Anglo-Israel of The Saxon Race

Anglo-Israel of The Saxon Race

THE HISTORY OF GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE ISRAEL can never be a subject of indifference to the Christian mind. The indebtedness of Christendom to this race can never be computed nor repaid. Through it came chiefly the oracles of God to man. Through it came the institutions, the jurisprudence, the philosophy which largely mould the thought of all Christian nations to-day. Yet no race was ever repaid with blacker ingratitude for the benefits which it conferred. The tale of its persecution by fire and faggot, by rack and dungeon, is one of the darkest pages in European history. Pillaged and plundered, scattered and peeled, branded and mutilated, smitten by every hand and execrated by every lip, the Jews seemed to bear in all its bitterness of woe, the terrible curse invoked by their fathers, “His blood — the blood of the Innocent One — be upon us and our children.” Trampled and beaten to the earth, decimated and slaughtered, they have yet, like the trodden grass that ranker grows, increased and multiplied in spite of their persecution. Those “Ishmaels and Hagars of mankind” exiled from the home of their fathers, and harried from land to land, have verily eaten the unleavened bread and bitter herbs of bondage, and drunken the waters of Marah. In many foreign lands they have sat beside strange streams and wept as they remembered Zion.

I Will Break Your Covenant With Death

I Will Break Your Covenant With Death

WE ARE TURNING IN OUR SUBJECT TONIGHT TO THE WORDS IN THE 28TH CHAPTER OF ISAIAH, and the MOST HIGH speaks to the men of our race. HE says, (vs. 14) ‘Ye scornful men who rule this people in Jerusalem, because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death and with hell, are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through it shall not come unto us; for we have made lie our refuge and under falsehood have we hid ourselves. Therefore, saith the LORD GOD, Behold I lay in Zion a FOUNDATION, a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a pure foundation; he that believeth shall not make haste. Judgement also will I lay top the line, and the righteousness to the plummet; and the hail shall sweep away the lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding places.’

And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.

I Give You Power

I Give You Power

WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON IN OUR THINKING OF THE STRANGE DESIGNS all over the world levelled against God’s Kingdom, seeking to level its power, seeking to get the surrender of many women into the areas of promised security that does not proceed forth from the Grace of God. There seems to be a great desire everywhere for people to acquire security. In fact Lucifer has made this one of his main talking points in the areas of his operations. And he continues offering the program of his kingdom as the program which offers security. He tells the people of this world that it is only when they surrender their ability and retain their individualism, only when they separate themselves from their ability to defend themselves, or their nations from remaining in their proper relationships in the purposes of God. Only then can they maintain security. More than that there are more pulpits, in America today that are preaching this design for security, than there are those preaching the design of God’s kingdom, so long provided.

We have long been told that Lucifer is a deceiver and he never operates in the area of telling the truth. But he is very persuasive in making it look like white is black and vice versa. So it is in this instance that we are being told day by day, that we are a powerless people. And only as all the world unites, and surrenders her ability to retain her identity that we can have security or peace.

How Long? Why do The Wicked Prosper?

How Long? Why do The Wicked Prosper?

TONIGHT WE ARE SPEAKING ON THE SUBJECT ASKED BY MANY as they look on the forces of darkness round about and their prosperity, and this question is also asked in the book of Jeremiah 12:1 “Righteous art thou, O YAHWEH, wherefore I plead with thee. Let me talk with thee of thy judgements. Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? Wherefore are they seemingly happy though they deal very treacherously?”

Then the Psalmist asked this question somewhat differently:

“There are the ungodly who seem to be prospering in the world and they seem to increase their riches. “As this question is asked, the Psalmist asks: ‘Why?’ How long. And what does this indicate? In connection with this there are some things that we must understand concerning the program of God’s Kingdom, because it is very important in our understanding of this situation. In the 37th Psalm, we are given a little good advice in verses 1 through 6:

“Fret not thyself because of evil doers. Neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. Trust in YAHWEH and do good. So shalt thou dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in YAHWEH, and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto YAHWEH, and He shall bring it to pass. And He shall bring forth thy righteousness as a light and thy judgement as the noonday.”

Now, we will come back to this chapter later because there is more of it. But the question is’ ‘why do the wicked seem to prosper?’ The reason for their prosperity is described in the instructions God has given you. For the people who make up God’s household came from heaven to earth and into a hostile world. Remember that long before your race came to earth, the powers of darkness and the forces of evil had taken over the populations of earth. They had even brought in populations subordinate to their design. They violated the basic principals of divine law. And they even sought to establish permanent headquarters not only in the earth, but in the Milky Way System. A rather unique thing to remember is that Lucifer the great Archangel controlled about 1/4 of the Universe.

I Am The Way

I Am The Way

WE ARE SPEAKING THIS AFTERNOON ON THE SUBJECT TAKEN FROM THE WORDS OF JESUS, I Am the Way. There is probably among the important things men should know, nothing that should be of more significance to us than, that we should understand our relationship to the great plan of God as to why we are here, how we are to accomplish the objectives which He has in store for His Kingdom, for you can be sure these objectives will be accomplished. Also to realize our relationship both to God and to His purpose for as we have a similitude between ourselves and God to understand, it is most significant we realise these things. We turn to these words of Jesus in the 14th., chapter of John in which Jesus makes this statement: ‘I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE.’ And then He makes this statement: ‘No man can come unto the father but by me.’ It is most important for us to understand this strange and enigmatic condition of God not only dwelling among men, but of the fullness of YAHWEH, God dwelling among men.

God’s Call to Race

God’s Call to Race

TONIGHT, AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT, The Call to Race, I would point out to you that there are many things being taught as truth, today, that are not truth. Even a cursory examination of the courses of study now offered in our institutions of learning reveals that many things are being taught in the colleges and high schools of America which are untrue
In our study of the subject of race, we discover that even the Encyclopaedia Britannica cites that a race is a genealogical separation, retaining a developing culture with a species. Not only is this true, but it is also true that, in the organization of society, one species is markedly different from another.  Because of these factors, seed, having life in itself, will bear forth its own kind. Therefore, a Negro isn’t the result of some strange happening that occurred in the White race, which changed some White people into Negroes.
It wasn’t anything like that at all. We have the evidence inside the Scriptures, as well as in all the scientific studies of subject that were made in your nation, up until about fifteen years ago, that Negroes did NOT come out of the White race. All reliable information proves conclusively that the different races developed in different circumstances on the face of the earth, and there were also different backgrounds for the various races, and the different races made their appearance on earth in different periods of time. This is the reason why archaeologists have discovered that the Asiatics, and especially the ancient peoples of China, have existed on the earth for thousands upon thousands of years longer than the other races.

Hour of Peril and God’s Deliverance

Hour of Peril and God’s Deliverance

WITH THIS SUBJECT we are turning to the discussion of the situations that relate to your security, to the conditions of peril that sweeps the world, and which also moves in this great Christian nation of yours, for perilous time have come. But there is an assurance of deliverance and even with the coming of these situations there is also evidence of demonstrations of mighty Spiritual force and power to be made manifest among those who constitute God’s household. If you think for one moment as we talk about dire perils for this time, that it is not biblical you will discover in the Book of Timothy these words which are important and we need to see the significance of these words: (II Tim:3)

“Know also that in the last days, perilous times shall come.” This is one of the statements that the Apostle Paul writes to the young preacher, and he tells him that in the last days there will be people who will be lovers of themselves, who will be covetous, boasters, pious, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful and unholy. Since they do not have natural affection, they will be truce breakers, false accusers, they will be traitors and despisers of those who do good. Also they will have a form of Godliness, but denying the power there of and from such turn away.

History of The Sons of God

History of The Sons of God

WE ARE SPEAKING TODAY OF THE SONS OF LIGHT IN THEIR JOURNEY. There is no question that this is one of the great symbols of marking of our race, to be found in the background of the testimony of traditions and in the history of the scriptures. When we talk to you of the early migrations of our race as we migrated out of the High Plateaus of the upper countries of Asia, we also have talked to you about the location of the flood. And out in the great Tarim Basin today, is the remnant of the catastrophe which hit that land in the day that the judgements fell upon those forces of the world order that existed that sought by mongrelisation and vicious acts to effect your race and actually absorb it. There was nothing which would not be tried to eliminate the Sons of God from the earth. If you go back into the panorama of the ancient records, of the Turanian people who dwelt in the vicinity of your race, they tell in their ancient books like the ‘ShooKain’ and others in China, about how they tried to eliminate these Sons of the MOST HIGH. And they felt that the only way to do this with ease was to absorb them, to intermingle with them, and no longer let them be a people.

Thus one of the earliest records we have of your race is found in the strategies against them after their being established in earth. And this consisted of intermingling, mongrelising and thus overwhelming it until this race ceased to exist. When we look back over the last 7400 years of our race, you can see how the hand of God has looked after and provided for the Kingdom which HE intended to build. Just think. From one man’s family and all of the earth’s population and all of the strategy, and the plan of conspiracy which operates out of the design of our enemies, they have not destroyed our race and we are not 1/6 of the world’s population.

A Study of The Scripture Tape 1

A Study of The Scripture Tape 1

FROM ELLA MAST––Many questions are asked and I have tried to put together a short answer from the Tape Ministry of Dr. Wesley A. Swift, and my understanding.’ Question:–What was the thorn in the Apostle Paul’s side?

Answer––-One of the major thorns in Paul’s side was his failing eye sight. He had a stigmatism and thus his poor eye sight was getting worse and worse. He found in his ministry that it was hard for him to read small print. He was writing great Epistles and letters were almost one inch high. This bothered him greatly because he felt that it hindered his work for YAHWEH and the church so he referred to this a thorn in his side.

His Name Shall Endure

His Name Shall Endure

AS WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON TO OUR MESSAGE, The name of the LORD shall endure forever,’ there is little question about the great truths and the mighty declarations of the Most High. And in these issues we want the people to realize that one of the biggest issues in prophecy of all time and all history, is little understood. For very few people know anything about the name of God. In fact, therefore, the 72nd Psalm said: “His name shall endure forever. His name shall endure as long as the sun.”

He tells us that men shall be blessed in HIM and nations shall call him blessed. “For blessed be YAHWEH, the God of Israel, who only does wondrous things. Blessed be his glorious name forever. Let the whole earth be filled with His Glory.” Amen–Amen.

Oh, you say, ‘that is a wonderful thing.’ But that is not what it says here. It says ‘blessed be Baal.’ For that is what it says here. The word God is Baal, here. For in ancient Babylon they had a great statue of a dog and that was their god. The word God and the Babylonian word dog are one and the same thing. Did you happen to notice that in this declaration that the word LORD is always Baal? For the word for LORD and Baal are the same thing.