The Good and The Bad Figs

The Good and The Bad Figs

THIS LESSON IS ABOUT THE GOOD AND THE BAD FIGS, this information is principally found in Jeremiah. This subject is something on which a lot of churches have become sadly confused.

The first deportation in the Babylonian captivity occurred soon after the overthrow of King Jehoiachin, by Nebuchadnezzar. The Babylonians captured Jerusalem about 606 B.C., and the deportation probably took place nearly two years later, around 604 B.C. The details are set out in II Kings 24:9-17 and II Chronicles 36:9-10.

Then there was a second deportation, because the puppet king, who had been placed on the throne by Nebuchadnezzar, rebelled. Nebuchadnezzar had to come back and finish the job, deporting the rest of the people of Judah and pretty largely burning and destroying the city of Jerusalem. This is recorded in II kings 25:1-21, this was 585 B…

In between these two deportations, and in the reign of its last king Zedekiah, the prophet Jeremiah was shown a vision of two baskets of figs. Jeremiah 24:1-10 records, “Yahweh shewed me, and behold, two baskets of figs were set before the temple of Yahweh, after that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon had carried away captive Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah, and the princes of Judah, with the carpenters and smiths, from Jerusalem, and had brought them to Babylon. One basket had very good figs, even like figs that are first ripe: and the other basket had very naughty figs, which could not be eaten, they were so bad. Then Yahweh said unto me, what seest thou, Jeremiah? And I said, Figs, the good figs, very well; and the evil, very evil, that cannot be eaten, they are so evil.

That’s Controversial

That’s Controversial

NEVER BEFORE IN THE HISTORY OF OUR RACE has such a spirit of timidity and of abject fear of offending anyone, taken hold of almost everybody. Go where you will, into the homes, offices, public dinners, public forums and you still find this idea that certain subjects are taboo. They cannot be mentioned because they are controversial. Oddly enough, only vitally important matters are controversial. Why are you forbidden to freely speak your views on the important subjects of social, economic, political and religious life today?

Well, you really aren’t forbidden to, unless you happen to be on the side of good Americanism, conservatism or Christianity. You constantly find that those who hate our God are free to speak their minds at all times. They can denounce your religion, even demand that the forces of law be turned against it, to outlaw religion in the schools and all public places. If you say a word in protest, you are at once denounced as a religious bigot and reminded that there is freedom of religion, for everybody except you.

Those who hate everything that has made our nation great, who hate all that has brought us the highest living standard the world has ever known, want to replace it with that front porch of communism, socialism. These people have almost monopolized our schools and have taken over the Republican and Democratic branches of our two political parties. They can and do speak against our way of life on every possible occasion. Oppose them with a word and you are at once reminded of our sacred right of free speech. But, you have no such right for you are called a reactionary for opposing them.

The Glory of Yahweh

The Glory of Yahweh

YOU HAVE PROBABLY HEARD OR READ MY MATERIAL ON SCIENCE IN THE BIBLE, however these lessons did not exhaust the subject. Now I want to cover some of the electrical science found in the Bible, a number of incidents have been ridiculed by people who don’t understand it. Those who have accepted these incidents on faith have merely thought of them as some of Yahweh’s mysterious magic. The great God, who originated all scientific principles, uses His own handiwork according to His own laws.

In Exodus 3:1-12 we read that Moses saw a bush which was covered with fire, but it wasn’t consumed. Yahweh spoke to Moses out of the flames. People, who like to think they are wise, have ridiculed this idea of fire, which didn’t burn the bush. For many centuries, most of the sailors, who served on the old tall masted sailing ships, saw such fire when thunder storms were overhead, they called it St. Elmo’s fire. When these flames flared on the tips of the masts, lightning never struck the ship. It was an electrical discharge, by which the terrific electrical charge, which the storm had built up in the ship, was released before it could attract the terrible thunderbolt. The same great streamers of electrical flame are sometimes seen at the wing tips of airplanes, when they fly near thunderclouds.

The Comfort of The Scriptures (Inez Comparet)

The Comfort of The Scriptures (Inez Comparet)

EVERY TIME WE PICK UP OUR NEWSPAPERS, or listen to the radio and watch television, we hear of wars and rumours of wars. There is rioting in Africa and Asia, Cuba and South America. Murder, rape and violence of all kinds is rampant everywhere, even in our own country. After hearing of the conditions in the world today, I think it would be comforting to hear what the scriptures have to say about all these things. In Romans 15:4 we read, “For whatsoever things were written afore time were written for our learning, that we through patience and the comfort of the scriptures might have hope.”

As one writer expressed it, “For most of the time comfort is a soft, sleek, stroking word. But not always! Not always for the scriptures. Comfort is no softling. The word itself is like a strong man armed. Comfort, fort, fortify, fortitude.” In other words strength, nothing soft about that!

“Fortitude to see unflinchingly;
Strength to stand unwaveringly
Not a lullaby, but a trumpet call.”

The Moffatt translation of the Bible, which I will be quoting from, translates Isaiah 44:8 as follows. “Fear nothing; dread not in the days to come: Have not I foretold it and announced it long ago?”

Suppose We are Israel What Difference does it Make? (Inez Comparet)

Suppose We are Israel What Difference does it Make? (Inez Comparet)

WHAT WOULD YOU SAY TO ME IF YOU KNEW I HAD DISCOVERED THAT I WAS THE HEIR TO A VAST ESTATE, great wealth and responsibility? Instead of rejoicing in the great privilege and turning to the work with all its great issues, I simply said, “Well, what if I am the heir, what difference does it make?” I know what you would think, even if you didn’t say it.

Yet, when we show from the Bible and from history and archaeology that the Anglo Saxon and kindred people are the modern day descendants of the house of Israel, to whom Yahweh has pledged with His oath so many great privileges and blessings, many say indifferently, what difference does it make? They want only personal salvation. Now the man who has the blessing of personal salvation is the recipient of a marvellous gift of Yahweh through Yahshua. This doesn’t warrant his despising and rejecting the other birthright, the birthright of race.

Judgment Begins at The House of God

Judgment Begins at The House of God

One verse of the Bible was formerly quoted more often than it is today — although today we are arriving at the time of its fulfilment: that is I Peter 4:17, “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall be the end of them that obey not the gospel of God?” But strangely enough, this verse is almost always used by the ministers to threaten their own congregations with judgment and condemnation, as though it was the Christians who should be in fear of this judgment. Perhaps that does get more money in the offering that Sunday: but is this a correct use of the word of God? Let’s examine this subject in detail.

Israel’s Fingerprints

Israel’s Fingerprints

The Bible is written to God’s people ISRAEL. The common misconception that “the Jews are all that remains of Israel” makes the Bible seem false to those who hold this mistaken view, just as if you took a good history of the United States, and wherever it said “United States” you wrote in its place “China”; as a history of China, it is clearly false, but applied to the right nation it is true.

When the police have the fingerprints of a wanted man, they know the man whose prints match those they have is the one they. seek. Likewise, when we find the people to whom all of God’s promises to Israel have been fulfilled, we have found ISRAEL. TODAY, THE WHITE EUROPEANS HAVE ISRAEL’S FINGERPRINTS IN EVERY DETAIL.

Addendum to Noah’s Flood

Addendum to Noah’s Flood

“Our next problem is to discover where the Adamic or Aryan race originated. According to Scripture it began in Eden. But where was Eden? Concerning the location of Eden we read in Genesis 2:10-14: ‘And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; and the gold of that land is good: there is bdelhum and the onyx stone. And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. And the name of the third river is Hiddekel; that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.’ Because the Euphrates is mentioned here, people have assumed that Eden must have been located on the banks of the historic Euphrates river in Mesopotamia; but as the Euphrates and the Tigris merge into one river, the situation in no wise corresponds to the description given in Genesis, which states that one river went out of Eden and divided into four heads.

Your Heritage

Your Heritage

Much is heard in this day of the word ANTI-SEMITIC The word is a creation of the modern Pharisees who are anti-Christian. The purpose of the creation was to “smear” or blacken the name or reputation of Christians seeking to protect and defend their faith from the onslaughts of those who would destroy it.

The word “Semitic” is derived from the patriarch Shem, and is correctly applied to people descended from him. All true Israelites (NOT Jews, as this booklet shows) are therefore Semites; and today these are the great White Christian nations of the Western World. The Jews (as the second half of this booklet shows) are not Semitic at all, as their Canaanite and Khazar ancestors were not descendants of Shem. Their smear accusation “anti-Semitic” against all who oppose Jewish seizure of Palestine is, therefore, false. (Indeed, the Arabs – who are half Semitic – can truthfully accuse the Jews of anti-Semitism!)

That fact is quite obvious. It has been said that Communism seeks to make black white and white black. The word anti-Semitic is just one example of such mis-use and intended opposite meaning, in an effort to attach an ill-sounding term which should be self-applied, to him or them who are actually quite the opposite in viewpoint.

Noah’s Flood (Addendum 2)

Noah’s Flood (Addendum 2)

Editor’s Note: The distinguishing mark of a real scholar is a continuing desire for additional knowledge and a willingness to cast aside previously held concepts the moment they are found to be false; and the honesty to acknowledge such changes in understanding is most commendable. When Dr. Comparet wrote the foregoing article on Noah’s Flood, he placed the Garden of Eden near the headwaters of the present Euphrates River; in other words, in northern Mesopotamia. But he subsequently learned that the Garden of Eden was more likely located in the Pamir Plateau of central Asia, immediately west of the Tarim Basin, and now accepts the views of Frederick Haberman on the subject as being entirely correct: the views expressed in Mr. Haberman’s interesting and authoritative book called TRACING YOUR ANCESTORS – and the following is taken from pages
11-14 of that book:

“Our next problem is to discover where the Adamic or Aryan race originated. According to Scripture it began in Eden. But where was Eden? Concerning the location of Eden we read in Genesis 2:10-14: ‘And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; and the gold of that land is good: there is bdelhum and the onyx stone. And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. And the name of the third river is Hiddekel; that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.’ Because the Euphrates is mentioned here, people have assumed that Eden must have been located on the banks of the historic Euphrates river in Mesopotamia; but as the Euphrates and the Tigris merge into one river, the situation in no wise corresponds to the description given in Genesis, which states that one river went out of Eden and divided into four heads. If we wish to accept the Bible statement as descriptive and authoritative, we are compelled to look elsewhere for a group of four rivers originating from one source.