Menace of The Money Power

Menace of The Money Power

THE FINAL DEDUCTIONS in this treatise, and in particular the relating of the Final Act of Bretton Woods to the financial policy which led to the foundation and perversion of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board, are the author’s own, for which he must not fasten any responsibility upon his authorities. Those readers, however, who wish to check the facts from which the deductions are made may be recommended to the following works: “All These Things” and “The Truths About The Slump,” by A. N. Field; “The Bankers’ Conspiracy” and “A Fraudulent Standard,” by Arthur Kitson; “Analysis of Usury” and “The Modern Idolatry,” by Jeffrey Mark; “The Mystical Body of Christ and the Reorganisa­tion of Society,” by Father Denis Fahey; “The Money Illusion,” by Professor Irving Fisher; “The Two Nations” and “The Breakdown of Money,” by Christopher Hollis; “Post-War Monetary Stabilisation,” by Professor Gustav Cassel; “America Conquers Britain,” by Ludwell Denny; “The Brief for the Prosecution,” by Major C. H. Douglas; and the volume is of Hansard covering the debate on the Loan Agreement. Another book, “The Economics of Human Happiness,” by W. Collin Brooks, although it draws none of the conclusions here set down, and indeed draws some which are at variance with them, is never­theless well worth reading because of the wonderful lucidity with which its author deals with perversions of the monetary system.

Manuscripts – Ella Mast Swift Library Review

Manuscripts – Ella Mast Swift Library Review

The Manuscripts that I have in the system will be highlighted.

This a list of documents reviewed by Ella Rose Mast, who diligently transcribed so many of Dr.  Wesley Swift’s sermons.

Made in Russia The Holocaust

Made in Russia The Holocaust

ON 22 JUNE 1941, THE COUNCIL OF THE SUPREME SOVIET imposed martial law over Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Ukraine, White Russia, Karelia, Bessarabia, as well as over the territories of Archangel, Murmansk, Vologda, Leningrad, Kalinin, Ivanovo, Yaroslav, Ryazan-Smolensk, Tula, Kursk, Moscow, Voronezh, Orel, the Crimea, and Krasnodar. General mobilization was ordered in 15 military districts.

Partisan warfare was unleashed one week later. It was a prepared measure in violation of international law for which the Wehrmacht was unprepared. Furthermore, a “Service Regulation for the Partisan War” had been in effect in the Red Army since 1933. As early as January and February 1941, large scale partisan war games were held in various military districts of the Soviet Union by the “Society for the Encouragement of Defence” (Osowiachim), in which the civilian population also took part, as reported by the Army newspaper “Red Star”. Based on these experiments, the Soviet Communist Party created so-called “Destruction Battalions”, even prior to the beginning of the war. When an area was to be abandoned by the Red Army, these destruction battalions were systematically supposed to destroy all businesses, communications installations, medical installations, etc. of any military or commercial importance, and to being partisan warfare as soon as the front was overrun.

The Last Dirty Secret of World War Two

The Last Dirty Secret of World War Two

FIFTY YEARS AGO THIS MONTH, CANADA — along with Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and France — declared war on Nazi Germany. The terrible confrontation took six years to reach its conclusion and claimed the lives of perhaps 50-million people, combatants and civilians alike.

Unlike the “Great War” of 1914-18, the Second World War was imbued from the start with an air of righteousness that still strikes us as apt half a century later. Indeed this sense of a just war has been buttressed by post-war accounting, particularly as it brought home the reality of the German concentration camps where — notoriously — more than 6-million Jews were murdered in circumstances that will always cry out for remembrance and atonement.

Postwar historians have properly com­plicated our understanding of how the war started. (The spinelessness of the Western democracies, for example, has long been seen as almost as crucial as the endemic German ills that gave rise to and sustained Nazism.) Nevertheless, ordinary people have never been in much doubt about the basics. It was Hitler’s Germany that caused the war. In the terrible struggle to defeat the Nazis, most people could agree with Win­ston Churchill’s famous witticism that even the devil would merit a favourable refer­ence if he sided with the Allies.

Time, though, plays perverse tricks. With this issue, and only coincidentally to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the war’s outbreak, Saturday Night is publishing an oddity: an account of events born in the ashes of the Third Reich that no-one wants to publish — including ourselves. The rea­son is straightforward. The central revela­tion in James Bacque’s report, which is adapted from his onerously researched new book entitled Other Losses, concerns the fate of German prisoners of war in the American camps in Europe in 1945 and 1946. The book itself implicates the French camps as well. By even the most conserva­tive statistical reckoning, nearly a million prisoners died of starvation, exposure, and neglect at the hands of two of the victorious Allies. In the case of the Americans, this was accomplished; it needs to be stated very clearly, as a result of orders, issued from the highest levels of command that deliber­ately contravened the Geneva Convention on the treatment of POWs.

King Alfred The Great and Our Common Law

King Alfred The Great and Our Common Law

IN 1892, THE FAMOUS GERMAN CHURCH HISTORIAN REV. PROFESSOR DR. J. H. KURTZ1 called King Alfred the greatest and noblest of all the monarchs England has ever had. King Alfred ruled from 871 to 901 A.D. He applied all the energy of his mind to the difficult problems of government; to the emancipation of his Christian country by driving out the Pagan Danish invaders and robbers; and then to improving the internal condition of the land.

Alfred is perhaps best of all remembered for his famous Law Code. According to the celebrated former British Statesman and Historian Sir Winston Churchill,2 the roots of King Alfred’s Book of Laws or Dooms (alias his “Deemings”) came forth from the (as then already long-established) laws of Kent, Mercia and Wessex. All these attempted to blend the Mosaic Code with the Christian principles of Celto-Brythonic Law and old Germanic customs.


Josephus – Ella Rose Mast Review

Josephus – Ella Rose Mast Review

JOSEPHUS WAS THE JUDEAN HISTORIAN who wrote his history of his people, as well as the story of the fall of old Jerusalem in 70 A.D. The old translated book entitled Josephus was quoted and misquoted over the years, but in early Christian era we find that the church fathers quoted him quite often. Today even though he has been presented as a Jewish Historian, still we see interest in the writings of Josephus, wonder why? Also since he was born in 37 A.D. then was active in events at the downfall of Old Jerusalem, did he, or did he not have anything to say about JESUS THE CHRIST?

Today we have a new book entitled Josephus, written by Steve Mason and he asked some of the same questions, and still he does not quite succeed as he brings out different facts. Josephus grew up in old Palestine, and being an Israelite of the king and Levi lineage he was thus a Priest according to our new author, and therefore he must have known a lot about the Israelite religion, and the events which took place in old Judea as the time came for the fulfilment of Prophecy, that the Temple would be destroyed. Josephus is portrayed as having worked in Galilee for a time, for the Judean government which we now know had been taken over by the enemy. And in his writings then Josephus reached back into events which occurred at the end of the old testament period to lay the background for his story of the fall of the Temple in Jerusalem. Thus he was covering the effect on his own people and of those who had taken over the power in that old land, from the Israelites, and he would then show the results of that occupation.

Joanna Southcott Her Life and Message

Joanna Southcott Her Life and Message

THROUGH A FRIEND FROM TEXAS we have come in contact with the writings of a lady whom we had never heard of. Since studying her writings we believe that she was a lady of our race, and faith then we decided to see what her message was to the nation of which she was a part, as well as to her race, at her time of writing.

Joanna Southcott was born April 1750 A. D. in the beautiful west country on a humble farm in the parish of Ottery, St. Mary. She is described by those who believed in her message as a woman of a race that bred men and women of blunt honesty and great courage, tenacity of purpose, and deeply rooted love of liberty, civil, and religious. Her family was an old and also a proud one and having fallen on ‘evil days,’ had been reduced to farming on a small scale. Her mother was a deeply religious woman and stated that she had great promise made to her before this child was born, that she would be both a fighter, and a prevailer.

Thus at the age of 18, then Joanna went out into the world to seek her living. And she tells us that in 1792, “The Spirit of truth’ visited her, and she began to write of the things she thought were told to her by this ‘spirit of truth’. She testified that this ‘spirit of truth’ which came to her was in audible words, very distinct as to what was to come upon the whole earth. She was commanded to write of these things as the ‘Spirit of truth’ dictated, but was forbidden to publish them at that time. Thus she wrote and these writings were sealed and witnessed and given into the care of friends, and then placed in a box at the end of each year.

She then wrote for nine years in spare moments of a hard working life. She wrote also as a prophetess, and her writings were to be understood in this manner.

Now it would take an open mind to comprehend that this ‘Spirit of truth’ would come to speak to this young woman, born of a poor family, and help her put forth these writings that were to warn the whole earth that there would be a ‘second advent,’ and that there should over these 2000 years of history be warnings from our Heavenly Father that His people were getting off the beaten path.

Mysterious Incidents That Mark The End of The Age

Mysterious Incidents That Mark The End of The Age

TONIGHT, AS WE SURVEY THE CRISIS ELEMENTS THAT WE LIVE IN AND AS WE SURVEY THE STRANGE DEVELOPMENTS ON EARTH, we are then talking to you about some of the mysterious elements that mark the end of the age. We are going to evaluate before going into our subject, the great achievements that were accomplished this week by your nation and by the Kingdom which your nation created. We have had several requests concerning our opinion. And I want you to know, that we feel that one of the great milestones in the history of our race was reached last Tuesday. And for any who can compare America and our enemy in the Soviet Union, and we do not apologize for saying this is the enemy, although we will never apologize for talking about the victory over that enemy and its Communism. For we feel that this is one concept that must remain in the heart of all true Americans for the defeat of our enemy and the liberation of earth from the great scourge of Communism.

There may be censors in the Pentagon who may not let us talk about victory over the enemy because that would embarrass them. For they tell us that would cause the enemy to think that we really intend to conquer them. Therefore, we don’t dare talk about victory because it would embarrass them. Thus they just purge it out of the text.

Mysteries of The Tree of Life

Mysteries of The Tree of Life

AS WE TURN TO THE SUBJECT OF “THE MYSTERY OF THE TREE OF LIFE” you will recall that we spoke to you two weeks ago on the mystery of God, and we have spoken of the Mystery of the Kingdom, but the subject “The Mystery of the Tree of Life” is also very vital to each and every one of you. And also very vital to the structure of God’s Purposes as they develop inside of His Kingdom. As we talk to you about these factors it is significant that we understand what time it is in our relationship to the pattern of events. A great many people are disturbed and they listen to every whim of doctrine, they are sometimes disturbed by what they see talking place, and they don’t know what time it is, and what it is that God is really doing.

What God intends to do with his kingdom my friends, is not going to be decided in the two or three days. I want you to know that what happens in the election is not going to change what God has planned or purposed for you. In fact there are many things which will develop in the next 3 months that we will talk about tonight. But I tell you that God has a great and mighty purpose, and we are moving up to one of the most important periods in all human history.

Inside Soviet Military Intelligence

Inside Soviet Military Intelligence

THERE IS BUT ONE OPINION as to which country in the world possesses the most powerful secret intelligence service. Without the slightest doubt that country is the Soviet Union, and the name of the monstrous secret organisation without precedent in the history of mankind is the KGB. But on the question as to which country possesses the second most powerful secret organisation, the opinions of specialists differ. Strange as it may seem, the country to which this organisation belongs is also the Soviet Union, and the organisation itself is called the Chief Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff.

This book was written in order to confirm this simple fact.

At first it was conceived as an instructional manual for a narrow circle of specialists. Subsequently it was revised by the author for a wider public. The revision was confined mainly to the excision of certain definitions and technical details which would be of little interest. Even after this, there remained in the book many details of a technical nature, which may sometimes make for difficult reading. But though I may apologise, there is nothing to be done. In order to understand a disease (and the desire to understand a disease implies a desire to fight against it), one must know its pathology as well as its symptoms.

For one of their very first chosen myths, the communists decided to record that the organs of enforcement of the new State were not created until the nineteenth of December 1917. This falsehood was circulated in order to prove that Soviet power, in the first forty-one days of its existence, could dispense with the mass executions so familiar to other revolutions. The falsehood is easily exposed. It is sufficient to look at the editions of the Bolshevist papers for those days which shook the world. The Organs and subsequent mass executions existed from the first hour, the first minute, the first infantile wail of this Soviet power. That first night, having announced to the world the birth of the most bloodthirsty dictatorship in its history, Lenin appointed its leaders. Among them was comrade A. I. Rikov, the head of the People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs which sounds less innocuous in its abbreviation, NKVD. Comrade Rikov was later shot, but not before he had managed to write into the history of the Organs certain bloody pages which the Soviet leadership would prefer to forget about. Fifteen men have been appointed to the post of Head of the Organs, of which three were hounded out of the Soviet government with ignominy. One died at his post. One was secretly destroyed by members of the Soviet government (as was later publicly admitted). Seven comrades were shot or hanged, and tortured with great refinement before their official punishment. We are not going to guess about the futures of three still living who have occupied the post. The fate of the deputy heads has been equally violent, even after the death of comrade Stalin.