The Hoskin Report – Sacred Food

 The Hoskin Report – Sacred Food

THE CHRISTIAN WEST has been conquered. Its God is being replaced with the god of its conqueror. Observance of many things done formerly in obedience to the God of Israel is now outlawed by the conqueror’s statutes – Sabbath “blue laws,” trial by strangers, taxes, imprisonment to punish, and racial intermarriage, to name a few.

The following is a brief study of the ancient Western ritual of eating; who, when, and under what conditions one eats. To insist on observance of these eating rituals today would be to incur the wrath, and punishment, of the king who has outlawed them.

However, from an historical standpoint, it is educational to study what our ancestors considered to be important. It is even more interesting to note professional Christian organizations and people WHO HAVE NO EXCUSE FOR THEIR REFUSAL TO DO THAT WHICH GOD REQUIRES. Their REFUSAL speaks louder than their words. It tells you their probable commitment to the rest of the WORD which is God.