Gothic Ripples 27

Gothic Ripples 27

“Democracy” has been made at the close of the Twentieth Century the great political key-word, the supreme criterion of life: something sacrosanct, standing unquestionably for the highest form of government, the best type of society and the finest way of life. This is so much so that acceptance has been made compulsory in the Britain of the 1990’s by virtue of the special protection now accorded to Democracy by the secret police here which now formally treats rejection of Democracy as”subversion”.

Time was when national security was viewed simply as a matter of protection from a foreign foe intent on depriving us of ownership of our land and control of our affairs. Now, in addition, one particular form of government and that alone is allowed to us, and any and every effort to replace it is classed as subversive and accordingly prohibited. Now because of the development of Democracy as dictatorship in disguise,what is called “national security” ironically aids alien intrusion from both within and without.