Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 24

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 24

QUESTION: This hidden wisdom which YAHWEH ordained before the foundation of the world unto our Glory. What is the hidden Mystery?

ANSWER: In the second chapter of I Corinthians the Apostle Paul goes on telling these Corinthians that he did not come to them because he thought he was excellent in speech and wisdom but he came to declare to them the testimony that YAHSHUA was YAHWEH in the flesh, their redeemer. That the atonement had been made, that their Faith should not stand as mans wisdom, but in the power of our Redeemer. (vs 5)

This hidden wisdom which is spoken of here is that this Adamic Race is the household of the MOST HIGH, children of YAHWEH’S Spirit, begotten in the Celestial with HIM before this earth was ever laid out. That since the fall of Adams race then it was necessary for YAHSHUA’S ministry, that this was a visitation of YAHWEH in the flesh to his own household. And that this race is Israel of the Bible, and is to be restored to the Glory that we lost in the fall of Adam and Eve. (vs 7) This is just a bit of the hidden wisdom of the Scriptures. The Apostle Paul reveals more and more through his Epistles.

Now; none of the Princes of the World Order understood this, for if they had they would not have crucified YAHSHUA who was YAHWEH in the flesh, Why? Because the Prince of this world (Lucifer) and his fallen Angel hosts lost control of all the spirits of the Adamic children in the Netherworld. They no longer are able to hold any of those spirit children. The Law of sin and death still stands, but the curse was nailed to HIS CROSS. The physical body still ages and dies, but the spirit since the crucifixion returns to HE who begat it, who gave it life. (vs 8)

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 23

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 23

QUESTION: Romans chapter ten, Brethren my hearts desire and prayer of Israel is that they might be saved?

ANSWER: Remember that Salvation to Israel is being brought back to the sheepfold, so that they may hear the Sheep Call, grafted back on their own Olive Tree. Then at a promised time all Israel will act right, do right, and never be ashamed anymore. ‘For I bear them record that they have a zeal of YAHWEH, but not according to the knowledge (of the kingdom). For being ignorant of YAHWEH’S program of the kingdom they go about trying to establish their own program for reaching him. But YAHSHUA is the end of the law of righteousness to everyone that believes. (vs 4)

O.K., so what were the Israelites to believe? That YAHWEH himself came as YAHSHUA‑Messiah to redeem His people, to graft them all back on to their own Olive Tree, so as to bring them back to the Sheep Fold as they hear the Sheep Call. If you confess with our mouth that YAHWEH came embodied as YAHSHUA‑Saviour and believe in your heart that HE raised His physical body from the tomb by the power of His Spirit, this is Salvation for Israel. This is not being ‘born again’. this sets Israel apart, brings them to the recognition of the ‘Sheep Call’.

The word ashamed in verse eleven means you will not be opposed or in opposition to the program of the kingdom. There is thus no difference in a Judean or a Greek if they are both of Israel for the same YAHSHUA, is YAHWEH in the flesh, and HE is over all. And whosoever shall call upon YAHSHUA shall be saved. (Brought back to the sheep fold) But who are they to believe in HIM is they haven’t heard? And how shall they hear unless someone comes to tell them? And how can someone come to preach or to teach them unless they are sent? (vs 15) How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gospel of Understanding (kingdom), and bring these glad tidings of all good things. But they have not all obeyed the Gospel. Even Isaiah complained: ‘YAHWEH who has believed our report?’ Yet Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the WORD of YAHWEH. The WORD, the living WORD is YAHSHUA, and again you must look past the printed word unto the Living Word. (vs 17)

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 22

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 22


The Epistle to the Romans

QUESTION: To the Jew first? Romans 1:16.

ANSWER: This is always the first question. The Apostle Paul was writing to the Romans who were Lost Israelites who have settled in that area of Europe. There were also some Israelites of the Judah Kingdom now in Rome as well.

Paul starts this Epistle saying he is a servant of YAHSHUA, that he was called to be an Apostle, separated to preach the Gospel as laid out by YAHSHUA. He tells them that YAHWEH came through the Seed Line of David into the flesh as YAHSHUA and proved His power by the Resurrection. That HE chose His Apostles to preach the Faith among all nations for HIS name. (Vs. 5). The Apostle Paul goes on to say that the rest of Israel is also called by YAHSHUA thus to the Judeans that be in Rome, to the Saints, ’Grace be unto you, and peace (understanding) from YAHWEH our Father who came as YAHSHUA.’ But He is still our Father. And this word ‘Saints’ does not mean someone they elevated in church and put a halo on. It means believing offspring. And you did not become a believing offspring at the altar, or in an Evangelistic meeting either. You, if you are Israel, were born a believing offspring. You then read in the book of Daniel 7:18, that the ‘Saints take the Kingdom and possess it forever.’

Remember here that the Apostle Paul while under house arrest in Judea, was writing his Epistles. He had longed to go to Rome for sometime, but has always been delayed. He has friends and relatives in Rome, and he wanted to go to Rome to tell the Israelites living there, that there are many things he has learned. He thinks there will be many in Rome who will turn in their thinking after he tells they the many things he now knows. He thinks they will turn as the other Lost Israelites now called Gentiles, have turned when he has witnessed to them.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 21

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 21

QUESTION: Did Peter really go to Rome? We don’t find him mentioned so much after Acts 12??

ANSWER: Here in Jerusalem Herod killed James the brother of John and he saw this pleased the Jews so they put Peter in Prison. But YAHSHUA had other plans for Peter, and (Vs 6) one night Peter is sleeping between two soldiers bound with chains, and an Angel came into the Prison and woke Peter and the chains fell off. The Angel told them to put on his sandals and his cloak and the Angel led Peter outside of the Prison, and then Peter went to the house of Mary the mother of John Mark. He knocked at the gate and Rhoda came to the gate. She was so excited when she heard the voice of Peter that she ran back to tell the others that Peter was at the gate instead of opening up the locked gate of the compound surrounding the home. The others didn’t believe her for they thought that probably Peter was to be killed as James had been.

Finally they let Peter in through the gate and great was the rejoicing of their group. When daylight came the soldiers were in fear, for where was Peter? The keeper would be put to death because he had escaped. Herod was very angry because of this work of the Apostles and disciples which they were doing in his area. Those not of Israel rallied around Herod, and they bowed to Herod saying he is god, but then Herod soon died anyway, because of course he was not a god, sure not the God of Glory, and with his death then the word of this witness of the disciples and Apostles spread more rapidly.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 20

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 20

A SHORT TIME AFTER THE RESURRECTION on the other side of the old city of Jerusalem, two of the disciples were walking to the village of Emmaus. (Luke 24:13) These disciples were very depressed, what would they do now, all seemed to be lost, the Messiah was dead. Soon a third man joins them and walks along with them.

They do not pay any attention to him for they are so deep in their depression, and finally HE asked them why they were so sad. They replied: surely you have heard, you must be a stranger or you would have heard that the Chief Priests and rulers of Jerusalem had put YAHSHUA‑Messiah to death??? Then the stranger began to talk to them, and He asked: Should not YAHWEH as Messiah embodied in the flesh have taken all transgression upon Himself, been crucified so that He could raise His body from the tomb?

Then He went on to outline the story of the Scriptures from the days of Moses on down to their time. Strangely their hearts were thrilled as they listened to HIM, and since they had not eaten for some time they were now hungry, and they suggested they go into the Inn near by for a bit of food. They had not been allowed as yet to see YAHSHUA, but even though His words had strangely moved them, the time was not quite right. But there at the table as HE broke the bread for them then their eyes were opened and they could see the nail prints in HIS hand, and now they also knew that HE had Risen. And in a radiant burst of Light He was gone from their sight. The disciples now hurried back to Jerusalem to tell the disciples gathering there that they had seen Messiah, He had spoken to them, He was alive.

Then YAHSHUA appeared to some of the others, but Thomas was not with them. Later they told Thomas that YAHSHUA was alive, they had seen HIM, but Thomas would not be comforted, for he had heard HIM say: ‘It is finished’. Thomas had seen HIM drop His head, Messiah was dead.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 18

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 18

QUESTION: The marriage feast of Matthew 22, some would come, the elect are invited, and when they wouldn’t come then everyone was invited???

ANSWER: Now wait a minute, that was not the elect who refused to come. This was a King and he was inviting the rich and the powerful, so they went out and asked all these people in the sovereignty of that king to come. In fact this is again in areas of physical identifiable capacities of authority and power. But everyone who did not come was those who did not have the spiritual capacity to understand, in fact these were those with no spiritual capacity. But out on the highways and by ways of the world was Lost Israel, who had spiritual capacities, and they were brought to the wedding. The people who were invited were symbolic of natural honour to people in high positions of wealth and responsibility, power and prestige, who would be naturally invited, but they had some excuse and they couldn’t come.

This man without the wedding garment, there is some question about as to whether this translation is true or not. In the Darby version, and some of the others this wedding garment is imputed righteousness, and this is given to all with the capacity to respond. What we are up against here in translation is the fact that the church tried to ghost this into shape, so as to cover some area of their interpretation.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 19

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 19

QUESTION: would you review for us the events leading up to the Passover, through the Crucifixion and Resurrection? Where do we find these in the Scripture? Also why do we try to learn so many things when in the Book of Mark 13:22; even Jesus did not know certain things?

ANSWER: We will take the last question first because if you think for one moment you would question this translation. Let us look at that verse; ‘But of that day, and that hour knoweth no man, no not the angels who are in heaven, neither the son. But the Father.’ Since you now know that the son here in translation is YAHSHUA who is YAHWEH in the flesh, then the correct translation would be: ‘Not the Angels which are in heaven,

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 17

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 17

QUESTION: Who is Nicodemus of John chapter 3, who came to Jesus at night? How does he tie in with the other disciples for he came with Joseph of Arimathea later after the cross?

ANSWER: Since we have done the topic ‘Born Again’ and twice born people, and their differences will tell you here what we know about Nicodemus, and others of this close knit group of YAHSHUA’S ministry other than Joseph of Arimathea who we have spoken of before also.

In the time of YAHSHUA’S ministry there were several wealthy Israelite families living in Judea. In Jerusalem itself was the home of the father and mother of Mark who wrote one of the four Gospels of our Bible. This was a large home in the centre of the city, on Mt. Zion. It had more than one story and it was in the upper room of this house where the Passover supper was eaten. Here many times the upper room was used when the disciples or YAHSHUA came to Jerusalem. The mother of John Mark became a great hostess, and her home was known as the House of Mary. And this Mary is the 4th listed, Mary, in the Scriptures.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 16

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 16

QUESTION: John 2:4; ‘What have I to do with thee? Mine hour is not yet come.’

ANSWER: This was at the wedding in Cana of Galilee, and YAHSHUA was gathering His disciples, but he and they were invited to this wedding. In the Ferrah Fenton Bible this is translated as He replied to His mother when she said they had run out of wine. ‘What is that to you and ME mother? My time has not yet come.’

Good wine is not wine with an alcohol content. So YAHSHUA did not turn water into intoxicating wine as you might have thought. The process

of fermentation is not a natural one. Nature never forms spirituous liquors, she rots the grape upon the branch, but it is an art thought up by men that converts the juice into alcoholic wine.

In the Book of Josephus he makes mention of Herod’s fortress called Masada. There Herod had stored large quantities of grain to enable his army to survive for a long time. Here also was wine and oil in abundance with all kinds of herbs, vegetables, and dates heaped up together. These products were also fresh and full, ripe in no way inferior to such fruits laid in, although they had been there almost 100 years.

Such facts regarding long preservation of fruit and other foods are confirmed by many other historians, this seems to be something this world has forgotten.

Christian Sheep and Satan’s Wolves

Christian Sheep and Satan’s Wolves

AMERICA WAS INTENDED FOR WHITE CHRISTIAN NATIONALISTS. The Founding Fathers never envisioned America for multi-racial or multi-religious equality, nor for internationalism. As partial substantiation for this, a foremost social spokesman in America, THE NEW YORK TIMES, admitted that blacks were purposely excluded from the white man’s heritage (Magazine section, February 9, 1964). The country’s founders were all of Christian background, and nothing historically suggests they desired any faith to prevail in America other than Christianity; later, the nation was formerly declared Christian by the U. S. Supreme Court on February 29, 1892 (Holy Trinity Church vs. U. S., 143 U. S. 471). George Washington’s “Farewell Address” of 1796, cautioning against foreign entanglements, is an indication of desired nationalism. Instead of these traditional intents, however, America has become an interracial hodgepodge, a de-Christianised immorality, and a land which places international interests before national ones.

White Christians today are a neurotic, confused, and terribly-divided people. Probably the one thing the vast majority now mutually agree upon is the “good life. ” To gain it, most manifest a willingness to do almost anything. In the process, they have become morally compromised by greed and growing softness. With their obsession over materialism, white Christians fail to see that their precious rights are being stolen by aliens.

Traditional (white Christian) Americans are now on the verge of virtually turning over their society to non-Traditionalists, having first been generous (foolish!) enough to share it with them. It is the old story of letting the camel put his head into the tent. With his head in, the camel soon, by stages, manoeuvres in its entire body, crowding, then pushing out the rightful occupants.

The time will come for most white Christians when, in misery, they belatedly shall seek the source of their country’s damnation. “How, 11 they will then ask, “did it happen? What or who is responsible?” The question now can be asked, Why are Traditional Americans not aware of and outraged over what is happening to their racial, Christian, and national heritage? This writing undertakes to answer that question.