Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 60

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 60


THIS IS MY SIXTIETH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND COMPLETES MY FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. Five years ago I decided to make this ministry an independent endeavour. I was aware that I could in no way, in all good conscience, associate and identify with those teaching against Two Seedline. Then too, I realized there were those in Two Seedline who were going off on tangents in various unrelated areas, and I needed to separate myself from that kind of environment. Therefore, my main effort is research in proving Yhwh’s Word to be true in every respect.

I have literally put thousands of hours of study into these teaching letters and brochures which I have put into your hands. The primary reason for segregating from the anti-seedliners is because their erroneous position helps to promote race-mixing, which is almost out of control at our present time. I will continue to try and counsel those who are caught-up in the error of the one-seed theory.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 59

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 59


THIS IS MY FIFTY-NINTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. I will soon complete my fifth year of publication with my sixtieth teaching letter in April. As I’m preparing this letter I have noticed the enemy is really using to his utmost his race-card, in a multicultural sense, on television. It’s simply a constant barrage of Satanic ideology.  Anyone who is not aware that we are in a race-war simply hasn’t done his homework. Today the clowns called preachers in the mainstream churches are the greatest race-traitors the world has ever known, and they call it Christianity. Even some in Israel Identity avoid the use of the “R” word thinking they’re doing Yhwh a favour.

Anyone who hasn’t discovered that the Bible is a book about race from the beginning to the end, doesn’t know what true Christianity is all about. Therefore today, those uninformed so-called “Christians” are trying to walk with one arm embracing Yhwh, and the other outstretched to Satan. Ditto for the “universalists” in Israel Identity, who dub it “the restitution of all things.” Until the White race is completely separated and isolated from all the other races, there will be no “restitution of all things.”

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 58

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 58


THIS IS MY FIFTY-EIGHTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. With this teaching letter, we will continue our walk through Daniel. This is not an effort to cover all of Daniel, but those parts which concerns his prophecies. As I have pointed out before, the various unreal, debauched interpretations that have been promoted by various sources are simply preposterous and outrageous.

The so-called experts on the subject simply do not follow the first principles for interpreting Bible prophecy. It should be pointed out, one must do a lot more than simply read the book of Daniel. One might read it a hundred times, but if he doesn’t branch out to other connecting evidence, he will never comprehend what Daniel is all about. With this lesson, we are going to branch out into those other areas. Once one becomes familiar with all the testimony, it will not be so easy for those unscrupulous manipulators and purveyors of falsities to engineer their subterfuge.

To study Daniel thoroughly, much history and a wide area of geography are required. Not only that, but it is paramount we know who Scripture is talking about on every particular occasion. For instance, the name Darius is used at Ezra 4:5; 4:24; 5:5-7; 6:1; 6:12-15; Nehemiah 12:22; Daniel 5:31; 6:1, 6, 25, 28; 9:1; 11:1; Haggai 1:1, 15; 2:10; Zechariah 1:1 and 7; 7:1.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 57

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 57


THIS IS MY FIFTY-SEVENTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. For the last few teaching letters we have been doing a walk-through of Daniel’s prophecies. It is simply amazing how his predictions have been distorted and wrenched out of shape. There are few who really do his prophecies justice. Most everyone seems to want to twist his predictions into wild, groundless conjecture. We shall now look into some of those manipulated postulations. Like I explained before about Daniel 9:27, the Futurists apply to Satan that which belongs to our Redeemer. This is very serious, for there is no greater error that could be made. As we will see, it is a doctrine right out of the Universal Roman Catholic Church.

To give you some insight where this teaching is coming from, I will cite and quote from a book entitled History Of Antichrist, by Rev. P. Huchedé. This book is published and sold by Tan Books And Publishers, Inc., P.O. Box 424, Rockford, IL 61105. It is a reprint from an English edition of 1884, Nicholas Bray, NY., and reprinted in 1969, 1971, 1973 and 1976. Evidently, the English edition of 1884 was a translation from a former French version, according to page 5. On the publisher’s preface this statement is made: “Basing his comments on Sacred Scripture and on the Fathers, Doctors, and Saints of Catholic Church … the tradition concerning Antichrist preponderantly favors the position that he will come, that he will be an individual man, that he will rule throughout the world … based upon the very solid foundations of the Bible and the writings of the Church’s greatest minds.”

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 56

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 56


THIS IS MY FIFTY-SIXTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. WITH THIS TEACHING LETTER, we will continue our walk-through series in the Book of Daniel. One very important element we should understand about Mohammedanism is the fact that they don’t worship the same god as the Christians. Before Mohammed came along, Mecca was a centre of the worship of many false gods. All Mohammed did was to reduce their pantheon of approximately ten false gods down to one false god, Allah. In Judaism, Mohammedanism and Christianity there are three different deities. For Christianity it is the Mighty One of the Hebrews; for the Mohammedans it is the false god Allah; and the “Jews” actually worship Lucifer.

It might be well to show the variant pronunciations and spellings of the name of Mohammed. For this, I will quote from the 1980 Collier’s Encyclopaedia, volume 16, page 405: “MOHAMMED …, an English form of one of the commonest Muslim names, first borne by the founder of the Muslim religion (which is sometimes called Mohammedanism after him). The name has had various forms and spellings in the West: Mohammed, Mohamed, Mahomet, Mahound, and even Baphomet.

All these forms derive from the Arabic Muhammad … A Turkish form of the name, Mehmed, is used for several sultans of the Ottoman Empire; and a modern spelling that has come into English through French, Mehemet, is frequently used in the name of Mehemet Ali, the Ottoman viceroy who founded modern Egypt.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 55

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 55


THIS IS MY FIFTY-FIFTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. This lesson will be a continuation of a series in a walk-through of Daniel. The object of this walk- through is to show there is an overlap of Daniel’s prophecy into the book of Revelation. Inasmuch as most Bible students recognize Daniel’s prophecy as being “Historical” in nature, it is only reasonable to conclude that the overlapped prophecy from Daniel into the book of Revelation is also “Historical” in nature.

In lesson # 54 for October, 2002, we discussed the “little horn” of Daniel 8:9. As I had pointed out, the “little horn” in that passage is not the same as the “little horn” of Daniel 7:8. How often have you read or heard someone referring to the “little horn” of Daniel, and they never indicate which “little horn” of Daniel they are talking about. To many, both “little horns” are the same entity in their reasoning, and that simply is not true. To comprehend where we are on our walk through Daniel, you will need back issues #49, #53 & #54. In the last lesson (#54) we established that the “little horn” of Daniel 8:9 was Mohammed. Because Mohammed played such a key part in Daniel chapter 8, it will be necessary for us to spend an entire lesson on him.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 54

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 54


THIS IS MY FIFTY-FOURTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. In lessons #49 and #50 we studied about Nebuchadnezzar’s dream-image, interpreted by Daniel, concerning the four beast empires of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. We saw how the great amount of slave-trade caused a mixture of non-assimilable people in the Roman Empire; how the Teutonic German tribes wore down and eventually destroyed Rome; and, the destiny of the two-legged image which represented the western and eastern branches of the Roman Empire.

In lesson #53, we discovered the “little horn” of Daniel 7:8 was the Roman papacy. In this lesson we will investigate the “little horn” of Daniel 8:9. To begin, we will read each verse followed by commentary by Adam Clarke. I prefer Clarke, as his comments are somewhat better than the other commentaries on this passage:

Daniel 8:1: “In the third year of the reign of king Belshazzar a vision appeared unto me, even unto me Daniel, after that which appeared unto me at the first.”

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 53

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 53


THIS IS MY FIFTY-THIRD MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. In Watchman’s Teaching Letters #49 and #50, we started a walk-through of Daniel’s prophecies. The purpose for doing that was to counter many of the irrational ideas some have concerning both the book of Daniel and Revelation. Many in the past have tried to push all these prophecies either into the far distant future or into the remote past for various religious, political or monetary reasons.

Those who project these prophecies into the future are termed “Futurists”, and those who contrive them to be in the past are dubbed “Preterists.” While there are some prophecies yet to be fulfilled in the future, and many already fulfilled in the past, the proper interpretation for these books should be “Historical.” There is little disagreement that Daniel’s prophecies were “Historical” in nature. Therefore, the prophecies of Daniel, which overlap Revelation, must also be “Historical.” Once we comprehensively cover Daniel’s prophecies, we will discover that “overlap” is greater than we might have anticipated.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 52

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 52


THIS IS MY FIFTY-SECOND MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. In the last few lessons, we have been considering the subject of prophecy. In lesson #49 we dwelt on Nebuchadnezzar’s dream-image, interpreted by Daniel. In lesson #50 we studied about how the German Teutonic tribes were instrumental in Rome’s eventual fall, predicted by that interpretation.

Though it may not seem like it, lesson #51 also concerned itself with prophecy, inasmuch as Isaiah 22:25 was predicting the eventual downfall of the British Throne as we now know it. In that lesson, we learned the importance of the “key of David.” In this lesson, we will discuss several seemingly unrelated topics, but in one way or another, the subject of prophecy will be involved. Because others have neglected to address this subject, I decided to continue on the topic of the “key of David” from lesson #51. We will now continue probing more commentary on “the key of David” from Isaiah 22:22-23. For this, we will first use Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible, abridged by Ralph Earle, pages 581-582:

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 51

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 51


Prince Phillip – Seed of Cain

THIS IS MY FIFTY-FIRST MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. At this point, I am going to repeat a warning. It seems like there is always someone out there teaching a different gospel of the Kingdom. One such person is Garrison R. Russell in his book Son Placing, where he says on page 290: “The Sons of God are not descendants of Abraham, or Israel, or Adam.” If you have this man’s book, I would highly recommend you scrutinize very carefully every word he says. From what I have observed from his book thus far, it is filled with half-truths and downright lies.

You will remember that in the last two Teaching Letters, #49 and #50, I promised to document that Queen Elizabeth II’s husband, Philip, was of questionable blood and how all the children from that union are unfit to take the Throne of David, which the British throne represents. I said the following in lesson #49: “… from the news I notice the queen-mother of England is dead. I’m fully persuaded Elizabeth II is the last pure blooded descendant of David left to sit on the throne, while Philip Mountbatten and his heirs are of questionable blood presenting prophecy problems.” Then again in lesson #50 I reiterated: “In the last lesson, I briefly mentioned that the queen-mother of Britain had died. I believe that this is a major mile-marker in time as to where we are today on Yahweh’s time-clock. I would remind you that Scripture says in no uncertain terms that there would always be a descendant of David on a throne somewhere until Messiah’s Second Advent.