Pawns in The Game

Pawns in The Game

IT WAS ONE OF THE MOST WELL-KNOWN “SECRETS” OF THE BRITISH OLIGARCHY, that the model for the British Empire was Venice. Benjamin Disraeli, the late-nineteenth-century prime minister of England, let the cat out of the bag in his novel Coningsby when he wrote, “The great object of Whig leaders in England from the first movement under Hampden to the last most successful one in 1688, was to establish in England a high aristocratic republic on the model of the Venetian–-William the Third told–––Whig leaders, ‘I will not be a doge.’— They brought in a new family on their own terms. George I was a doge; George II was a doge––George III tried not to be a doge–- He might try to get rid of the Whig Magnificoes, but he could not rid himself of the Venetian constitution.” The well-known secret of all the Whig insiders was that the Venetian takeover of England was a 200-year project beginning with the break of Henry VIII with Rome and concluding in 1714, with the accession to the throne of George I.

The Venetian Takeover of England A 200-year Project

The Venetian Takeover of England A 200-year Project

IT WAS ONE OF THE MOST WELL-KNOWN “SECRETS” OF THE BRITISH OLIGARCHY, that the model for the British Empire was Venice. Benjamin Disraeli, the late-nineteenth-century prime minister of England, let the cat out of the bag in his novel Coningsby when he wrote, “The great object of Whig leaders in England from the first movement under Hampden to the last most successful one in 1688, was to establish in England a high aristocratic republic on the model of the Venetian–-William the Third told–––Whig leaders, ‘I will not be a doge.’— They brought in a new family on their own terms. George I was a doge; George II was a doge––George III tried not to be a doge–- He might try to get rid of the Whig Magnificoes, but he could not rid himself of the Venetian constitution.” The well-known secret of all the Whig insiders was that the Venetian takeover of England was a 200-year project beginning with the break of Henry VIII with Rome and concluding in 1714, with the accession to the throne of George I.

Winston Churchill Traitor and Murderer

Winston Churchill Traitor and Murderer

A Re-adjustment of History
8th February 2019

“World history:  There are two world histories. One is the official and full of lies, destined to be taught in schools – the other is the secret history, which harbours the true causes and occurrences.”  Honore de Balzac

Winston Churchill; the man voted in a newspaper poll as the ‘greatest ever Englishman,’ was actually an evil, self-serving, narcissistic, opportunistic, hypocritical, treacherous, traitorous, perverted paedophile and a murdering psychopath.

Preposterous you say? Read on and see if you still believe this statement to be untrue at the end of this article…

The truth about Winston Churchill is that he was a menace to liberty, and a disaster for Britain, for Europe, for the United States of America, and for Western civilisation itself.

Churchill’s original Sandhurst military file, describes him as a ‘drunken, aggressive homosexual’ and that only his mother having a ‘liaison’ with the Prince of Wales, prevented him from being prosecuted for sodomy.

The following is from the highly-acclaimed British Intelligence operative-turned whistle-blower, Anthony Thomas Trevor-Stokes, better known to truth-seekers everywhere as ‘T. Stokes’…“Winston Churchill, who led Britain into both World Wars with his famous ‘V’ salute, is still revered by many people and was, in a recent, rigged newspaper poll voted the greatest ever Englishman.

Winston Churchill a Paedophile Among Many

Winston Churchill a Paedophile Among Many

Winston Churchill Was ‘Serial Paedophile’ Who Liked ‘Buggering Young Boys’

NOVEMBER 16, 2017 SEAN ADL-TABATABAI NEWS, UK, Winston Churchill was a prolific paedophile who enjoyed ‘buggering young boys,’ according to explosive diary entries. Sir John Rupert “Jock” Colville, former British civil servant to Churchill, exposed the former wartime Prime Minister in a series of shocking diary extracts. Truth News reports: Churchill had huge gambling, drinking and whoring bills, and Jock Colville claimed he usually insisted on ginger haired prostitutes, so they bought him a ginger tomcat as a private joke.

Churchill’s Sandhurst file, the original and proper one lists him as, ‘a confirmed sodomite and a menace to the younger boys’ (Courtesy of Guy Burgess diaries) this waywardness allowed Churchill to be used by the bankers, under the carrot and the stick, you do as we say and you get paid x amount, you don’t do as we say and we ruin you. In WWI Churchill took bankers cash in the name of Colonel Arden, and WWII his secretary said several names were used, Mr. A Conner’s was alleged to be just one.

The History of the Khazarians

The History of the Khazarians

SPECIFICALLY THE KHAZARIAN MAFIA (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money Magic, has been nearly completely excised from the history books.

The present day KM knows that it cannot operate or exist without abject secrecy, and therefore has spent a lot of money having its history excised from the history books in order to prevent citizens of the World from learning about its “Evil beyond imagination”, that empowers this World’s largest Organized Crime Cabal.

The authors of this article have done their best to resurrect this lost, secret history of the Khazarians and their large International Organized Crime Syndicate, best referred to as the Khazarian Mafia (KM) and make this history available to the World via the Internet, which is the new Gutenberg Press.

It has been exceedingly difficult to reconstruct this hidden secret history of the KM, so please excuse any minor inaccuracies or errors which are unintentional and are due to the difficulty in digging out the true history of Khazaria and its mafia. We have done the best we can to reconstruct it.

The Cipherers of Sephar

The Cipherers of Sephar

WE HEAR A GREAT MANY CLAIMS AS TO THE BEGINNINGS OF THE JEWS, who they are or are not. Yet it has been made hard to pinpoint the roots to the terms Ashkenazim and Sephardim, the two chief groups who together make up some 98% of those who call themselves, Jews. You will not get much truth from Jewish sources on this unless you know what you are looking for.

Basically they stonewall you with two bold and un-backed statements which tend to make the casual researcher say, “aha, that is what the terms mean”. Thus satisfied they look no further. The statements are made by rabbis yet Jewish historians are at last giving details which agree with facts given by European historians a long time ago

The two un-backed statements are, “Sefarad is the Hebrew word for Spain and “Ashkenazim is the Hebrew word for Germany”, now think about this, if this were to be so, then it stands to reason that all Spaniards could call themselves, the Sephardim, thus giving all Spaniards Jewish rights to Palestine, assuming Jews have rights to the land, it also means that the Germans can call themselves, the Ashkenazim and lay claim to Palestine if the Ashkenazim have any such rightful claims. Yet for some loopy reason the Jews who claim that the terms mean Spain or Germany feel the terms only befit Jews. The real reason becomes clear with a little delving, It may also reveal the true reason why the Jewish lobby in the USA is so hell-bent on smashing the Iraqi leadership of the day.

The reason why the Jews do not readily share these terms, Sephardic and Ashkenazim with the non-Jewish folks of Spain and Germany is because the terms simply do not really mean Spain and Germany at ail! The terms are uniquely fixed to the Jews because they are ethnic pointer terms.

Central Government

Central Government

CENTRAL GOVERNMENT IS TYPIFIED BY BABYLON — Babylonian type World Empires, based upon the concept of Central Government, are liberally strewn throughout the records of world history. Today, the epitome of Central Government is usually thought to be the Communist government of the Soviet Union But, in all fairness, evidence shows clearly that the Soviet Union’s government is NOT unlike other centralized governments in the world. The truth is, Marxism is merely a typical Central Government. And Marxism like all centralized governments, is bad!

Looking at Central Government, certain recognisable traits stand out. Central Government always develops into a self-willed, self-protecting entity interested only in its own survival. Central Government is never a servant, but rather a master It is its own master, with its own personality. It rules! It never serves’ It uses every means at its disposal (including police and military force) to protect itself against the public The people, collectively, are considered its greatest resource, and at the same time its greatest threat.
Police are employed in great numbers to enforce the Central Government’s will upon the people, and to protect it from possible public interference.

Therefore, it is a continuing struggle to keep the people suppressed. Central Government is of the nature that it must maintain its own existence in hostile surroundings. It must conquer, or be conquered! It is perpetually at war with the public. However, politicians don’t call it “war.” They callit “Political Science” (the art of conquering and controlling the masses). There- fore, Central Government’s position of unchallengeable power must be maintained. Otherwise, the people might get out of hand.

Hoskins Report Chairman Mao and The Waco Massacre

Hoskins Report Chairman Mao and The Waco Massacre

A person’s opinion is a direct result of what has been placed in his databanks. Control the data – and you control the person.

America’s Databanks

THE GOVERNMENT CLAMPED ON MONOPOLY CONTROL OF DATA CONCERNING THEIR ASSAULT ON THE WACO COMPOUND. The only data that went into America’s databanks was PsyWar data. All news was tightly censored. Those targeted were denied a voice; reporters were kept 2 miles away; trespassers seeking information were taken into custody; alternate-media reporters were arrested; all news and announcements were channeled through government secret service spokesmen.

According to the spokesman, the Davidians were “killed accidentally,” were “victims of a fire purposely set by their leaders,” or committed “mass-suicide.” Also, they were believed to have had either “illegal,” “unnecessary,” or “too many stockpiled guns.”

In the 51 days they were under siege, the FBI spokesman found no redeeming virtues in the besieged. They were totally bad; “they cursed,” “used 4-letter words,” “lied,” “were sacrilegious claiming to be god,” “were insane,” “manufactured drugs,” “assaulted babies leaving them bleeding,” “held children hostage,” “sexually assaulted children,” “held women hostage,” “were suicide-prone,” “committed suicide,” and – without trial, were pronounced “guilty” by the director of the FBI.

Hostile Takeovers

Hostile Takeovers

The Individual vs. The Corporation

“Everyone you meet is either a wolf or a sheep.”

SHEEP PRODUCE, CREATE, BUILD, AND INCREASE. WOLVES TAKE, KEEP, PULL DOWN, REND, DEVOUR, AND DESTROY. Sheep live peacefully in sheepfolds. Wolves live in raucous crime- filled dens. Sheep function as individuals, wolves function as members of the pack – they operate in corporations.

Sheep obey their Shepherd. Wolves obey the policy of their pack leader, the alpha wolf. The Shepherd orders his sheep to live in sheepfolds, each an individual king, each ruling his own kingdom (farm), each judging his kingdom under the law of his Shepherd.

Mysterious China

China has been the terminal of the overland spice trade with India and Europe for more than two thousand years. The wealthiest people in the world live in China. The leaders of the rest of the world beat a path to her door to bow to their rulers. The Westerner who considers planes, tanks, and armies to be a match for a nation forced to use money and diplomacy instead of force is a fool.

The Hoskins Report – The Sheep and The Wolf

The Hoskins Report – The Sheep and The Wolf

There are sheep and there are wolves. A sheep is a sheep. A wolf is a wolf. Wolves eat sheep. That’s what they do. Sheep try to keep from being eaten. That’s what they do. Wolves think it is unreasonable for sheep to complain. But. of course, that, too, is what they do.

The Sheep

SHEEP ARE PREDICTABLE. They all act the same way because that’s the way they are bred. They tend to congregate and follow a shepherd. The shepherd leads them to green pastures. The sheep graze, grow fat, and produce mutton, wool, milk, cheese, and skins.

Obedient sheep obey their shepherd and tend to live lives which are productive and plentiful. Sheep who disobey their shepherd may wander from the flock and be injured. Many die in the teeth of the wolf.

The smell of sheep is distinctive. They possess scent glands between their cloven hooves and leave their scent wherever they walk. Their urine and droppings also leave a distinctive odour. Sheep ranges are distinctive because of this. Sheep scent alone is sufficient to frighten most predators away from the flock. It is the area protected by the Shepherd and his dogs who will attack predators.

The Shepherd has strict rules. For countless generations he ruthlessly culled his flock. Sheep showing aggressive traits permitting them to attack and kill other sheep have been quickly eliminated. The result is that today it is almost impossible to find a sheep who will kill another sheep. Like breeds like. While predators have countless ailments, sheep have few, and NO hereditary diseases. Most serious diseases they catch are brought in by outsiders, and these have sometimes been known to almost wipe out a flock.