Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 25

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 25

Here in Verse 45 is this Mystery. The first man Adam who was spirit of His Spirit and was made a Living Soul, and the last Adam, YAHSHUA, was a quickening Spirit. But before this (vs 46) how be it that the first man was of the earth earthly? That this first man was of the earth a created people where as the second man was a LORD from Heaven? Now in this understanding we are talking about this Adamic race, for Adam was a Lord from heaven or a ruler from the heavens, and he was to name all the creatures and was to rule the earth. Thus the first man was earthly, he did not carry any spiritual seed, he was a created being. The second man Adam was a ruler from the heavens and we now have the separation of the Adamic race from the other races which were born in the image of the heavenly in our form. (vs 49) The Apostle Paul has now confirmed what we have been telling you about this Adamic (white) race of people.

Now this I say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven, neither doth corruption inherit incorruption, behold I show you a mystery’ and this mystery is unfolded from verse 45 to 47. We were thus begotten of incorruptible seed, we did not inherit the heavens because we have an earthly body, but we have a spiritual entity.

Therefore we are told that this is a hidden mystery, it is something which was promised to us before the world was framed, it is the hidden mystery of HIS GLORY. We were promised redemption, of even this physical body which does not inherit the kingdom of heaven in this form. The Princes of this world did not know this for if they had they would not have crucified the LORD of Glory. They would have then realized their defeat because as they crucified the LORD of Glory He fulfilled the atonement and His children were set back in their place of Sonship. And ‘eye hath not seen or ear heard the things prepared for those who love HIM.’ But YAHWEH revealest these things unto your remembrance, I will lead you to the knowledge of all truth.

YAHWEH reveals these mysteries to His children for the spirit searches out all things. For what man knoweth the things of man save the spirit of man? Even so the things of YAHWEH knoweth no man but by the spirit. We did not receive the spirit of the world order, of the earth‑earthy, we received the spirit which is of YAHWEH and why?