Heroes Of The Right Wing

Heroes Of The Right Wing

During the American Revolution, despite the fact that the population was almost equally divided between patriots and Tories, there was no dearth of Americans willing to risk all they owned for the Cause of Liberty. For many of them, this was a great deal, as they were successful landowners and businessmen.

Over two hundred years later, on, it is useful to examine the leadership of the patriotic movement as I have observed it during the past fifty five years. I have seen countless workers, many of them unsung, who gave as unstintingly as did the Washingtons and Jeffersons of another day. Today, the majority of those who sacrifice for their country are wage earners barely able to keep up with rampant inflation, and the elderly eking out an existence on tiny pensions. Many of them give to the so called Christian leaders of the right wing, who rake in millions while they declaim that they are one hundred per cent supporters of the State of Israel.

Many few years ago, when I was working for Mr. H. L. Hunt, he coined the term, the Mistaken, for those who sabotage America in the service of alien powers. He labelled those who help America the Constructives. It would be an error to suppose that the Mistaken are limited to those who lead the Zionists in their Satanic mission to destroy Christian civilization. Some of the Mistaken have come to lodge in the patriotic movement, placed there by the machinations of the Anti-Defamation League and its countless subterranean operatives.

Henry The K

Henry The K

Modern Jewelry, a trade publication circulated to the nation’s jewelry stores, is not a magazine generally read by American anti-Communists. The June, 1988 issue carried a full page advertisement featuring the former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger. Paid for by the Diamond, Jewelry and Watch Division of the United Jewish Appeal and Federation of Jewish Philanthropies, the advertisement headlined an earnest Henry Kissinger’s appeal to “Demonstrate your solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Israel.” Solidarity, of course, is a key word in the
lexicon of Jewish international socialism and finance. That is why international agitators in Poland named their movement “solidarity”. Solidarity has always been the watchword of the American labour movement, in which American workers were compelled by law to pay a tax, called union dues, to international Jewish socialist organizations allied with the lowest and most vicious underworld terrorists.

UJA chairman of the dinner, to be held at Marriott Marquis on Broadway in New York City, was Andrew H. Tisch, of the family which now owns CBS and until recently dominated the U.S. Postal Service. Kissinger was to receive $35.000 for his charitable workout, but not to worry; UJA expected each diner, a wealthy jeweler, to make at least a ten thousand dollar donation to the UJA, tax free, the tax burden to be thrust later on American workers, Think of that ten thousand dollar donation the next time you stop in at your friendly local jewelry store.

The Great Betrayal

The Great Betrayal

This is the story of the Great Betrayal. During the twentieth century, Americans increasingly have become inured, even desensitised, to the continuous accusations, testimony, and public hearings which have detailed the many betrayals of our Republic. Why have there been so many betrayals, rather than one calamitous act of treason? The history of this century has borne out the strength of the admirable edifice which was reared up by our Founding Fathers. They included in it so many safeguards, so many far-sighted defences, so many shields for the security of the succeeding generations, that no single act of conspiracy could bring it down. No Benedict Arnold, no Franklin Delano Roosevelt, acting alone, no matter how seasoned they might be in the affairs of treason, could weaken this great edifice to the extent that the ever-waiting barbarians, the Thuggees of old, could pour into the breach and take possession of our culture without a fight. For that reason, the process of betrayal has been an ongoing one, continuing over a period of many years.

In tracing and reconstructing the operations of this process, the present writer has devoted some fifty years to investigation, assiduously trying to locate the missing key, a Golden Key of Destruction, that single instrument which had the deadly ability to plunge our nation into its present abysmal state. Our Colossus of Liberty, so artfully constructed, could fend off the snarling dogs and the multitudinous rabble of our enemies for a considerable time, but inevitably, at some dark moment, there came the poignant instant when the blade was thrust into the heart of the nation. During those decades, this writer, like a latter day Sherlock Holmes, busied himself with obtaining the evidence, seeking piecemeal the hidden proofs and the most finite documentation of the crimes of the enemy against us. There was more than enough such testimony to keep me occupied for many years, but, with each new piece of evidence, I added another and even more meaningful piece to the puzzle, and thus came another step towards completing the entire picture. Even as my assemblage of evidence grew more mountainous, their pattern became ever more simplified, until, at last, I realized that I was on the verge of revealing the final apostasy of those who had dedicated their lives to bringing down the American Republic. I found this last, and most damning proof, not in some obscure protocol of the conspirators, hidden in some dusty recess, but in the imposing building of our National Archives. The secret was found in the language of our most sacred text, the Constitution of the United States of America.

George Viereck

George Viereck

Every American today is a victim of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s policies. Inflation, the vast and inextinguishable debt, the vicious group of international revolutionaries still ensconced in the highest echelons of government; these and many other ills can be traced directly to the reign of King Franklin the First. Malevolence and megalomania were the
hallmarks of Roosevelt’s relationships with others. One of his many victims was the poet, George Sylvester Viereck.

Viereck’s father was the results of a liaison between Kaiser Wilhelm I and Edwina Viereck, an actress who was called the most beautiful woman in Europe. In his room at the Hotel Belleclaire, Viereck kept a marble bust of his grandmother which did justice to her fame. Because of this kinship, Viereck was customarily addressed as “cousin” by Kaiser Wilhelm II and other members of European royalty. With this entree, he was received everywhere, and he conducted many widely published interviews with such luminaries as Henry Ford, Lloyd George, Hitler and many others.

Viereck’s volumes of poetry were given front page reviews in the New York Times Book section, and his poem, “Nineveh,” describing New York City, was President Theodore Roosevelt’s favourite verse. “Teddy” carried a copy in his wallet and loved to haul it out and read it to visitors. During the 1920’s and 1930’s, Viereck was one of the most popular and highly paid journalists in America, featured weekly in the Saturday Evening Post, Liberty, and other mass circulation magazines.



One of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s ancestors was Isaac Roosevelt, first director of the New York Trust after the Revolutionary War, when Alexander Hamilton betrayed our young Republic by funding the national debt and placing us in the hands of Jewish financiers in France and Holland.

As a young Harvard lawyer, FDR found himself one of the poorer Roosevelts. Old ex-President Theodore Roosevelt was living in comfort in Oyster Bay, after having made thirty-five million dollars profit in gold from the United States Treasury in one operation for J.P. Morgan Co. (Rothschild) & J. & W. Seligman Co., New York, when he purchased the Panama Canal. When he sued the New York World for libel for printing some of the more interesting particulars of this case, the United States Supreme Court unanimously threw out Roosevelt’s suit.

His son, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., was to do his bit for the family honor by acting as finger man in the hundred million dollar swindle, the Teapot Dome oil scandals of 1924. Despite the fact that he was publicized as the man who got Harding to sign the oil-land release to Sinclair, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., then Assisstant Secretary of the Navy, formerly director of Sinclair Oil Co., was not even called to testify at the Congressional Hearings. In Some unexplained manner, this distinguished American became a General in the United States Army, and, venturing too near the front lines in France during the Second World War, heard a gun go off nearby and fell dead of a heart attack, thus vindicating the fighting tradition of his family.

Ezra Pound

Ezra Pound

WHO is America’s most important literary figure? He is a man whose name and work is unknown in his country today because he was also a great patriot. This unknown poet, who created a great body of work, and who influenced and aided more writers than anyone in our history, is Ezra Pound. Ignored by the American people to whom he devoted his life, Ezra Pound died in exile in Venice, Italy, November 1, 1972.

Because of his battle against the international usurers, Ezra Pound spent thirteen years in a madhouse as America’s Unknown Prisoner. He was the most prominent victim of the Communist tactic of committing a political opponent to the insane asylum. Charged with treason he spent thirteen years without trial confined in what he termed “the Hellhole.” I and a few others, lacking money or influence, did what we could to interest the American people in his plight, and in 1958, the charges were dropped.

Eustace Visits American Free Press

Eustace Visits American Free Press

America’s greatest historian—bar none—is once again making his most pivotal works available to the public for a limited time. And AMERICAN FREE PRESS is proud to be in the forefront of distributing the books of the amazing Eustace Mullins The last several years have been rough for America’s premier populist historian, 86-year-old Eustace Mullins. He had a debilitating stroke, was imprisoned in a nursing home against his will, robbed of many assets by corrupt vultures who posed as friends—the list goes on and on.

But Eustace is now in the care of a good friend, Jesse Lee and, despite the fact that he doesn’t move as fast as he used to, Eustace remains alert, bright-eyed, witty, articulate, and—most of all— ever and always committed to the principles he’s fought for over the last 60 years— beginning in his days as a young protégé of then-imprisoned poet Ezra Pound, the iconoclastic American-born global icon.

Elegy For A State

Elegy For A State

As I pointed out in my most recent work, The Curse of Canaan, “The tentacles of the Masonic Canaanite octopus are nowhere more deeply embedded than in the State of Virginia.” This depressing fact was emphasized when the present Governor of Virginia, Gerald Baliles, organized the Virginia-Israel Commission to promote closer relations between the State of Virginia and the bandit State of Israel. Baliles threw the resources of Virginia’s omnivorous tax collectors behind his pet project, one which may have been closer to his heart because of his own background. Although he has coyly refrained from revealing his origins, it is notable that he is the only state governor in Who’s Who who has left blank the names of his father and mother. Who’s Who biographies generally lead off with the full name of the father and the maiden name of the mother. It is possible, of course, that Baliles did not include them because he didn’t know who they were. In that case, it would not be an omission.

The Contract Murder Of Eustace Mullins

The Contract Murder Of Eustace Mullins

For more than five years, I have been battling to stay alive in the State in which I live. My adversary has not been the mafia, but the Commonwealth of Virginia. The occasion was my publishing the American Christian Messenger, founded in 1972, in the summer of 72 issue, titled the Red State of Virginia. I revealed for the first time that the famed Byrd machine, which maintained iron control over the people of Virginia for many years, was actually the Rothschild-Byrd Machine. In December, 1893, Toni Martin, a railroad lawyer representing Jacob Schiff of Kuhn Loeb and Company, the American branch of the House of Rothschild, ran for the U.S. Senate from Virginia. He was predicted to lose against the popular Fitzhugh Lee, but Kuhn Loeb bought ten members of the Democratic Caucus of the Virginia Assembly for the sum of one thousand dollars each. They then switched their votes from Lee to Martin, who won the Senate seat.

Two young men from Martinsburg, VA were launching their careers at that time. They were long time friends, Harry Byrd and Lewis Lichtenstein Strauss.

The Curse Of Canaan

The Curse Of Canaan

After forty years of patient study of the crises which faces humanity, I arrived at a very simple conclusion-all conspiracies are Satanic! In retrospect, this conclusion should surprise no one. I admit that it came as something of a surprise to me. I had never anticipated that my decades of work would lead to such an all-encompassing and unchallengeable solution. This answer had eluded me through the years, not because I was on the wrong track, but because I had not yet consulted the ultimate source of knowledge-the Bible. To trace the machinations of the materialist conspiracy, I had deliberately limited myself to materialist sources reference material on banking, politics, economics, and the biographies of those who were most deeply involved in these affairs. When at last I did decide to look up some references in the Bible, a task which was greatly simplified by a number of excellent Concordances, such and Nelson’s and Strong’s, I was overwhelmed by its immediacy, by its directness, and by the applicability of its words to present-day happenings. As the months went by and I continued this research, I was not overwhelmed by a sense of deja vu, but by an overpowering conviction that very little had changed in the last three thousand years. My first revelation was that “God has no secrets from man.” It is Satan who must confine his work to stealthy conspiracies to deception, and to promises which will never be kept. “And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world” (Rev. 12:9).

It is for this reason that politicians, of necessity, must become followers of Satan in the rebellion against God. Politicians must deceive the people in order to gain power over them, just as Satan must deceive the whole world if he is to continue his rebellion against God. Satan takes you to the top of the mountain and offers you all the kingdoms of the earth (Martin Luther King proclaimed, “I have been to the top of the mountain,” but he never revealed what had taken place there); the politician offers you free food, free lodging, free medical care — everything will become “free at last!” The politician offers to defend you against your enemies, so that he can deliver you to the ultimate enemy– Satan.