My Irrelevant Defence

My Irrelevant Defence

“Soul had they none, nor lineage;
“Nor wit, nor headmen,
“Nor crafts, nor letters,
“Nor e’en a glimpse of God.”
British Edda.

“Ye are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning. . . .” –– St. John, viii, 44.

“In order to destroy the prestige of heroism for political crime, we shall send it for trial in the category of thieving, murder, and every abominable and filthy crime. Public opinion will then confuse in its conception this category of crime with the disgrace attaching to every other and will brand it with the same contempt.” –– Protocol 19, Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

“If I am killing a rat with a stick and have him in a corner, I am not indignant if he tries to bite me and squeals and gibbers with rage. My job is, not to get angry, but to keep cool, to attend tomy footwork and to keep on hitting him where it will do the most good.” ––A. S. Leese, speaking at Reception, 17th Feb., 1937,on his return from prison

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Mr. Poujade’s party winning 51 seats in France is of course a bolt from the blue but not necessarily for the Jews who, generally,dislike him. He is not a democratic politician but a man of strong character who knows that as Democracy is Death, action must be taken against it for the good of his country. His grim announcement that he would hang those of his party who try to use it for their own ends shows that he also knows that a successful leader must be able to count on 100 per cent fidelity. Many of his supporters are anti-Jewish, and so we, hope that Mr. Poujade will refer to Jews as Jews, not “contemptible stateless persons.” A crowd marching down the street shouting “Down with Contemptible Stateless Persons” would soon go hoarse. In France’s extremity, she may have found the way out.

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DURING and after the war, our Jewish brain-washers developed the use of a word “totalitarianism” in order to confuse our minds by coupling Fascism and Communism as of one ilk.

Actually, Communism and Democracy are closely related to one another, so much so that Fascism was born to prevent Democracy itself degenerating further into Communism, which Democracy is particularly liable to do when the racial make-up of a country is poor. The great basic lie of Equality is accepted as truth both by Communism and Democracy, but Fascism utterly repudiates it. Senator McCarthy’s (left) recent experiences show that Democracy has no real defence against Communism; it is already hopelessly undermined by it and largely because of Freemasonry. The Jewish Power is behind both Communism and Democracy, but always antagonistic to Gentile Fascism.

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This Freemason, who will of course replace Churchill very soon, will ensure that the latter’s departure from office will not weaken the Jews’ hold over this country. Actually, we know of no Jewish blood in Sir Anthony’s pedigree; no-one has ever proved to our satisfaction that the Schaffalitsky ancestor of his was Jewish.

But Eden never hid his preference for Jewish circles; he was a great friend of the Bolshevik Jew Litvinoff, and also of the late Sir Philip Sassoon (whose mother was a Rothschild) with whom he used to sup several times a week. Another of Eden’s friends was Israel Moses Sieff, Planner No. 1 of “P.E.P.” (Political and Economic Planning, identical with the Jewish New Deal of Roosevelt in U.S.A.), whose flat in Park Lane he often visited.

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The Battle Against Fluoridation

A 24-page pamphlet, Fluoridation Unmasked, has been printed in America by Miss Fanchon Battelle and we are trying to get some to sell over here; if we succeed, it will be notified in a future Gothic Ripples.

A Jew doctor named Irving D. Litwack, Health Officer for Long Beach, California, having formally recommended fluoridation of the municipal water supply as a means of improving the teeth of the community, Miss Battelle tackled him asking him to justify his recommendation by producing evidence of any experiments and tests on the strength of which it had been made. All she got in reply was in the usual phraseology of the fluoridation promoters who had coached Public Health Officers on the proper answers to give to critics of the scheme; these instructions had been given at the American Public Health Association Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, which Dr.Litwack had attended. It was clear from his reply that so far as public health was concerned, he was proposing not a remedy, but a dangerous experiment on the people.

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Gothic Ripples 99


When it was announced the other day that Jewish doctors in Russia had been arrested on charges of poisoning leading Bolsheviks by the deliberate employment of harmful medical treatment, a deafening scream of horror went up from World Jewry at the very idea that Jews would do such things. But it has all happened before. Our opinion, given in Gothic Ripples,No. 97, that Stalin himself gave instructions to Dr. Mikhoels for the poisoning of Zhdanov and others, which Mikhoels passed on to other Jew doctors, seems to have been correct, judging from what happened in 1933 in another case, well described in The Great Conspiracy, written in 1947 by two Stalinites, Michael Sayers and Albert E. Kahn.

It was then Henry Yagoda, a Trotskyite, who gave similar orders to Soviet doctors; Yagoda was a Jew, born Herschel, and had just been made Chairman of the OGPU or secret police. Yagoda got a certain Jew doctor,Dr. Leo Levin, of the Kremlin medical staff, into a position in which the latter could be blackmailed, and instructed him to put certain Soviet leaders out of the way. This Levin then directed Dr. Ignaty N. Kazakov, to finish off the ex-Ogpu Chief Menzhinsky, who was a patient of Dr. Kazakov,accompanying his orders with threats as to how Yagoda would ruin Kazakov if the latter refused to carry them out Actually, Yagoda found it necessary personally to threaten Kazakov, after which Kazakov killed off Menzhinsky who had angina pectoris and bronchial asthma. Menzhinsky died 10th May 1934.

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THE quality most rare and precious in people is Moral Courage, but, even among Aryans it is as unusual as physical courage is commonplace in them. Men who would feel ashamed of feeling fear of death itself will run like rabbits from any danger of being classified, even by people they may despise, as belonging to the ” lunatic fringe “which is the Kosher phrase with which Jews and their supporters are wont to “smear” the Jew-wise.

The World War II need never have happened had Mr. Neville Chamberlain announced publicly something he knew about its origins, instead of just sharing his knowledge with diplomats with whom he was intimate. What that “something” was, is explained below. It is taken from Forrestal Diaries, edited by W. Millis (Viking Press, 1951). The diaries of the late James Forrestal. In private life, he had been a banker; although a Gentile, he succeeded the Jew Clarence Dillon as President of Dillon, Read and Co. A few years later, he left the bank and became Under-Secretary to the U.S.A. Navy in 1940, and then Secretary (1944); and in 1947 he was made Secretary of Defence until he resigned in March,1949. Our readers will remember that he met his death on 22nd of that month, apparently by the new method of secret execution, defenestration; in Gothic Ripples, No. 53, p. 3, we recorded our suspicions about this supposed suicide. Forrestal knew too much. His diaries now prove it.

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If World War III is successfully arranged, it will simply be a case of Gentile blindly warring with Gentile for the complete destruction of Gentile civilisation in Europe, the Jewish instigators looking gleefully on; for the Jews are in power on both sides. We have lately given evidence of the essential Jewishness of Bolshevism. Now we deal with the essential Jewishness of the chief partner among the Western Powers, the United States of America. Here are a few of the Key Appointments in that country as far as War and its Preparation are concerned:-

President. H. S. Truman, obviously part-Jewish at least, who says his favourite reading is the Talmud, and who prefers Jews as intimates.

His personal adviser is the Jew Sam Berger; the Jew David Niles recently retired in this capacity owing to anti-Jewish publicity on his position.

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“Democracy” has been made at the close of the Twentieth Century the great political key-word, the supreme criterion of life: something sacrosanct, standing unquestionably for the highest form of government, the best type of society and the finest way of life. This is so much so that acceptance has been made compulsory in the Britain of the 1990’s by virtue of the special protection now accorded to Democracy by the secret police here which now formally treats rejection of Democracy as”subversion”.

Time was when national security was viewed simply as a matter of protection from a foreign foe intent on depriving us of ownership of our land and control of our affairs. Now, in addition, one particular form of government and that alone is allowed to us, and any and every effort to replace it is classed as subversive and accordingly prohibited. Now because of the development of Democracy as dictatorship in disguise,what is called “national security” ironically aids alien intrusion from both within and without.

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Gothic Ripples 25

A MEMORIAL to Rudolf Hess, Hitler’s deputy, discovered in a Scottish field, was destroyed by anti-Nazi campaigners yesterday. The marble ‘shrine’ marked the site near Glasgow where Hess is thought to have landed by parachute on his mysterious flight to Scotland in 1941. A small group of protesters took the law into their own hands yesterday as Jewish community leaders voiced their outrage at the appearance of the monument.