Power For You Today

Power For You Today


You will note that one of the major areas of legislation in this past week was in the House of Representatives who in that House passes the modification to our immigration laws WHICH ARE IN CONFORMITY TO A MASTER STRATEGY IN THE PROGRAM OF THE ANTI-CHRIST. THIS PURPOSE UPON THE POWERS OF DARKNESS IS TO TOTALLY DESTROY IF POSSIBLE THE IDENTITY OF THE GREAT NATIONS OF THE WESTERN WORLD AND ESPECIALLY THESE UNITED STATES.

In the days of our founding Fathers, they recognized their responsibility before God in their desire to preserve the race in which we are a part.

The Power of the Shekinah Glory

The Power of the Shekinah Glory

AS WE CONSIDER THIS SUBJECT THEN WE THINK UPON THE WORDS, “THINE IS THE GLORY AND THE POWER“, there is no question about the fact that the eternal God who is the Power and the Glory is the author of all things. He is the one in Colossians where it says that all things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made. They were made for HIM and By Him, and thus we have the attributes of God. Here we have the power of God manifested first in Omniscience, and then in Omnipotence. Knowing how to do everything for Omniscience is all knowledge. And Omnipotence is all power. This is all power to do any thing, to accomplish anything, to bring anything to reality. So if you know everything and can do everything, then you cannot have a total and complete victory in the universe, this would be very anti-God.

Thus, my friends, HE cannot deny himself. This Eternal God who is your Father is the master of this situation. Therefore he looks down over the course of ages, and over the periods of time and says that ‘this is what I am going to do’. And you can depend upon the surety of this. The power and the Glory, and as we look upon this area of glory then we have some area of understanding. Of course as we go back into the background of the origin of this our own race, the Adamic race. And we discover that as we go into the background of this race, that you were begotten of the Father in the plains of spirit before this world began, in the heavens above, in the ages of yesterday. Long before you were in earth in this flesh body, you existed with the Father, as it tells you in the book of Ephesians, before this world was framed. And it was these people that he foreknew that he invested in the kingdom.


Power in The Word

Power in The Word

AS WE CONSIDER THIS SUBJECT, THERE IS ‘POWER IN THE WORD,’ we turn to the book of Romans. And you start summing this up with the words of the Apostle Paul. And he makes this statement to the church, that the will of God is Mighty. ‘It is in my mouth, and in my heart and in the word of Faith. The word of God is nigh unto me even in my mouth and in my heart, and this is the word of Faith.’

Following this passage we turn back to the book of Matthew, and there God speaks out and he makes this declaration: “Man cannot live by bread alone.” These are the words of YAHSHUA (JESUS): “Man cannot live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”
In the book of Hebrews, we discover the attributes of Faith and the word of God. And it tells us that ‘Faith comes by hearing the word of God.’ And we understand that Faith is the substance of all things most precious. It is the evidence of all things not seen. Therefore it is by Faith that we can understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God. So that things as are seen with the natural eye are not made of things which do appear.

Political Leaders of a New Age

Political Leaders of a New Age

THERE IS NO QUESTION IN THE EYES OF BIBLE STUDENTS that we are in a very turbulent time. We are in the edge of great transition. And as an American citizen, we have been in all the background of our heritage, identified by certain symbols and certain emblems which are of great significance to Bible students. This is the great nation which God said was to have the outstretched wings of the Eagle.

The nation which is to carry on a great responsibility before God in the world today. That responsibility was to be the instrument for gathering together peoples of our race form every nation of God’s Kingdom. Predominately, this nation would be under the Anglo-Saxon culture, or under that facet of our background in which our language would be the one in which we would be identified. We find that the English language contains some of the oldest phrases and words to be found in the background of our race. There is much to be said about the English language and in association with the ancient Coptic (Aramaic), and the true tongue of our race associated in our Semitics. In the tracing of our Semitics, there are many words that come out of all the Household of God. We see words that have an affinity with words of the Germanic people, the Scandinavian people, and the people of the Anglo-Saxon race, because they are one and the same people, one race. And again, thru the tracing of our Semitics, there is much that identifies us as the ancient people of the Household of God.

Then as we look upon the seal of our nation, once again, we see our identity with the great Household of God. This identity was understood by those leaders of our nation in the days of the forming of our independence.

Political Christians

Political Christians

WE TURN TONIGHT TO THE SUBJECT OF THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE CHRISTIANS to politics, and the church as to her part in politics. In the “Life Magazine” we have seen this laid out, as to what the church has to do in order to exist. And we have reported that on the attitude of many Clergy who should not even be qualified as Clergy, in the church of Jesus Christ. But we make this assurance unto you that the church does not have to change its God. The church today is not qualifying its survival by eliminating Jesus Christ and who he is supposed to be. From the content of our faith and our thinking, in order not to be branded as superstitious or accepting the mythical.

Again we want to make this foundation clear to you. That upon the foundation of the Christ can the structure of Christianity be filled. For the very words Christianity and Christian are identified with Christ. It is identified with identity and identified with his place. Of all of the areas of usurpation in all time and history. If the man Christ Jesus was not the embodiment of God, not the fulfilment of Messianic destiny. If not who he claimed himself to be, then he was the biggest impostor in history of all times. And if HE is, and now we know that HE is who he claimed to be then, my friends, His concept his purposes are fulfilling the destiny of which HE had ordered. Then this is the most important area of commitment that you and I can participate in.

Peace and Safety

Peace and Safety

I FELT DRIVEN TO SPEAK ON THIS SUBJECT WHEN LAST FRIDAY I HEARD HUBERT HUMPHREY MAKE A SPEECH. And he said, ‘I am the only man that the people can choose for President for I am the only man of Peace.’ And he said if you elect me I will give you Peace and Safety. And the moment that he said that, then there came to my mind what the Apostle Paul said, in the writings of book of Thessalonians. When you say Peace and Safety, then comes sudden destruction.” And Mr. Humphrey said that there is only one way to have Peace and that is not to fight. He said that the people are looking for leadership with the Vietnam conflict. And the only way to have peace is to stop bombing them.

We just need to bring our men home and there will not be any fighting, and the people will call me the man of Peace. I would go over every month to the Soviet Union to work out a program of Peace, for the fighting must stop to have Peace. And whether it take appeasement or any process the human mind can work out still it is worth it to have Peace.

Now this man wants Peace at any price. But I am going to tell you, my friends, that as a child of God, we want Peace thru victory. This is the truth from the Word of God. For this Word talks about Peace thru victory. It never talks about Peace at any price. Never talks about Peace by acquiescence. It never talks about Peace by giving in to the powers of darkness, or the forces of evil.

Patterns of Revelation

Patterns of Revelation

WE ARE THINKING OF THE PATTERNS OF REVELATION, of the day the angel came to John and said: “Come, John, and I will show you the great whore that sitteth upon many waters, and with whom the kings of the earth have committed their many fornications.” John discusses this very thoroughly, and says: “He carried me away in the Spirit, and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet-coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.”

This is mystery Babylon the great, and further in chapter 17 of Revelation, John continues: “I saw the woman, and she was full of the blood of the saints (believing offspring) and the blood of the martyrs of Jesus The Christ (Yahshua), and when I saw her I wondered about her. And the angel said unto me: Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman. The seven heads are the kingdoms on which the woman sitteth. There are seven kings, five are fallen, one is, and one is yet to come; and when he cometh he must continue a short space. Then the eighth is to come out of the seventh.” And he talks about how these ten are ten kings who have no kingdom as yet, but will rule with the beast system for one hour in the attack of the beast upon Yahweh’s (God’s) Kingdom.

Patterns of Judgment

Patterns of Judgment

AS YOU TURN TO OUR SUBJECT THIS AFTERNOON, I think that you are well aware that there are people in the world today who have great fear as to the knowledge of God’s judgment. The relationship of the believer and his father is always found in the concept of the individual and in the background of the teaching he has received as a Child, or, has he been raised in any area of theistical or theological thought. Therefore the attitude of the Individual as to what is to come to pass, or what God’s attitude is toward him is all dependent on what he has been taught.

And we recognize that from the beginning of Christ’s teaching to his disciples, and the great areas which preceded this through out the great development of theological knowledge of our race that there was biblical teaching, and foundational teaching concerning God’s plan, concerning the individual, concerning his destiny, the conclusion of his purposes, and ultimately what was to be his destiny. We are to understand that in the multiples of old testament scriptures, with a great number of these scriptures not found in our bible, but they still exist. And in the records which we have of the scriptures we can pick up these things in Revelation. In the New Testament, in the new Covenant we continue to pick up the pattern of Revelation. We are vitally interested in what Christ taught his disciples, what he brought back to their remembrance, and what the spirit bears witness to in the days of the early church.

We are more concerned about their opinions and the things they received directly from God, than we are as to what was interpreted in Rome, or any of the Protestant leaders from that day onward. We are well aware that an attempt has been made through out the years seeking to change the foundation of scriptural truth. They also by these changes pervert God and his nature in many ways and have created barriers to divine understanding.

The Book of The Bee

The Book of The Bee

OF THE AUTHOR OF ‘THE BOOK OF THE BEE,’ the bishop Shelêmôn or Solomon, but very little is known. He was a native of Khilât or Akhlât (in Armenia, at the western end of lake Vân), and by religious profession a Nestorian. He became metropolitan bishop of al-Basra (in al-`Irâk, on the right bank of the united streams of the Tigris and Euphrates) about A.D. 1222, in which year he was present at the consecration of the catholicus or Nestorian patriarch Sabr-îshô` (Hope-in-Jesus)[1] (see Assemânî, Bibl. Orient., t. ii, p. 453, no. 75; Bar-hebraeus, Chron. Eccl., t. ii, p. 371). In the Catalogue of Ecclesiastical Works compiled by `Ebêd-yêshû` or `Abd-îshô` (the-Servant-of-Jesus) he is stated to have written, besides ‘the Bee,’ a treatise on the figure of the heavens and the earth, and sundry short discourses and prayers (see Assemânî, Bibl. Orient., t. Iii, pt. i, p. 309, where there is a lengthy analysis of the contents of ‘the Bee’). A Latin translation of ‘the Bee’ by Dr. J. M. Schoenfelder appeared at Bamberg in 1866; it is based upon the Munich MS. only, and is faulty in many places.

The text of ‘the Bee,’ as contained in this volume, is edited from four MSS., indicated respectively by the letters A, B, C and D.

The MS. A[2] belongs to the Library of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. It is dated A.Gr. 1880 = A.D. 1569, and consists of 188 paper leaves, measuring about 8 in. by 5¾. Each page is occupied by one column of writing, generally containing 25 lines. This MS. is so stained and damaged by water in parts that some of the writing is illegible. The quires are twenty-one in number and, excepting the last two, are signed with letters. Leaves are wanting after folios 6, 21, 49, 125, 166 and 172; and in several pages there are lacunae of one, two and more lines. The volume is written in a good Nestorian hand, with numerous vowel-points. Originally it was the property of the priest Wardâ, son of the deacon Moses, who was prior of the convent of Mâr Ezekiel. Later on, it belonged to one Mâr John of Enzelli (near Resht, on the south shore of the Caspian Sea). In the year A. Gr. 1916 = A.D. 1605 it was bound by a person whose name has been erased.

The Book of the Bee occupies foll. 26 a to 92 b, and the colophon runs: ‘By the help of our Lord and our God, this Book of the Bee was completed on the 16th day of the month of Tammuz, on the Saturday that ushers in the Sunday which is called Nûsârdêl[3]. in the year 1880 of the blessed Greeks, by the hands of the sinful servant the faulty Elias. Amen.’

The MS. B is on paper, and is numbered Add. 25,875 in the British Museum. See Wright’s Catal., p. 1064, no. dccccxxii, ff. 81 b-158 a. It is written in a good Nestorian hand, with numerous vowel-points, etc., and is dated A.Gr. 2020 = A.D. 1709. The colophon runs:–

‘It was finished in the year 2020 of the Greeks, on Friday the 22nd of the blessed month Tammûz, by the wretched sinner, the deacon Hômô of Alkôsh[4]. I entreat you to pray for him that perchance he may obtain mercy with those upon whom mercy is freely shewn in the day of judgment, Amen. And to Jah be the glory, Amen.

The Church

The Church

EARLY IN THE CHRISTIAN LIFE, THE CONVERT IS TOLD SOMETHING ABOUT “The Church”. The word ekklesia may be used, and it may be correctly spoken of as that which is called out. So far, so good, but then the problem begins. Called out of what? The usual explanation given is called out of the world. Fair enough, but what is the meaning of the world? The chapter entitled, Which World Did God “So Love”? was written to show that there are different “worlds” in Scripture, not just the one world supposedly consisting of everyone of every race who is not converted.

Then we looked at “adoption” to show who was adopted from where, concluding that the Sons of God were placed as sons (not adopted) out of the genetic seed of Abraham, through Isaac. We also looked at “strangers”, considering whether or not genetic stock other than Abraham’s seed could join themselves to Israel, and become as Israel by keeping the Law, Circumcision and the Passover. We found that there were different words for “strangers” and showed that this proposition was basically invalid. Consideration of the matter of “seeds” showed that there is no such thing as a spiritual seed, as is commonly presented, and that the genetic seed of Abraham cannot be spiritualised away. We will now see that “the Church” is called out from amongst Israel. In this chapter, “The Church” is placed in quotation marks, because it is commonly used in a way that is un-Biblical. The Greek word translated “church” means a called – out assembly. It is sometimes translated as assembly.

Thayer A gathering of citizens called out from their homes into some public place, as assembly.