Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 21

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 21

QUESTION: Did Peter really go to Rome? We don’t find him mentioned so much after Acts 12??

ANSWER: Here in Jerusalem Herod killed James the brother of John and he saw this pleased the Jews so they put Peter in Prison. But YAHSHUA had other plans for Peter, and (Vs 6) one night Peter is sleeping between two soldiers bound with chains, and an Angel came into the Prison and woke Peter and the chains fell off. The Angel told them to put on his sandals and his cloak and the Angel led Peter outside of the Prison, and then Peter went to the house of Mary the mother of John Mark. He knocked at the gate and Rhoda came to the gate. She was so excited when she heard the voice of Peter that she ran back to tell the others that Peter was at the gate instead of opening up the locked gate of the compound surrounding the home. The others didn’t believe her for they thought that probably Peter was to be killed as James had been.

Finally they let Peter in through the gate and great was the rejoicing of their group. When daylight came the soldiers were in fear, for where was Peter? The keeper would be put to death because he had escaped. Herod was very angry because of this work of the Apostles and disciples which they were doing in his area. Those not of Israel rallied around Herod, and they bowed to Herod saying he is god, but then Herod soon died anyway, because of course he was not a god, sure not the God of Glory, and with his death then the word of this witness of the disciples and Apostles spread more rapidly.