Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 104

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 104

AFTER READING OF THE LOST PHARAOH’S WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO BELIEVE that these early Master Builders of this Adamic Race just sat down in Egypt after their great building venture in that land, and stayed in their rocking chairs until they died and were buried? Or would you be willing to accept as we do the evidence that these Master Builders and some of their descendants moved on leaving others to Administrate what they had set in order in Egypt while they fulfilled their Destiny in other places?

As we were searching for more records of the past, Jeanette found in the Library of the Kansas University this book called, “The Druids”, and here it is stated that this was a study in Keltic History. Of course we were interested in seeing as to what this author, T.D. Kendrick M.A., Department of British and Medieval Antiquities, of the British Museum would have to say about the Ancient Druids of Britain.

As we have outlined for you before there were Druids in Britain long before the coming of the Kelts, but our author struggled through several chapters in his book pointing out that this study of Druidism is a general knowledge of THE RACIAL HISTORY AND PREHISTORY, AS WELL AS THE SOCIAL ATMOSPHERE OF THE EARLY GALLIC AND BRITISH CIVILIZATION. He however found it difficult to establish the distant past because tradition is laughed at in the modern world. He did point out that the word MAGI is associated with the word DRUID, then added that this does not mean much to a sophisticated Modern student. You will recall that Dr. Swift told us that the Druids as well as the Magi were a part of the Ancient ‘Light Carriers’ of the race, and in that category we would place them as interesting.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 103

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 103

AS WE REVIEW THIS BOOK PUBLISHED IN 1950 IN BRITAIN, and written by Leonard Cottreal perhaps you wonder why this study of these Ancient so called Egyptian people is so important as we are tracing the Adamic people as they spread out over the earth as those ‘Amazing Aryans’? One thing our people fail to realize is that these Ancient peoples had a great knowledge and a great faith as they moved out over the earth.

Perhaps this will explain: This is an excerpt taken from a writing called: ‘The Second Treatise of the Great Seth.’ This was found by Jeanette in the Book called, ‘The Nag Hammadi Library’, now in English. (Christ is now speaking to Seth, and seemingly explaining His part as His children walk the earth as those Amazing Aryans)

‘I was in the mouths of lions. And the plan which they devised about me to release their error and their senselessness, I did not succumb to them as they had planned. But I was not afflicted at all. Those who were there punished me. And I did not die in reality but in appearance, lest I be put to shame by them because these are my kinsfolk. I removed the shame from me and I did not become fainthearted in the face of what happened to me at their hands.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 102

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 102

‘This Generation Shall Not Pass Until All – Things Be Fulfilled’. (Matthew 24:34)

The word Generation carried a double meaning which is often not realized. It carries the meaning of RACE as well as a period of time in someone’s life. The Generations of the Adamic Race begins in the Scriptures in Genesis 4:1. When The Christ walked the earth as Jesus, Saviour, the word still carried the meaning of Race because many of the generations of this race would come and go and still the Kingdom Administrations is not in place. Jesus thus was saying that there would still be some of His race here in earth as He comes as KING OF KINGS. He was also saying that the Viper Race would still be with us also right up to the time of the Return of The Christ as KING OF KINGS. They would still be denying the Resurrection, still be trying to pervert the doctrines of the Church (the spiritual centre of the Kingdom), still be trying to subvert the plan of this Divine Administration of earth, and still be shedding the blood of men who are on the ‘RIGHT’, as well as usurping the position of God’s chosen people.

For instance: ‘The tree (family tree or race) is known by its fruit, O Generation (race) of vipers how can ye being evil speak good things?’ Matthew 12:34. ‘The children of the World (order) are in their generations (races) wiser than the Children of Light’ (Luke 16:8). ‘A seed shall serve HIM; it shall be accounted to the LORD for a generation (race)’. Psalms 22:30.

Today we still find the same battle raging between the Children of Light and the Children of Darkness. In this tape we are recalling to your memory another time in our history when this battle was very much in focus. At that time in our history as a nation there were still too many communists in our Government, too many people in high places in our nation did believe in our God, and the drive was on to make these United States a part of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, no longer a Sovereign Nation.

At this time in history then God ‘called’, and another Patriot stood for God and Country and denounced the enemy. As we look into the life of this other Patriot in this continuing battle we have the testimony of a Lady who worked for this Patriot during the time the powers of Darkness sought to destroy a young Senator who sought to warn the American people of this Communist infiltration of their Government, this was Larry Lent. We also have a book by the young Jewish attorney who worked for this Senator and his name was Roy Cohn.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 101

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 101

‘The Continuing Battle Between The Children Of Light And The Children Of Darkness.”

IN THIS SERIES, YAHWEH WILLING, THE THEME IS THE SAME AND IDENTIFICATION IS THE STORY, and we will be using as always the Tape Ministry of Dr. Swift and my understanding as we try to bring you more details in this continuing battle in our time in the flesh.

Today all people walk under one banner or the other, as they move here in their time table in this program of Restoration and the eventual Restitution of all things. Today there are two ways of teaching, One is of Light, and one is of Darkness. There is a great difference in the two, one is of the LORD from Eternity to Eternity, the other is the rule of the present time of Iniquity. One is the Gospel of the Kingdom which is the Administration of the earth by Divine Law, from the throne of God, and The Children of LIGHT who inherit the kingdom while the other is by Satan and his Children of Darkness who have been trying to gain total control and hold the whole world in Darkness.

In the DEAD SEA SCROLLS there is recorded: ‘the war between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness’. This is written as though a battle here in the physical, which it is, but also it is in allegory and symbolism, and we have learned when we find his reality to look further for a much deeper meaning.

A Short Study of Esau-Edom in Jewry (Annotation)

A Short Study of Esau-Edom in Jewry (Annotation)

THE FOLLOWING ARE HANDPICKED QUOTES FROM THROUGHOUT THE BOOK “A Short Study of Esau-Edom in Jewry” by British author C. F Lewis. The entire book is also provided here for download. Whenever these quotes refer to the Bible, the scriptural passage is also quoted for convenience. Page numbers from the Lewis book are provided. This study “fills in the gaps” of other essays on this website by proving with scripture and quotes from historians, ancient and modern, how Esau-Edom is to be found in modern Jewry. We are now living in what may be called “The age of Esau-Edom”, since Zionist anti-Christ Jews are the predominant political, economic, academic and religious force on the planet.

All of this they have achieved by usury, corporate monopolization, mass media propaganda, economic fraud and skimming at all levels, mass murder, assassination of key political figures, wars by proxy, nepotism and self-promotion, secret societies, mass immigration schemes against white nations and a plethora of other fine-tuned tactics (all outlined in the Protocols … of Zion) for which their satanic mentality is ideally equipped. According to Yahweh God, the seed of Edom “is spoiled”.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 100

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 100

I STARTED THIS TAPE SERIES, MYSTERIES OF THE KINGDOM, using the method of Questions and Answers and will finish this series with this 100th Tape the same way. Through these 100 Tapes, plus the other material we have tried to refresh your memory as to the outline of the Great Mosaic of This Kingdom of YAHWEH (God) in Heaven as it will be in earth. We have used the Swift Tape Ministry and my understanding for our source of knowledge, and if by this time you do not realize who you are, and why you are here, then we must have failed. However, it has also been a great learning experience for us as well, and we believe we have only scratched the surface as to the knowledge available to us if we are interested in searching.

We believe that as we search the past we are given knowledge for the future, thus we keep studying and searching and trying to better understand the Message contained in the Swift Tape Ministry which we have had access to over the years. We have been retyping some of what we consider those Swift Tapes with the deeper meanings, perhaps to reach yet a better understanding of what Dr. Swift, under inspiration was revealing for us.

QUESTION: .Why did Moses break the tables of stone as he came down from the Mountain after talking with God?

ANSWER: .In the writings of the early Christian Fathers as well as in the Sinaitic writings we also find this Biblical story of Moses on Mt. Sinai. In the Epistle of Barnabas we are reminded of this again and it stirs our memory.

Remember that Moses had been 40 days on the Mountain receiving instructions from none other than Almighty God Himself. No doubt Moses was once more instructed in the program of the Kingdom as to how these final pieces of the Great Mosaic would be filled in. Moses no doubt was instructed as to the part these Aryans now called Israelites were to play in their time table here in the flesh as time was drawing near for the Coming of the Messiah.

In this Epistle of Barnabas, there is a word inserted which stirs out interest. Moses is now coming down the Mountain, after the instructions and carrying these two tables of stone and said to have been written on by the finger of God.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 99

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 99

AS WE LOOK ONCE MORE AT THE CIVILIZATIONS IN THE DISTANT PAST we realize that this modern world owes a great debt to the men and women who lived, loved, and laughed so long ago. Actually there is little new, under the sun, as you begin to understand the PAST.

In this study we will review some of the facts recorded by Ivor Lissner in his book, ‘The Living Past’. Our author was born in Germany and spent his adult life travelling and studying the great civilizations of the past. He expresses this thought: ‘Only when you recognize what generations before you have striven for, thought, and achieved, will you recognize and best employ the opportunities your own short life affords. Only then will you realize that you are set upon a veritable mountain of Human History, and civilizations which others have built for you over thousands of years.’

Through this tape series we have traced civilizations, people, and races, and we realize we must use a different standard in assessing the civilizations built by the white race. We must also recognize as we read the work of Ivor Lissner that we must be able to recognize the difference in people and races who were on this earth over thousands of years. We must study each civilization and determine just who these people were and where they came from.

The Science of Archaeology has been a great help in exposing this story of the ‘Living Past’. This blinder, of the time table of Adam‑man held by the Christian Church as well as the teaching that then all people came from Noah’s sons after the flood have kept people from the study and understanding of these Ancient civilizations that the science of Archaeology has uncovered. Yet even with these blinders, as you read these findings, if you are alert you will see in what is recorded the differences in races, in their accomplishments, their beliefs, and life styles, and in this way you can trace these AMAZING ARYANS by these recorded facts.

For instance: .as Archaeologists uncover an Ancient city which was known almost 2000 years before the Birth of THE CHRIST, they will tell you that most of the people of this old city were Semites (Aryans) and were not racial kin to the ones referred to as Sumarians.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 98

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 98

IN OUR TAPE SERIES, ‘THE MYSTERIES OF THE KINGDOM‘, we have covered much of Ancient History. Some have asked: Just what did Dr. Swift teach that was so different than what even some of so called ‘Identity’ ministers preach? Basically we would say that Wesley A. Swift under inspiration as a Warrior Priest for his God, and his Race went much further back into the eons of yesterday to the beginning of this story of a Race of People who came into physical earth as these Aryans, came through the Adamic Race for a purpose.

We would say that Dr. Swift was guided through his education into an intensive study of both sides of the physical picture of what we call ‘The Church’. His father was a Methodist Minister and he was raised in such a home, and he himself became a minister at an early age. We believe this was simply his journey forward in the path of his destiny. He was then introduced to what people call ‘Identity’ and we believe this was but a giant step forward into the total story contained in the Scriptures. Immediately things clicked in his mind and the Scriptures then made more of an impression on this young minister.

Dr. Swift under ‘Inspiration’ realized that some time back in the eons of yesterday, in fact before even the foundations of this earth were laid, that YAHWEH had brought forth Spirit or Celestial children for a great purpose. The more Dr. Swift studied and searched the more he realized that this story was never put forward as he had studied to be a minister, perhaps for a purpose. Then began Dr. Swift’s study of old books he could find to confirm what he under inspiration was allowed to learn.


Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 97

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 97

KNOWLEDGE HAS BEEN INCREASING OVER THE YEARS, yes, this is so true, but still 70 years after the start of WWI and 1/2 Century after the beginning of WWII, the big guns of the Mass Media still roar with the wrong history of both world wars, fairy tales as to how they started, warmed over propaganda as to how they were fought, and lies as to how they ended. The consequences to you and me they do not mention. Many are the men and women who have tried to tell the story as they saw events unfold, but were persuaded or persecuted or ignored.

The Controlled Mass Media has always had the last word. Here in 1990 as the news brings us the events that are leading to a combined, ONE World Europe, we remember this old book called ‘Imperium’. We then decided to reread and review this book for you as it seems to fit the Times we are seeing today.

Taylor Caldwell was another writer who tried through her writings to awaken the people. She had pointed out many facts as to how men behind the scenes had met in Switzerland in their comfortable Villa, while young men were dying in the trenches of Europe, and these men, behind the scenes smiled at how well their program of WAR was working. She then wondered why the American people did not catch on to the fact that the great Ocean Passenger Liners were carrying war materials in their holds. Why did the ‘Lusitania’ sail without an escort, where as other passenger ships had heavy escorts? It was at that time widely known that this great ship carried in her hold war material to be used against Germany? Who was it that decided to murder over 100 men, women and children so as to change the thinking of the American people, and to bring them into the War against Germany? Two World Wars would then be fought so as to destroy the German people whether they were in Germany, or in Russia as rulers of that land.

People seem to hear these things, then quickly forget them when they are faced with a constant drum of propaganda and even Patriotism is used as a lever to move the thinking of a people. This we think will go on until the people begin to listen to the Spirit within instead of this drum beat of Materialism without. Always the program of competition among nations in the struggle for World Markets causes a decline in Spiritual values, because of this glitter of money. When Agriculture gave way to industrialism, then materialism followed. But the benefits of industry can only be enjoyed when the people accept the moral responsibility of those benefits. When Greed comes into the picture morality goes out the window.

Over the years we find that men of this western world have tried to awaken their people as to who they are, and why they are here, and this has brought instant persecution, and until your race has an understanding as to who they are we think this will continue.

British Lion Vol 3 No. 27 June 1928

British Lion Vol 3 No. 27 June 1928


Being an Account of the Origin, Principles, and Policy of the British Fascists
By “Phoenix”

If England was what England seems,
An’ not the England of our dreams ;
But only putty, brass, and paint,
‘Ow quick we’d chuck ‘er—but she ain’t

1. How the Need for Fascism Arose in England.

IN 1914, we were given definite proof of the triumph of the ideals of duty and sacrifice, and a terrific demonstration of the power and apparently endless vitality that can be contained in a united nation. The cost of this effort, however, was not to be measured in the lives of the fallen; nor the wounds of the maimed; nor yet was it to be reckoned in the crushing war debt and enormous task of regeneration which faced the English people. Rather was it to be found in the sum of all these, plus the most potent factor, the reaction and loss of national vitality which followed the expenditure of so much energy.

The natural consequence of tremendous exertion in the individual is complete collapse, and this was the condition of England after the Great War. Fundamentally, she was unaltered. Her power was unshaken, her territories remained secure, while her vast commercial and industrial organisation was ready to be transferred from the functions of War to those of Peace.

But the soul of England had received a mighty buffeting, and was in need of quick and sympathetic treatment. This was no time for quack remedies, and sententious words of little meaning—the physician in this case must be one to tell the truth, and apply the remedy, however unpleasant both might be. In spite of the obvious need for drastic and scientific action, however, the quacks were called in and each prescribed his own particular material remedy for this spiritual illness, each wondered for how long he might draw his fees, and how much these might be ; while each one avoided the truth for the whole period of his office. The natural consequence was that discontent, suspicion, disloyalty, and indifference to the national interests became increasingly apparent; while the ideals of Duty, Service, Honour and Sacrifice,—those qualities that are so impalpable yet so essential to the welfare of a nation—were gradually transferred to the limbo of forgotten things, only to be spoken of in whispers.