One of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s ancestors was Isaac Roosevelt, first director of the New York Trust after the Revolutionary War, when Alexander Hamilton betrayed our young Republic by funding the national debt and placing us in the hands of Jewish financiers in France and Holland.

As a young Harvard lawyer, FDR found himself one of the poorer Roosevelts. Old ex-President Theodore Roosevelt was living in comfort in Oyster Bay, after having made thirty-five million dollars profit in gold from the United States Treasury in one operation for J.P. Morgan Co. (Rothschild) & J. & W. Seligman Co., New York, when he purchased the Panama Canal. When he sued the New York World for libel for printing some of the more interesting particulars of this case, the United States Supreme Court unanimously threw out Roosevelt’s suit.

His son, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., was to do his bit for the family honor by acting as finger man in the hundred million dollar swindle, the Teapot Dome oil scandals of 1924. Despite the fact that he was publicized as the man who got Harding to sign the oil-land release to Sinclair, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., then Assisstant Secretary of the Navy, formerly director of Sinclair Oil Co., was not even called to testify at the Congressional Hearings. In Some unexplained manner, this distinguished American became a General in the United States Army, and, venturing too near the front lines in France during the Second World War, heard a gun go off nearby and fell dead of a heart attack, thus vindicating the fighting tradition of his family.