The British Lion Vol. 2 No. 1 Saturday, June 13th 1925

The British Lion Vol. 2 No. 1 Saturday, June 13th 1925

TOO many people seem to be under the impression that the signing of an enrolment form and the purchase of a badge, render the new member a Fascist in every sense of the term.

These are but the outward signs of the fact that he or she has recognised the duty of taking part, as an active worker, in the struggle against a foe who prefers intrigue to force, but who will not scruple ruthlessly to use the latter when the years of underground machination have done their work

The British Guardian 9th January,1925

The British Guardian 9th January,1925

No. 1 Vol VI. 9th SEPTEMBER, 1925
We have much pleasure in announcing that with the present number we
commence the weekly publication of the BRITISH GUARDIAN. The
price has been fixed at two-pence to meet the wishes of the class of people
whom we have found from experience to be the most sympathetic and
responsive to our views, and desirous of hearing and knowing the truth.
They are the true national stock of pure British blood—simple, honest,
straightforward people, mostly working for a wage which does not allow
of inconsiderate expenditure, even of pence. It has taken some years for
the truth of our insistent message to dawn on the consciousness of these
people. For five years we have persisted in bringing the facts before
them—in the beginning in spite of their amused contempt and derision,
if not of their actual hostility. But now we commence this, our sixth
volume, conscious that we are receiving at the hands of a great number
of these people of British blood acknowledgement, even some praise, and,
greatest of all, their active support and help.

The British Guardian September 1924

The British Guardian September 1924

No. 9 Vol V. SEPTEMBER, 1924
(Seven Pence Monthly)
The Proteus of Peoples.
The Infamous Russian Treaty.
Rudyard Kipling’s Speech of 1914.
The Conservative Party.
Mrs. Webster’s Book.
The House of Jews.
Our Effort to Beat Mond.
General Prescott-Decie’s Mistake. Loyalty League Workers.
Lord Ernle’s Jewish Mind.
Alien Immigration and National Emigration
Sir Alfred Mond’s Kosher (?) Pigs
How the Jews Can Help Us. A Retort to Dean Inge

The Bloody Red Streak

The Bloody Red Streak

The third World War appears to be almost on top of us. For this, the responsibility must be placed (1) on the shoulders of Communism, and (2) on the shoulders of our insane “politicians,” both Labour and Conservative, who so foolishly plunged us into war on the 3rd September, 1939, with no British interests whatsoever involved, on behalf of international Jewry against the Germans, who were Europe’s only bastion against Russia. Let us consider Communism first.

Israel The Zionist State

Israel The Zionist State

 IT HAS BEEN SAID BY INSIDERS from many quarters that three world wars will be necessary in order to complete the long-laid plan for World Dominion.

After WWI, the Versailles treaty – of which the measures against Germany guaranteed a second World War – M. Clemenceau boasted that ‘we are carrying the war on into the peace’.

“Full Responsibility for the First world War, lies squarely on the shoulders of the International Jewish Bankers. They are responsible for millions of dead and dying”. — U.S. Congress – Record 67th Congress, 4. Sitting, Senate Document nr. 346)

“The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish planning and Jewish dissatisfaction. Our Plan is to have a New world Order. what worked so wonderfully in Russia, is going to become Reality for the whole world.” — The American Hebrew Magazine, 10, Sept. 1920

Is There A Need to Be Born Again?

Is There A Need to Be Born Again?

WITH ALL THE DISTRACTIONS AROUND US TODAY we would do well to heed these words from John’s Gospel (4/14), for one of our greatest needs in these times is to know the truth and to live accordingly. Now there is only one sure place to obtain truth and that is in the infallible word of God. I use the word infallible deliberately, because logic demands that the Almighty, Himself infallible, would not have caused a book to be written for the guidance of His creation, that was anything less.

The first step towards arriving at truth is therefore to realise this, and to accept the fact that the Bible is God’s word, inspired by Him, and as such does not contain the thoughts or wisdom of fallible man. Nor is it permissible for man to alter the words of this book either by taking from or adding to it. Likewise he may not assume to have the ability, moral-intellectual, or otherwise, to criticise this, the work of his Maker.

Is Russia The Key to White Survival

Is Russia The Key to White Survival

EVERYONE READING THE DAVID DUKE REPORT UNDERSTANDS the crisis faced by the White World. All White nations have a severe non-White immigration crisis. Every White nation has a critically low birth rate that will result in a greatly diminished White population. In America, even the U.S. Government has officially projected that those of European descent will become a minority in four or five decades. We will be outnumbered and outvoted in the nation our forefathers built!When that happens our people will be politically prostrate at the feet of those who have envied and hated us for generations, and the result will be similar to the wide scale murder and dispossession White farmers now face in Zimbabwe. If the dispossession of our people would occur only in our beloved America, at least our genetic and cultural heritage would survive elsewhere, but every White nation on earth is undergoing a racial transformation similar to America’s.

The Iron Curtain Over America

The Iron Curtain Over America

The Iron Curtain Over America Col. John Beaty – Posted by Pastor Mike 2004-11-19 11:50 The most important book I’ve ever read other than the Bible, is; The Iron Curtain Over America. I do not here wish to put it on par with the Bible the inspired Word of Elohim (God), as it is not. It is however, the most eye-opening book as to the reasons for the predicament and situations America is now going through. With no further ado, I present The Iron Curtain Over America. Pastor Michael Treis

When Was The Beginning? Commonly Referred to as The Tree Earth Ages Teaching

When Was The Beginning? Commonly Referred to as The Tree Earth Ages Teaching

THESE ARE THE FIRST THREE ENGLISH WORDS IN THE BIBLE. But when was this beginning? Did it begin a mere six-thousand years ago with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden? What does the Bible tell us? As with all of God’s word, there is so much more written just below the surface right there before our eyes, hidden to most but there for the discovery of all. Let’s dig it out!

We will study what God’s Word, The Bible, says about the beginning; the beginning of not only the history of the creation of the world as we now know it today, but also the creation of the world that then was, as well as the world that is to come (Heaven). These are known as Earth Ages, and there are three of them spoken of in the Bible; we will learn of them in this study. We will also read of time-gap in scriptures, a great flood and destruction other than and before Noah’s flood; we will even read of dinosaurs in the scriptures.

I Accuse

I Accuse

THE FOLLOWING ACCUSATION OF HIGH TREASON against Lord Carrington, Lord Soames, Sir Ian Gilmour, Sir Anthony Duff and other members at the Foreign Office in their recent betrayal of Rhodesia has been sent by the writer to the Chief Inspector of her county’s Special Branch. While holding no faith in the reliability of Mrs. Thatcher, we publish it without hesitation in admiration of Miss Crawford’s brave action and because the media will do their utmost to prevent her accusation becoming public knowledge.

I wish to bring this accusation against the above named for the following reasons: