Henry The K

Henry The K

Modern Jewelry, a trade publication circulated to the nation’s jewelry stores, is not a magazine generally read by American anti-Communists. The June, 1988 issue carried a full page advertisement featuring the former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger. Paid for by the Diamond, Jewelry and Watch Division of the United Jewish Appeal and Federation of Jewish Philanthropies, the advertisement headlined an earnest Henry Kissinger’s appeal to “Demonstrate your solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Israel.” Solidarity, of course, is a key word in the
lexicon of Jewish international socialism and finance. That is why international agitators in Poland named their movement “solidarity”. Solidarity has always been the watchword of the American labour movement, in which American workers were compelled by law to pay a tax, called union dues, to international Jewish socialist organizations allied with the lowest and most vicious underworld terrorists.

UJA chairman of the dinner, to be held at Marriott Marquis on Broadway in New York City, was Andrew H. Tisch, of the family which now owns CBS and until recently dominated the U.S. Postal Service. Kissinger was to receive $35.000 for his charitable workout, but not to worry; UJA expected each diner, a wealthy jeweler, to make at least a ten thousand dollar donation to the UJA, tax free, the tax burden to be thrust later on American workers, Think of that ten thousand dollar donation the next time you stop in at your friendly local jewelry store.