My Mission to Tell Truth and to Expose Lies

My Mission to Tell Truth and to Expose Lies

A DENSE DARKNESS IS FALLING OVER AMERICA AND THE WORLD. Truth-tellers are becoming an extinct breed.  Many Americans are afraid to speak the truth or even to hear the truth, fearful of intimidation by the government, and ridicule and ostracism by their friends and family.

Some on the Internet, who are willing to post “all points of view,” are becoming increasingly squeamish about taking a hard stand for truth on sensitive issues. They exercise their “Freedom of Speech” (sort of) while still trying to remain politically correct, attempting to dance delicately through the political minefields while trying to remain “acceptable” to all sides.

All too frequently these days, when one boldly speaks truth, the listener begins to get nervous and fidgety, furtively glancing over his or her shoulder, and often responds, “You better be careful what you say.”

Whatever happened to REAL Freedom of Speech in America? On this web site, you will find an in-depth analysis of the story behind the news, the real truth – from the political, social, religious and medical perspectives – and where each story fits into the bigger picture of the diabolical plan of the Illuminati and the Zionist Jews to destroy America and to rule the World.

This web site is owned and operated by Lorraine Day, M.D. ALL of the information written on this web site has been written by Lorraine Day, M.D., who is totally responsible for its content, with the exception of links to other documentation to support this web site information. In those cases, it will be obvious that another author has written it.

The Bible Teaches That Multiculturalism Leads to Calamity and Extinction for The Host Nation

The Bible Teaches That Multiculturalism Leads to Calamity and Extinction for The Host Nation

HAVE JUST READ “PEOPLE OF FAITH UNITE IN RESPONSE TO TERROR” from a Kent newspaper published in Canterbury. This letter is signed by a motley assorted Babel of religionists ranging from Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, The Salvation Army to dozens of silly clergymen who style themselves “Reverend” and wear their collars back to front.

The Book which these “Reverend” gentlemen profess to follow clearly teaches:

“Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?…. Therefore, be ye separate”..II Cor. 6.14-15.

Frankly, these so-called leaders of the so-called Christian community disgust me. Their rejection of the plain truth, infantile pronouncements, convoluted reasoning, anti British stance and their total failure to condemn real evil has all but emptied the churches. Less than 5 per cent of the British now go to Church. Across this land tens of thousands of churches have become defunct and closed down, while the Muslims are building new mosques and the Hindus new temples in England.

Deadlier Than The H-Bomb

Deadlier Than The H-Bomb

Having fought against tyranny for thousands of years and having been sustained by a strong faith throughout, first the Druidic and then the Christian, are we now going to let our Christian and British faith and traditions go by default and tamely submit to the worst tyranny the world has ever known?

The author claims that we are in the process of destruction by something deadlier than the H-bomb; something which in our blindness, we are allowing to corrode the props of our culture and civilisation.

Is there a secret plan for the destruction of the Western way of life? Many famous sailors and soldiers have written on this theme. Here a retired Air Force officer comes to similar conclusions. He quotes from a confidential document of the Political and Economic Planning Organisation:

“You may use, without acknowledgement, anything which appears in this broadsheet on the understanding that the broadsheet and the group are not publicly mentioned, either in writing or otherwise. This strict anon­ymity is essential in order that the group may prove effective.”

He describes this work of P.E.P. as “Sovietism by stealth”. He quotes many famous statesmen in support of his contention. Thus Lloyd George, writing about the inter-national bankers’ part in the Versailles Conference:

“They swept statesmen, politicians, jurists and jour­nalists all on one side and issued their orders with an imperiousness of absolute monarchs who knew there was no appeal from their ruthless decrees.”

Morals and Dogma – Chapter 30

Morals and Dogma – Chapter 30

AN HUNDRED YEARS AGO IT HAD BECOME KNOWN that they were the Templars under a veil, and therefore the Degree was proscribed, and, ceasing to be worked, became a mere brief and formal ceremony, under another name. Now, from the tomb in which after his murders he rotted, Clement the Fifth howls against the successors of his victims, in the Allocution of Pio Nono against the Free-Masons.

The ghosts of the dead Templars haunt the Vatican and disturb the slumbers of the paralyzed Papacy, which, dreading the dead, shrieks out its excommunications and impotent anathemas against the living. It is a declaration of war, and was needed to arouse apathy and inertness to action.

An enemy of the Templars shall tell us the secret of this Papal hostility against an Order that has existed for centuries in despite of its anathemas, and as its Sanctuaries and Asylum even in Rome.

Monster Fidel Castro

Monster Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro entered Havana on January 8, 1959, to wild acclaim from all quarters. Most Cubans were jubilant; Castro was promising an end to the corrupt governments that had plagued Cuba since independence. Far from any Communism, Castro was promising a revolution “as green as Cuba’s palm trees!” with national elections in three months. Private property would be secure, a free press guaranteed, friendly relations with the U.S. were essential.

“Fidel esta es tu casa!” read impromptu signs that were springing up across the front of thousands of Cuban homes, including mansions, humble country shacks and everything in between.

The New York Times had been singing Castro’s praises since the first interview with him as a rebel in February 1957. By now most of the international press had joined the cheerleading. Jack Paar never treated a guest on his Tonight Show as deferentially as he treated honored guest Fidel Castro. Ed Sullivan hailed Castro as “Cuba’s George Washington.” Retired president Harry Truman called Castro a “good young man trying to do what’s best for Cuba. We should extend him a hand.” The U.S. actually accorded diplomatic recognition to Castro’s government more quickly than it had recognized Batista’s in 1952. In fact, the promptness of this U.S. recognition set a record for recognition of a Latin American government. Usually the process took weeks;for Castro, it took mere days.

Yet within three months of his entry into Havana, Castro’s firing squads had murdered an estimated 600-1,100 men and boys, and Cuba’s jails held ten times the number of political prisoners as under Fulgencio Batista, who Castro overthrew with claims to “liberating” Cuba.
Barely a year in power, Castro was referring to the U.S. as “a vulture preying on humanity!” And most of Cuba’s newspapers and TV stations (Cuba had more TVs per capita at the time than Germany,Canada or France) were under government control, to better serve “the people.” Six months later he confiscated all U.S. properties on the Island, 5,911 businesses worth $2 billion worth, along with most property and businesses owned by Cubans.

Modern-Day Knights Templar in The Holy Land

Modern-Day Knights Templar in The Holy Land

The assassination mystery unraveled by Barry Chamish’s online book, Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin, links it to the modern Knights Templar.  This is no surprise to those who are aware of the designs which the modern Freemasons have on the Holy Land, i.e., to seize the Temple Mount and recreate Jerusalem as a Masonic city from which to rule the world.  To appreciate the enormous political ambition and power of modern Freemasonry, you will want to read Barry’s update on the Rabin assassination.  It seems that the coroner who presided over Yitzhak Rabin’s autopsy also conducted another autopsy on one Alisdair Rosslyn Sinclair — a blue blood Knight Templar who would have been a front runner in the Merovingian campaign for election as King of Jerusalem.

Misconceptions about Josephus The Judean

Misconceptions about Josephus The Judean

(To my family and friends in Christian Israel: I wish to posthumously dedicate this article to my e-buddy and colleague, Arnold Kennedy, who was taken from us December 28, 2006. Arnold and I almost had personal contact when he visited the Eastern United States a couple of years ago. He made it as far west as Cincinnati and I made it as far east as Toledo (from Chicago); but we just couldn’t find the time for a face to face meeting. One thing we had in common was our belief in the Exclusiveness of True Israel, namely that the Anglo-Saxon/Caucasian peoples are the True Descendants of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, although Arnold was reluctant to call himself a 2-Seedliner.

Some of you may have followed our ongoing dispute as to whether ANY JEW can count as an Israelite or a Judahite. Arnold felt that the Bible could be understood even if we accept that some Jews were Judahites. I have taken the opposite point of view, saying that, under no circumstances, can any Jew be counted as an Israelite or as a Judahite. This article, in fact, was composed with Arnold’s perspective in mind. I’m sure that Yahweh – a name which Arnold also did not accept as the Name of Our Creator (one of our other disputes) — will arrange for him to read this article from some place in heaven.

In my last email to Arnold, I told him that every boxer needs a good sparring partner to practice against. He accepted the statement as a compliment, which is how it was intended. Arnold forced me to sharpen my arguments, so that we were not just arguing semantics but legitimate cultural differences between Jews and Israelites.

Aside from our Scriptural dispute, Arnold had given me, and us, every reason to believe that his surgery was a success , his health was improving and that he would be back with us at full strength. That was not to be, however. Despite our disagreements over Scriptural interpretation, I have only one thing to say: Arnold, you are a very gracious person in addition to being a gentleman and a scholar. See you in the Kingdom. – Eli)

Who are The Mind-Benders

Who are The Mind-Benders

Here follows a lengthy analysis and study of the Jewish media-occupation in Great Britain. Written in 1997 and partially updated 2002, this text describes the present state of affairs when it comes to Jewish media power in Great Britain. It is crucial, in the battle against the Jewish racist totalitarianism, to have a basic knowledge about the Jewish media-dictatorship-monopoly and about the political power the Zionists possess and who are – as Jewish political actors – the leaders of this Jewish Power.

Media is The Enemy

Media is The Enemy

We have come a long way since it was realised that whoever controls the media in any country controls most minds in that country. Today, TV the most powerful mass drug in history exerts more power and influence over the mass mind than any king or despot in history. Its long arm reaches into almost every home in the land and people spend hours every day of every year glued to the little screen.

By a process of gradualism people have been led to accept sodomy, lesbianism, miscegenation, sadism, gratuitous violence, profanity and perversion by the bucket full. Screaming, yelling and gyrating goons with about as much musical talent as monkeys in a cage, entertain and captivate most of the younger generation. While their parents watch the latest saga of Eastenders or Emmerdale with everyone jumping in and out of bed with everyone else. While Sky promotes scantily clad tarts, trolls and strumpets who wriggle around to the requests of viewers.

Sky History is even more entertaining with regular ‘Hitler bashing programmes’ demonstrating to us all that Hitler was a sadistic sexual deviant, a megalomaniac, a power crazed monster bent on conquering the world. Sky’s version of history, especially the history of WW2 is a fallacious fabrication — more fiction than fact. All of this and more is transparently clear to any thinking person with a modicum of sense.

Chronology of Major Movements, Ecumenism. Zionism and Pentecostalism Part 2

Chronology of Major Movements, Ecumenism. Zionism and Pentecostalism Part 2

The devil’s emissaries have often come on the Christian scene as “angels of light” and “ministers of righteousness” heralding the end of the age and a new Pentecost preceding Christ’s return.  However, the Holy Spirit was given exclusively to the Church at Pentecost as the “earnest of our inheritance” and will only be poured out on “all flesh” during the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ. Throughout the Church Age, heretical sects, in their hasty departure from the sound doctrine of the Bible, have found common ground in mystical experiences.  To validate their experiences as Biblical, they conveniently detach verses of Scripture pertaining to the supernatural from their contexts — which set parameters to protect God’s people from Satan’s counterfeits.

The following outline chronicles a continuous stream of mystical sects, the ecstatic manifestations that defined their experiences and the heresies they embraced and propagated — to the current revival of mysticism writ large in Satan’s plan to counterfeit Jesus Christ’s Millennial Age with its attendant signs and wonders.  Christians who naively assume that the Holy Spirit is always and only present where signs and wonders are manifested should take careful note of the supernatural manifestations which have frequently accompanied the most radical heresy and apostasy.  Observe how the occult counterfeits and perverts the legitimate spiritual gifts that God bestowed upon the Church at Pentecost — gifts that are subject to the believer and not vice versa as seen today in the altered states of consciousness that Satan induces in his slaves.