The Octopus

The Octopus

THE most colossally-financed, “O.G.P.U.”, coercive spy and propaganda machine in the United States is the pro-Red, anti-Christian B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation League (with an appropriation of a half million dollars for 1938 alone—”B’nai B’rith Magazine”, 6/38). Through its Gen­tile accomplices, it reaches even into the private mailing list of the individual. Its propaganda and-ramifications extend from coast to coast. Your information concerning national and world affairs is coloured by it. “B’NAI B’RITH serves American Jewry”, is its slogan.

Its aim, in which it largely succeeds, is national control, through coercion or inducements, of speakers, books, arti­cles, sermons, radio preachers, renting of halls for public meetings—in brief, of American freedom of speech, press and assembly. It stops at nothing in its efforts to publicly discredit any individual who dares oppose or expose any subversive activity that is Jewish, or who mentions anything unflattering to Jewry. It is breeding, instead of less­ening, anti-Semitism.
As a smokescreen, in 1938, it announced that it is against “Communism”, as well as “Fascism”, whereas its official organ, “B’nai B’rith Magazine”, now called “The National Jewish Monthly”, without exception, praises and never crit­icises Marxists (Communists and Socialists), Jewish and Gentile, of every label.

The uninformed public is unaware that Communism and Socialism are names for the identical system of Karl Marx, which is also furthered under many other group and party labels.

The Protocols Nesta Webster

The Protocols Nesta Webster

CONTRARY to the assertions of certain writers, I have never affirmed my belief in the authenticity of the Protocols, but have always treated it as an entirely open question.

The only opinion to which I have committed myself is that, whether genuine or not, the Protocols do represent the programme of world revolution, and that in view of their prophetic nature and of their extraordinary resemblance to the protocols of certain secret societies in the past, they were either the work of some such society or of someone profoundly versed in the lore of secret societies who was able to reproduce their ideas and phraseology.

The Original Mr. Jacobs

The Original Mr. Jacobs

THIS book deals with facts, and the critic will be forced to acknowledge that the truth, and nothing but the truth, is revealed in every page. This exposé is not half as severe as the subject treated of demands. Still, enough is told to bring to light the hidden venom and baneful influence of a race deemed by many “inoffensive.” To La France Juive of Edward Drumont, a duo‑decimo in two volumes, containing together more than one thousand pages, the author gratefully acknowledges his obligations for assistance derived in the preparation of this book. La France Juive, how‑ ever, is not a safe guide for the average reader.

Every statement of Drumont has been carefully analysed, examined, and fully verified before it was accepted by the author for publication in this volume. Although Drumont’s books have found readers by the thousand, and his La France Juive, in a short space of time, ran through one hundred and twenty‑ six editions, it must be confessed that the French writer is too often carried away by his prejudices, while his attacks on Americans, and on Free-Masons, and on Protestantism are not only unwarranted, but puerile and spiteful in the extreme.

The author again asserts that everything brought forward in this book, however startling it may seem, is nevertheless a fact. His whole aim has been to present the truth in all matters pertaining to this malignant and diabolical race, that has obtained so strong a foothold in our country.

The Jews and Their Lies

The Jews and Their Lies

THIS translation is the first and only English language edition of the Great Reformer’s treatment of one of the world’s most serious problems in human relations. This treatise by Dr. Martin Luther of the Jewish problems has been virtually hidden from the American people and promises to shake, shock and alert Christian America in a sensational manner.

Martin Luther

Martin Luther was born on the 10th of November, 1483. He was ordained a priest at the age of twenty-four. Later he was appointed to a life-long position as professor of theology at Wittenberg, Germany, where he translated the Bible into the German language.

Luther’s role in the history of music was also significant; his hymns opened a new era in music. He is best known for A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, and he is also responsible for the Christmas song, Away in A Manger.

The American Jew

The American Jew

WE expect that the Jews will try to boycott “The American Jew,” using the same peculiar tactics as in the case of “The Original Mr. Jacobs,” They will appoint committees to visit book-dealers, urging them not to handle the book; they will buy up and destroy all copies found exposed for sale; they will bribe, threaten, plead, and try in every possible way to’ interfere with its sale; they will circulate reports that the book has been “called in,” and will spread many other lies, — lies that the Jew knows so well how to disseminate.
But all their efforts toward stopping the sale of “The Original Mr. Jacobs” have been unavailing, for in less than three months this book has achieved a wide-spread circulation. It is, at the present writing, in its twentieth edition, and its sale does not show’ any sign of abatement.

Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars

Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars

The following document is taken from two sources. The first, was acquired on a Website (of which I can’t remember the address) listing as its source the book titled Behold A Pale Horse by William Cooper; Light Technology Publishing, 1991. The second source is a crudely copied booklet which does not contain a copyright notice, or a publishers name. With the exception of the Forward, the Preface, the main thing that was missing from the first source was the illustrations. As we began comparing the two, we realised that the illustrations, and the accompanying text (also missing from the first) made up a significant part of the document. This has now been restored by The Lawful Path, and so far as I know, is the only Internet copy available complete with the illustrations.

We have no first-hand knowledge that this document is genuine, however many of the concepts contained herein are certainly reasonable, important, and bear strong consideration.

If anyone has additional knowledge about the source of this document; has better copies of the illustrations than the ones posted here; has any missing pieces to this document, or has any comments which can improve upon the quality of this document, we will appreciate your comments.

British East India Company

British East India Company

The British East India Company was a British commercial and political organisation established in India in the late 1600’s, which was known as the Governor and Company of Merchants of London. A forerunner of this group was the London Mercers Company, and earlier than that, the London Staplers. The organisation traced their lineage back to the ancient commercial groups involved in trading between the Mediterranean and India. They were closely related to the Levant Company, and the Anglo-Muscovy Company, and spawned the London Company, which was chartered in 1606 by King James I, to establish the Virginia Plantation on a communistic basis, and the Plymouth Colony in 1621.

Germany and The Jews

Germany and The Jews


Benjamin H. Freedman was born of Jewish parents in 1890. He became a successful businessman in New York City, and was at one time the principal owner of the Woodbury Soap Company. He broke with organised Jewry after World War II, and spent the remainder of his life and at least 2.5 million dollars publicising the facts of Jewish influence on the United States. Mr. Freedman knew. He had been an insider at the highest levels of Jewish organisations, and was personally acquainted with Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermyer, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, and John F. Kennedy, and many more of the movers and shakers of his time.

Rulers of Evil

Rulers of Evil

THE ONLY PEOPLE in the world, it seems, who believe in the conspiracy theory of history are those of us who have studied it. While Franklin D. Roosevelt might have exaggerated when he said “Nothing happens in politics by accident; if it happens, it was planned that way,” Carroll Quigley – Bill Clinton’s favourite professor at Georgetown University – boldly admitted in his Tragedy & Hope (1966) that (a) the multitudes were already under the control of a small but powerful group bent on world domination and (b) Quigley himself was a part of that group.

Internet conspiracy sites strive to identify the conspiratorial factions. We get pieces here and pieces there. The world is run by Freemasons, some say. Other say Skull & Bones, and a loose confederation of secret societies. CIA gets lots of votes, along with Mossad (though I suspect these factions are merely tools) and, of course, “the British.” A major front runner is the International Banking Cartel. When Victor Marsden published The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in 1906, which purported to be a Jewish plan to take over the world, Jewish writers denied responsibility, charging a Catholic plot to defame Jewry. Whose side was Marsden on? You can get so deep into conspiracies that the suspects start cancelling each other out. It can become frustrating.

Jews and The British Empire

Jews and The British Empire

THE succession of events which have led to the almost total loss of British prestige in the sight of the world, the failure in the lamentable Ethiopian affair, Britain’s recognition of Bol­shevism in Russia and Spain, and mistaken policy in India, Palestine, Egypt and elsewhere, make it imperative for every Briton to enquire into the causes of the rise and fall of the British Empire.