God’s Broken Promises

God’s Broken Promises

CHARLES BRADLAUGH, an able King’s Counsel and member of the British Parliament for many years, stood before a great audience in London, Bible in hand, and read out the great covenants God made with Abraham, and also confirmed by His oath and later reaffirmed to his seed. He then asked, “Have those promises ever been fulfilled to the Jews?” No one could say “Yes”. He then said, “And you tell me the God of that book is a God of truth? I don’t believe it.” Thus publicly, and I think sadly, Charles Bradlaugh proclaimed that his faith in the Bible was gone. It had been wrecked by unbiblical teaching, and he became one of the most active infidels of his day, although not an atheist, for he still believed there must be a God, and that man can come into contact with God somehow.

The Incredible History of Gods True Church

The Incredible History of Gods True Church

Who were the Celtic peoples that inhabited Britain and much of Europe during the time of Christ? Why did such people have Asiatic style war chariots? And why did the Belgae of Southern England have palm trees, of all things, on their coins?

Diodorus Siculus, writing in 60 B.C., stated: “The Britons live in the same manner that the ancients did; they fight in chariots as the ancient heroes of Greece are said to have done in the Trojan Wars — they are plain and upright in their dealings — the island is very populous — the Celts never shut the doors of their houses; they invite strangers to their feasts, and when it is over ask who they are and what is their business.”

The Celts were a prosperous and industrious people. Wealth was centred in large flocks of sheep and herds of cattle. Food was often preserved in smoked, cured, or salted form. International trade flourished, wine was imported from the Mediterranean region.

German Union and The French Revolution A History of The New World Order

German Union and The French Revolution A History of The New World Order

Dr. Charles Frederick Bahrdt (1741-1793), an Illuminati member, Mason, and German theologian, who was the professor of Sacred Philogy at the University of Leipzig, took advantage of the Illuminati’s apparent demise by recruiting several of its members for his so-called ‘German Union’ in 1787. Bahrdt, the son of a minister, called his group the German Union for Rooting Out Superstition and Prejudices and Advancing True Christianity.

In 1785, Bahrdt had received an anonymous letter, containing the plans for the German Union, which was signed, “From some Masons, your great admirers.” That same year, he was visited by an Englishman who urged him to establish the Union, promising to link it with the British Masonic structure. In 1787, he received another letter containing more details and organisational details.

God or Mammon

God or Mammon

PEOPLE are increasingly aware that there is a great deal wrong with the world, and that every aspect of life seems to have deteriorated since World War II. Although it is now obvious that this deterioration could not have happened by chance, the catch-phrase: “I don’t believe in the Conspiracy Theory” is frequently heard if the role of the international bankers is questioned, while people who touch on sensitive matters are denounced as “anti-Semitic”.

We could begin by asking: just what is meant by the term “anti-Semitism”? Strictly speaking it should mean some form of attack on people who are Semitic by those who are not Semitic. Currently it is being used in a quite different way: as an offensive weapon, based on a falsehood. To understand this use of the term we must consider the historic background.

False Foundations

False Foundations

I would like to begin this message with a quote from a movie that really got my attention during it’s viewing. The movie series of which held as it’s central character, Indiana Jones aka Dr. Vendyl Jones. He made a statement concerning organized religions, he said,
“Religions can be likened to Rat Poison, 99% sweet cookie, 1% arsenic — and 1% arsenic kills — Most religions give you 99% truths and feel good messages — but the 1% lies can kill you”
I thought this quote very applicable as I began to think about the false teachings that pervade our Christian churches and Bible College institutions of today. They have many things correct concerning the scriptures but the whole foundation upon which they base their premise is completely unfounded.

Dupes of Judah A Challenge to The American Legion

Dupes of Judah A Challenge to The American Legion

William Dudley Pelley (1890 – 1965) founded the Silver Rangers of America on 31 January 1933 which soon became known as the Silvershirts. He was an accomplished author and was involved with many screen productions. After the Jews declared their holy war on Germany in 1933, he soon became fingered as “the most dangerous man in America.” The American Hebrew magazine, which first used the 6,000,000 figure in its October 31, 1919 issue, targeted Mr. Pelley since patriotism interferes with internationalism schemes.

Dunning its Parochail History

Dunning its Parochail History

DUNNING, when first heard of in authentic history, formed part of the ancient Stewartry of Strathearn. That Stewartry, or Earldom, dates back to a remote antiquity. The beautiful valley, from which it derived its name, has special points of interest for the antiquarian, having been the scene of many remarkable events in the early history of the country. The great battle of Mons Grampus (A.D. 84) (Tacitus, Life of Agricola, c.29 ff.), which for a time made the Roman legions masters of the Scottish Lowlands, was fought within or near its borders, where the Caledonian army, under Galgacus or Calgacus, was defeated by the Roman general, Agricola, with great slaughter, and 10,000 patriot warriors lay slain on their native heath.

Was General George S. Patton Murdered?

Was General George S. Patton Murdered?

THE MAN: George S. Patton, Jr. is one of the most revered Generals in American history. Historians speculate that Patton could have won the war against Germany a year sooner. Of course, he would have had to step on a lot of toes to do such a thing –  but Ol’ Blood and Guts didn’t give a damn. Several times he was considered insubordinate to commanding officers, his soldiers, and generally used the “f-word” as though it were some kind of holy blessing.

Patton’s offensives in Africa, Sicily, and France earned him the love of the American people and the fear of the Nazis. Patton marched at the front of offensives, even in the decisive Battle of the Bulge, where he was on the front lines with his soldiers. In German war councils, only Patton was referred to by name, because of his ability to lead troops through overwhelming defences to victory. Concentration camp inmates, even those who spoke no English, learned and sang a ditty, “Georgie Patton gonna set me free” to the consternation of their Nazi captors.

Fire in The Reichstag

Fire in The Reichstag

By the early 1930’s, the situation in Germany was becoming highly explosive. A third of the workers were unemployed, and democracy was on the verge of collapse. The Communists saw in this their best opportunity to seize power since their abortive revolution in 1918. A revolution was clearly in the offing, but despite the support of a few million voters and the Soviet Union, power seemed to be slipping from the Marxist grip.

The German people were turning to a new kind of socialism – National Socialism – and even some of the Communists were looking to Adolf Hitler for their salvation.

The Red response to this situation was one of extreme violence. One notable victim was the 21-year old poet and voluntary social worker Horst Wessel, who was murdered in 1930 after writing a stirring marching song for his Brown Shirt comrades. Two years later, as the General Election of July 1932 loomed nearer, the Reds abandoned all pretence of debate and discussion. Bloody terror became the order of the day.

Esau, Edomites, Phoenicians, Canaanites and Jews

Esau, Edomites, Phoenicians, Canaanites and Jews

In a time when “children” are the big focus in the country, the historical pagan sacrifice of children to Baal becomes relevant.

Baal was the power worshipped by the Canaanites as God. He is the bull god and is represented by a bull. He is half man and half bull, the god of fertility (the Sun God). In Egypt he was known as the Son of the Nile or Ra. He possessed Akhnaton (i.e. he who is pleasing to Aton), the husband of Nefertiti (i.e. possessed by Ashtaroh). Nefertiti was the originator of the Rosicrucians and the Masons. Baal promotes false religion and religious prostitution (as well as shrine prostitutes). J. P. Timmons, Mysterious Secrets of the Dark Kingdom p. 114 (1991).