The Day of The Saxon

The Day of The Saxon

THIS is the second volume of that work dealing I with new phases of military science as they affect national existence which has occupied my time for several years past. The first volume was The Valour of Ignorance; the third is not yet completed.

I have many persons to thank for the interest they have shown in the progress of this volume, and I wish particularly to thank Sir John George Tollemache Sinclair, Bart, of Thurso Castle, who has been most kind in securing various data, etc., for me.

This book has been written under numerous difficulties. Begun in America, parts were written upon every continent and every sea, being finally completed in Asia. Begun in profound peace, the concluding chapters were finished upon a recent field of battle.

Dallas Conspiracy

Dallas Conspiracy

THIS IS A REPRINT OF A PAMPHLET I PUBLISHED TWENTY-FOUR YEARS AGO when the trail of the murder in Dallas was still warm. A conspiracy is a combination of two or more persons with the intent to commit an unlawful act. With the renewed interest in this most highly publicized murder in American history through the movie JFK, it was decided to reprint the truth as I studied it for the two years between 1966 to 1968 and set my findings forth as I did then, letting the chips fall where they may. I will be presenting an entirely different version than the dozen or more that have been published before. Since my first edition hit the streets in August, 1968, I have read many of the later theoretical solutions to this murder, including the 625 page book, Crossfire, by Jim Marrs, the basis of Oliver Stone’s movie JFK. I still stand by what was written years ago. I can assure the reader that one does not need 625 pages to solve this murder! The reader is only asked to read the evidence presented and make up his own mind about what happened in Dallas, Texas on November 22 1963. We will not debate the issue further with anyone. We are not interested in radio talk shows, television appearances or public speaking engagements on the data contained herein.

My Humble Dedication

This pamphlet is dedicated to the one far-sighted man, the late Raymond La Bombarde, American Patriot and Industrialist, of Nashua, New Hampshire. It was through his financial help and personal encouragement, extended to me years ago, that kept my publications going and made our two years of exhaustive research for this publication financially possible. Well done, good and faithful servant.

Reproduction Encouraged

This pamphlet is not copyrighted. Anyone is free to publish his own pamphlets or newsletter, containing our research, with or without credits to the author. Americans who wish to republish this pamphlet in quantity for distribution in your home area will be sent high-quality masters prepared for off-set webb printing for the price of $20.00. All we ask is that you respect the common law rights to our work and not alter its contents in any way except to include your local address as to where additional copies can be obtained. This would be a good fund-raising project for your church, club or organization.

So Great a Salvation

So Great a Salvation

WE TURN IN OUR THINKING TO THIS FOURTH OF JULY PERIOD. And this Sunday it is a good time for us to think upon this subject, through out the land. And from Leviticus through the entire structure of the Old Testament you will find the proclamations of liberty, “the mighty Jubilee of Liberty.” And of course, there has never been a people who have had more of the arresting values of liberty upon them, as a people, than upon your race. We discover that the Apostle Paul said that wherever the spirit of God is, there is liberty. This liberty is basic. And it is free from all of the areas of trouble, of evil and of tyranny.

If there is anything important for us to understand this afternoon, it is salvation. And as you understand the purposes of Salvation, then you understand the purposes of God for setting men free. And then you will realize that Salvation is an important thing for a son or daughter of God. For you realize that you cannot stand tall unless you are free. Thus it is that this nation is commemorating today what we do each year on our day of Independence. And it is important to remember what we do each year on this day of Independence. Because you are only set free when you are in adjustment with the mighty things AS THEY ARE. For you are never set free from the laws of creation and of righteousness. A great number of people think that freedom is freedom from everything. And without any responsibility. But if you were free from the laws of creation and free from responsibility with which God organized and created his universe, then the universe itself would fall apart. Therefore there is no condition that is free from reality.

The Curiosities of Heraldry

The Curiosities of Heraldry

LITTLE need be said to the lover of antiquity in commendation of the subject of this volume; and I take it for granted that everyone who reads the history of the Middle Ages in a right spirit will readily acknowledge that Heraldry, as a system, is by no means so contemptible a thing as the mere utilitarian considers it to be. Yet, notwithstanding, how few are there who have even a partial acquaintance with its principles. To how many, even of those who find pleasure in archaeological pursuits, does the charge apply:

“neque enim clypei cæslamina norit”

Two hundred years ago, when the study of armoury was much more cultivated than at present, this general ignorance of our noble science called forth the censure of its admirers. Master R.. Brathwait, lamenting it, says of some of his contemporaries:

“They weare theire grandsire’s signet on their thumb. Yet aske them whence their crest is, they are mum;”

and adds:

“Who weare gay coats, but can no coat deblaze. Display’d for gulls, may bear gules in their face!”[1]

This invective is perhaps a little too severe, yet it is mildness itself when compared with that of Ranulphus Holme, son of the author of the “Academy of Armory,” who declares that unless the reader assents to what is contained in his father’s book he is:-

The Coming Battle

The Coming Battle

In this volume the author endeavours to give an accurate history of the present National Bank System of currency, including an account of the first United States Bank, both of which were borrowed from Great Britain by those statesmen who, like the father of Sir Robert Peel, believed that a national debt was the source of prosperity.
It is believed that the facts adduced in the following pages will be productive of some good, in pointing out the immense evils lurking in that system of banking, a system which has produced panics at will, and which is the active abettor of the stock gamblers, railroad wreckers, and those industrial tyrants of modern times, the enormously overcapitalized and oppressive trusts.
It is sought to point out the great dangers of delegating purely government powers to these greedy monopolists, by which they are enabled to organize a money trust, far more tyrannical than all the other combinations now in existence; and by which they absolutely defy the authority that endowed them with corporate life.
The issue between these banks and the people will be joined in the near future, and the greatest struggle the world ever witnessed will take place between the usurping banks on the one hand and the people on the other.
In the nature of things, unjustly acquired power of man over man generally rises to such heights of arrogance as to eventually create a public opinion that will grind tyranny of every form to atoms, hence The Coming Battle that will surely take place in the near future and the victory that will be won by justice will be the noblest events in American history.

The Collapse of Conventional Medicine

The Collapse of Conventional Medicine

Cured yesterday of my disease,I died last nite of my physician.–Matthew Prior, 1664-1721 AD
Columbia Book of Quotations 1996

IT began with the advent of magic bullet drugs, the first being penicillin. While Alexander Fleming was being given credit in 1922 for his discovery that a mould was observed to kill germs in a laboratory dish when viewed under a microscope, actually Louis Pasteur had made the same microscopic observation six decades earlier with fresh-crushed garlic. But garlic could not be made into a patentable molecule and it, like so many other natural remedies, was soon to be cast into a class of snake oil remedies. Pharmaceutical companies thereafter developed vaccines, hormone replacements such as insulin, synthetic thyroid and estrogen/progesterone, and a host of other patentable molecules that are often just altered versions of molecules found in nature. Surgical technology improved until now more than 70 million surgical procedures are performed annually in the US. Use of prescription drugs has soared past $100 billion annually. But with all of this largesse, conventional medicine is collapsing, falling to scientific studies that uncover its many unproven therapies.

Modern medicine has claimed the high road, boasting that it is backed by science and all the other fringe health disciplines, such as chiropractic, homeopathy, naturopathy and the like, are nothing more than pseudo-sciences. So, let the buyer beware when entering the door of medical charlatans.

The City of London’s Strange History

The City of London’s Strange History

THE CITY OF LONDON is known for its invisible earnings, as a hub of financial services such as insurance, commodities trading and investment. What is less well known is that the City of London Corporation is the oldest continuous democratic commune in the world. Two thousand years of self-government is quite an achievement. For no one to really notice is perhaps the greatest achievement of all. Invisible earnings, invisible power.

The law and practice of the Romans, the City’s founders, became the basis of London’s institutions and political language. The status of “citizen” has been retained ever since. The City also adopted through its democratic ward system and court hustings many aspects of Saxon civic practice. The “folk-moot”, for example, was a regular meeting of all citizens at St Paul’s Cross, called by the ringing of the bells, where matters of concern would be discussed and voted upon. This formed the basis of the Corporation of London and founded its position in the Ancient Constitution.

While laying waste to the rest of the country, William the Conqueror “came friendly” to London, recognised the liberties of its citizens, pledged to defend their freedoms and fortified the City against barbarian attack. London’s special status within the constitution was upheld by a stream of charters and privileges that protected the City of London from external interference.

In Magna Carta, the 1215 charter of rights between King John and the barons, not only are the rights of the “whole body” of citizens respected but the mayor of London was designated as one of two guarantors charged with ensuring that the Crown kept its side of the bargain.

The Chronicle of The Early Britons

The Chronicle of The Early Britons

THERE lies in an Oxford library a certain old and jaded manuscript. It is written in medieval Welsh in an informal cursive hand, and is a 15th-century copy of a 12th-century original (now lost). Its shelfmark today is Jesus College MS LXI, but that has not always been its name. For some considerable time it went under the far more evocative name of the Tysilio Chronicle, and earlier this century a certain archaeologist made the following observation concerning it. The year was 1917, the archaeologist was Flinders Petrie, and his observation was that this manuscript was being unaccountably neglected by the scholars of his day. It was, he pointed out, perhaps the best representative of an entire group of chronicles in which are preserved certain important aspects of early British history, aspects that were not finding their way into the published notices of those whose disciplines embraced this period.

After all, he opined, it is not as if this chronicle poses any threat or particular challenge to the accepted wisdom of the day. On the contrary, it illuminates parts of early British history that are otherwise obscure, and in one or two places sheds light where before there was only complete and utter darkness. So exactly why this chronicle was so neglected in Flinders Petrie’s day, and indeed why it continues to be omitted from any serious discussion more than eighty years on, is one of those strange imponderables of life.

Doubtless there are a thousand reasons why historians pay no great heed to this ancient record, but that is no sufficient cause why it should go unread at all. Whether this passage or that is historically reliable or no are matters for scholars to wrangle over, and this they may do to their hearts’ content. Indeed, certain points of this chronicle’s historicity are considered in the appropriate chapters of After the Flood (see Appendix II). But, degrees of historicity or otherwise notwithstanding, the most important consideration of all is that our ancient forebears believed it to be a true and honest account. This is how they saw their world and the past which led them to it, and this is the literary heritage that they have taken such pains to pass down to us. For that reason alone, their work should be read and admired – yes, and studied too – and towards that end the following translation of the manuscript has been made.

I see no good reason why these ancient voices should be consigned to such oblivion when they have such a rich story to tell – a tale which weaves a veritable tapestry of kings and battles, triumphs and disasters, about which not one of us has heard at our school desks and which have waited many centuries to be told. It is a history that begins with the Fall of Troy. It tells of fortune and cunning, of heroism and cowardice, of chivalry and murder, of loyalty and betrayal. It concerns the birth of a people, the settling of an island, the succession of their kings, and the timely correction of their sins under the chastising hand of God. We hear of Romans and Saxons, of Picts, Scots and Irish, of witchery and plague, of idleness and plenty, invasion and security. Traitors, kings and tyrants walk side by side over its pages, and there can be few accounts from any age or nation that can come near to challenging this ancient chronicle either for high drama or the sheer power of its narrative.

For the reader or student who wishes to delve further into the chronicle, there are copious footnotes added which deal with points of linguistic, historical, geographical and other concerns. Some of these notes will answer questions, whilst others, it is greatly hoped, will raise them. Either way, interest and inquiry will be stimulated towards a most important yet too little known aspect of our literary heritage, and if the present translation contributes something at least towards that end, then I shall consider its job well done.

The Bride and The Bridegroom

The Bride and The Bridegroom

THE BIBLE FROM ITS OUTSET is a love story as the writers of this short booklet we believe that there are three main topics in scripture, the first topic is who God is, the second is who His people are and the third is the relationship between the two of them.
Today very few preachers make it clear to their listeners who His people are according to scripture. Not realising that the old testament books are really the new concealed and the new testament is the old revealed. We At The Truth Sets Free believe fundamentally what Malachi 3 v 6 declares ‘I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed’.
Isn’t it amazing that right there in this key passage of scripture Yahweh is defensive of Jacob. This very scripture is dynamite when we begin a study on the bride and the bridegroom.
To understand scripture its prophesies and fulfilment this topic is central and it can’t be understood without Yahweh’s law concerning the husband and wife.

Where to Look in The Bible – Beast-Chayah-Negro

Where to Look in The Bible – Beast-Chayah-Negro

THE word beast appears throughout scriptures and often appears as simple “Beast,” or “Beast of the Field,” or “Beast of the Earth.” Three different Hebrew words are translated into the English word BEAST in the Bible. The Hebrew word CHAYAH means LIVING CREATURE, the word BEHEMA, meaning quadrupeds (like cattle), and BEIR meaning BRUTE BEAST. The Greek word ZOON translated BEAST means LIVING CREATURE.
In tracing this word down through scriptures, it is important to note that the Bible speaks of both quadruped (four-footed) beast and biped (two-legged) beasts. If you have failed to distinguish between beasts (quadruped) and beasts (biped) in the Holy Bible, you have missed a great deal of truth. We are concerned with the Hebrew word CHAYAH, which means LIVING CREATURE, and which we feel refers to the following biped (two-legged) beasts.
As you study the following scriptures and provide an answer to each question, perhaps the full implications the Bible biped beast will become more clear to you.