Facts are Facts

Facts are Facts

The historic facts revealed here for the first time provide incontestable evidence that their continued suppression will prove inimical to the security of the nation, the peace of the world, the welfare of humanity, and the progress of civilization.

A facsimile reproduction reprinted and typeset to meet the many requests for a copy of the letter addressed to: DR. DAVID GOLDSTEIN, LL.D., of Boston, Mass. by its author BENJAMIN H. FREEDMAN of New York City Dated October 10, 1954

Former Zionist operative and Jewish defector Benjamin Freedman is shown here with a 1960 edition of the newspaper that was the primary venue for his writings after WWII, Common Sense.

DEDICATION: to all men of good will of all racial origins and of all religious faiths    Knowledge is a collection of facts. Wisdom is the use of knowledge. Without facts there is no knowledge. Without knowledge there is no wisdom. Facts prevent what nothing can cure. Facts are Man’s best defence mechanism. Without them men fumble, falter and fail. Without them nations decline and fall. Wisdom wins wars before they start. Knowledge aborts national hostilities. Wisdom obviates racial antipathies. Knowledge effaces religious animosities. Emancipation from bigotry prefaces peace. Intolerance takes all and gives nothing. Peace rewards reciprocal respect and regard. To all Men of Good Will, “Pax Vobiscum!” – Benjamin H. Freedman

Ellen G. White

Ellen G. White

AS YOU FOLKS WILL NOTICE Rod does not reference anything that I have posted. He just goes wild and calls me all sorts of names. For it is obvious that he is incapable of a comprehensive study of the Scriptures.

There has never been a post by me that reflects badly on Christ. I did say that Ellen G. White was a false prophet, and a Jewess. But unlike Rod I did a little search of what Ellen G. White has stated and is recorded in various books. Therefore, I present this as a rebuttal to Rod and to show why I say what I did about Ellen G. White being a false prophet.

Also, I have said repeatedly, I am not a preacher, I am a watchman, and as a watchman I care not what others think about me. Look at what I say and see if it is true. If it is not then forget it and go on about your business but if it is true then why chastise me, be warned and adjust your life so that you will be prepared when that great day of the Yahweh happens.

We know that there will be others on earth AFTER the judgment that neither believe in Yahweh, nor in Yahshua the one called Christ. For we find recorded in the Book of Revelation 22:14-15: “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right TO THE TREE OF LIFE, AND MAY ENTER IN THROUGH THE GATES INTO THE CITY. FOR WITHOUT ARE DOGS, AND SORCERERS, AND WHOREMONGERS, AND MURDERERS, AND IDOLATERS, AND WHOSOEVER LOVETH AND MAKETH A LIE.”

Elizabeth The Last? – A Reply

Elizabeth The Last? – A Reply

This is a brilliant analysis of Evan Sadler’s book titled “Elizabeth the Last?”, which documents the attacks on the British and continental Monarchies and protestants down through the centuries. Richard Porter points out that while it is true that the Papacy has been and still is a tyrannical and murderous regime, Evan Sadler in his book fails to unmask the real “power behind the throne”, namely the Jews under the guise of Jesuits.

It is pointed out that the prophet of the independent Seventh Day Adventist publishers – Ellen G. White (who was a Jew) in her writings on Martin Luther failed to mention one word of his determination to have them expelled from Germany because of their evil deeds.

Eisenhower’s Holocaust

Eisenhower’s Holocaust

FIRST, I WANT YOU TO PICTURE SOMETHING IN YOUR MIND. You are a German soldier who survived through the battles of World II. You were not really politically involved, and your parents were also indifferent to politics, but suddenly your education was interrupted and you were drafted into the German army and told where to fight. Now, in the Spring of 1945, you see that your country has been demolished by the Allies, your cities lie in ruins, and half of your family has been killed or is missing. Now, your unit is being surrounded, and it is finally time to surrender. The fact is, there is no other choice.It has been a long, cold winter. The German army rations have not been all that good, but you managed to survive. Spring came late that year, with weeks of cold rainy weather in demolished Europe. Your boots are tattered, your uniform is falling apart, and the stress of surrender and the confusion that lies ahead for you has your guts being torn out. Now, it is over, you must surrender or be shot. This is war and the real world.

The DuPont’s Bloodline

The DuPont’s Bloodline

THERE HAS BEEN no consistency among the Du Pont family members in the spelling they have employed to write their name. The correct variations in spelling the Du Pont name are as follows: Dupont, DuPont, du Pont, duPont, Du Pont, and du Pont de Nemours. In English the second syllable is accented. In French, neither syllable is accented. The name has tended to be spelled du Pont for the family and Du Pont for business. I decided for this article to standardize the spelling in line with this tendency.


Sitting down to write about the du Pont’s reminded me of two other families. Recently, John Coleman, a researcher on the elite, commented to me that when he had researched the Queen of Denmark he had discovered that the royal Danish family was slipping away secretly from everyone and they were going to Satanic rituals. It is also noteworthy that 5 modern kings of Denmark have been the leaders of Freemasonry in Denmark, and the Danish royal family, princes etc. have been active Masons. John Dale wrote a book The Prince and The Paranormal which goes into the secret occult activities of the British royal family, especially Prince Charles, but also many other royal family members too. Besides the secret occult activities of the British Monarch, they have been openly leaders of Freemasonry ( see the Appendix of Be Wise As Serpents for a detailed chart on this.) The du Ponts are similar to these families in that they too are a dynasty, they too have a very public image, and they too have a totally hidden life. In fact, the du Ponts have better control over the press’s coverage of them than the British Royal Family

Money and The Price System

Money and The Price System

Clifford Hugh Douglas was born in 1879. He was educated at Cambridge University, and was an engineer. Douglas developed a view of the role of money, and a monetary system, which he called Social Credit. He presented his ideas to the Canadian government in 1923 before the Committee of the House of Commons on Banking and Industry in 1923.

His books, including “Social Credit”, influenced the Farmers Co-operative (the UFA) in Canada, to which Douglas became a financial adviser in 1927. From those beginnings, the Alberta Social Credit Party was formed in 1935, with popular educator and radio preacher William Aberhart as its leader. That party came to power and, in 1935, Major Douglas became the chief reconstruction adviser to Premier Aberhart. Differences between Douglas’ views and the party’s policies resulted in Douglas’ resignation as adviser. Douglas published many books on his views concerning money, banking, and the globally influential and powerful. His other books include Economic Democracy (1920), The Monopoly of Credit (1931), The Use of Money (1935), and The Alberta Experiment: An Interim Survey (1937). Douglas died in 1952.

Billy Graham A Report

Billy Graham A Report

Billy Graham was closeted for almost two hours with the Pope on 13th January 1981

A recent announcement has been made in the United States of America to the effect that representatives of the ecumenical churches and the so-called New Evangelicals have had a meeting with Dr. Billy Graham. The proposal put forward is that a new ecumenical council should be formed. The National Council of Churches, which is the official wing of the World Council of Churches in America, has had such an abominable record that an attempt is now being made which will make compromise and ecumenism acceptable. This is all part of what could be described as the modern Billy Graham image and has become synonymous with his type of evangelism.

Billy Graham Satanist

Billy Graham Satanist

BILLY GRAHAM IS A 33 DEGREE FREEMASON. A Satanist, tool of the Illuminati This is an age when falsehood, chicanery and deception abound. It is a time when telling the truth has been made a crime. The mass media regularly pumps out lies, distortions and misinformation liberally laced with masses of sex trivia and sweet nothingness. Every major story reported by the media is given a lying twist.

The newspapers and magazines are a waste of time and space. It is a terrible waste of newsprint. They are not there to report the news and keep people informed but to dissemble, fake, bluff and lie. Their aim is to form, shape and mould peoples’ opinions for them and to lead them in the direction of the master manipulators operating secretly behind the scenes. Never before in the whole of human history has it been easier for a tiny minority of powerful men to control millions of people.

A flickering screen, placed in almost every home in the land, instructs people on what to think and believe and how to act and what to say. T V. exerts greater power and influence over the mind than any king or despot of history. Whoever controls the little screen controls the mind set of the British.

Billy Graham

Billy Graham

Billy Graham: War Criminal
There’s a piquant contrast in the press coverage of Billy Graham’s conversations with Nixon, as displayed on the tapes gradually released from the National Archive or disclosed from Nixon’s papers. Back in April l989, a Graham memo to Nixon was made public. It was dated April 15, 1969, and was drafted after the evangelist met in Bangkok with missionaries from Vietnam. These men of God said that if peace talks in Paris were to fail, Nixon should step up the war and bomb the dikes, which, Graham wrote, “could overnight destroy the economy of North Vietnam.”

Graham lent his imprimatur to this recommendation. Thus Graham was advocating a policy to the U.S. Commander-in-Chief that on Nixon’s own estimate would have killed a million people. The German High Commissioner Seyss-Inquart was sentenced to death at Nuremberg for breaching dikes and other crimes in Holland in World War II. (His execution did not deter the USAF from destroying the Toksan dam in North Korea, in 1953, thus deliberately wrecking the system that irrigated 75 percent of North Korea’s rice farms.)

After The Reich

After The Reich

“In After the Reich, Giles MacDonogh, a British author of several books about German history, chronicles the final weeks of the war and the occupation that followed. His ambitious mission: to offer a comprehensive, unsparing account of what happened to the German people when the tables were turned. MacDonogh works to assemble a massive indictment of the victors, and his array of detail and individual stories is both impressive and exhausting.” —Washington Post Book World
“In his meticulously researched book After the Reich, British-born Giles MacDonogh, an expert in German history, offers a different view of this ‘noble’ war’s aftermath. With unsparing detail and ample documentation, he chronicles the events after the victory in Europe in May 1945 to the Berlin airlift four years later, and exposes the slippery slope of the moral high ground many of us believed the Allies possessed during those years. . . . One cannot read After the Reich without thinking of the phrase ‘winning the war but losing the peace’ as the book draws a line from the occupation directly to the division of Berlin and the Cold War that gripped much of the world and informed foreign relations for the next 60 years. Scars across Europe from the post–World War II era remain, and MacDonogh has picked the scab at a time of modern war and occupation when, perhaps, the world most needs to examine an old wound.” —Boston Globe