The Passing of Richard Kelly Hoskins

The Passing of Richard Kelly Hoskins

LET US ALL THANK GOD FOR WORKING IN AND THROUGH HIM GREATLY. A great life witness for the true Israel message of the Kingdom. He was a great inspiration for all true Americans, and there should be an enduring legacy. He is in several YouTube videos alongside my former head Pastor together at America’s Promise.

Hoskins Reports

Hoskins Reports


Genre Religion & Spirituality, Politics

American author and activist. It is claimed he introduced the term “Phineas Priesthood” as a designation for Christian vigilantes who avenge crimes against White Christendom.

Hoskins was born in 1928 in Lynchburg, Virginia where to went to school. He later went a military academy in Waynesboro and then joined the Air Force during the Korean War. After leaving the military he earned a degree in history at Lynchburg College. Hoskins moved to New York and worked as stock broker for a short time before moving back home to Virginia.

Extracts from the Hoskins Report

( These Reports Are Filed under Various Headings – Click on Blue Hyperlinks Below for The Various Extracts below on download)

Chapter 008 – Germany Meets The Establishment

Chapter 147 – German Feast of Orders

Chapter 155 – Pigs Ate Yankees

Chapter 157 – The Phinehas Priesthood

Chapter 214 – The Sheep and The Wolf

Chapter 215 – Battle of The Catalonian Fields

Chapter 220 – Operation Armageddon

Chapter 221 – Road to War

Chapter 222 – Hostile Takeovers

Chapter 223 – Corporations and Estates

Chapter 224 – Mao and Waco

Chapter 225 – Trade Religions Sell Indulgences

Chapter 226 – The Unforgiveable Sin

Chapter 227 – Arab Turk Invasions

Chapter 228 – The Sadducees

Chapter 229 – Arabs and Jews Make Peace

Chapter 230 – Africa

Chapter 231 – Sacred Food

Chapter 266 – Saxon Identity

Chapter 272 – The Serpent;s Seed

Chapter 286 – The Nephidem Stranger

Chapter 287 – The Nephidem Stranger 2

Chapter 288 – 9 Million Germans

Chapter 298 – The Saxons

Chapter 304 – Year 2000

Chapter 306 – Babylon

Chapter 354 – China

Chapter 357 – Esau’s Illusions

Chapter 408 – The Mongol a Short History


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