As I pointed out in my most recent work, The Curse of Canaan, “The tentacles of the Masonic Canaanite octopus are nowhere more deeply embedded than in the State of Virginia.” This depressing fact was emphasized when the present Governor of Virginia, Gerald Baliles, organized the Virginia-Israel Commission to promote closer relations between the State of Virginia and the bandit State of Israel. Baliles threw the resources of Virginia’s omnivorous tax collectors behind his pet project, one which may have been closer to his heart because of his own background. Although he has coyly refrained from revealing his origins, it is notable that he is the only state governor in Who’s Who who has left blank the names of his father and mother. Who’s Who biographies generally lead off with the full name of the father and the maiden name of the mother. It is possible, of course, that Baliles did not include them because he didn’t know who they were. In that case, it would not be an omission.
Elegy For A State
Elegy For A State