter. It is a burning question affecting, by the numbers of exiles we receive into this country, the very growth of our national character as well as the immediate employment of our own countrymen. We cannot assume an attitude of censure or approval toward the countries where anti-Semitism and racial distinction are officially recognised until we have knowledge and authority for our yardstick. Bitterness is being aroused on both aides, but knowledge and authoritative judgment are not heard.

The author is widely learned in his subject: he is able to give an objective account on which to form a judgment. He has gone in to the origins of the Jews and traced the persistent common factors in their character from pre-Christian days until now. He shows that by ridiculing the much-abused Word “race” you cannot dispose of the Jew as a persistent ethnic and psychological type. He assesses their qualities as fairly as their defects from the Gentile point of view. He weighs the evidence of their activities throughout England and Europe. He does not burke the problems of diluted blood either in Jew or Gentile. In particular he traces the influence of the Jews upon our national institutions and customs in recent history. He shows us how so many things have changed before our eyes without our knowing it. In this sense the book is as important for knowledge of ourselves as it is for a true assessment of the Jews.

No man who wishes to arrive at an honest understanding of this all-important question can afford to disregard this volume.