The Battle is The Lords

The Battle is The Lords


“Beloved, believe not every Spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is of God. But every Spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God. And this is that Spirit of Anti-Christ, where of ye have heard that it should come, and even now already is in the world.”

Thus we have a very definite admonition by John as he tells us to try the Spirits, because the Spirits are many. In the days when Lucifer was thrown out of the heavens, with him were his fallen Angel’s, and the vastness of the hosts that were with him. There was a condition entering into the earth that was entirely different, the Ancient creations and its peoples found themselves led by a fallen Angel, that had greatly fallen, and of course the areas of declarations that he made to them were not true. The areas and conditions that caused sunken continents and disturbed areas of the earth’s civilization and population, were tremendous in their hour. In the areas of God and the purpose of God He established His own Household in the earth because He had willed to do this. He had ordained that He would send his Kingdom to earth. So in the hours when He was to send his Kingdom to earth He then prepared a body for them to dwell in. It is a rather significant thing that the Children of the Kingdom have by the declaration of the Scriptures, been existent with God in the time of His creation, and this is why we have so many of the evidences of the Scripture sustaining this.

The Battle for Truth

The Battle for Truth

PRAYER: OUR FATHER WHICH ART IN HEAVEN, thankful are we that we know that we are thy Household, the generations of Adam, the people who rule with thee, thy Israel. We thank thee our Father as we survey the background of our past and the scriptures that you have given us, that you have made a new covenant with us, even as you mad an old covenant with us. That you poured out your spirit upon thy Household and placed your Spirit within the hearts of thy people. Thanks also our Father, that in this age we shall see thy Kingdom rise, for we have inherited not a dead Kingdom, but a living Kingdom. You have given eternal life to thy household and they shall never perish. Thankful are we for thy atonement for no greater atonement could have been made, but by God Himself. Thankful also our Father that as your household, your children, your Kingdom, you have dedicated this household which conforms to your own image and you predestined it to conform to your own image so that in the hour when you shall appear we shall be not only alike unto thee, but shall rule with thee, world without end. We are thankful for the comforting passages and promises you have given to us, and we know we are the children of Promise. So we pray, Lord Jesus, come quickly, even so come Lord Jesus.

Again, in this past week, we have had an affront from a Communist nation. Our nation supposedly the greatest on the face of the earth, yet is taking the blow from Communist North Korea, and stands back and does very little about it. North Korea attacked our reconnaissance air craft 340 miles over the Sea of Japan and from North Korea. She not only destroyed this craft, but she knows that she will get away with the attack. Now there was more to the story than we heard. Possibly some of your heard the cut off of the broadcast of two days ago, and it was in some of the newspapers, then nothing more was said because the story said that two Russian destroyers were in the area where the plane was shot down. Some of the wing parts found had shrapnel holes in them.

The Battle Against Witchcraft

The Battle Against Witchcraft

TONIGHT WE ARE SPEAKING ON THIS SUBJECT WHICH HAS MORE SIGNIFICANCE THAN MANY UNDERSTAND, and that is that the kingdom of God is in a battle against Witchcraft. The moment that you mention witchcraft, there are very few people who know much about it. They have been told a lot of things about witchcraft and they generally do not believe there is any. And there is nothing the devil would rather have you believe tonight than that there is not any witchcraft. There is nothing a witch or wizard would have you believe tonight, than that there is not any witchcraft. They would be glad to have you believe that there is no witchcraft by those who do not know the difference.

Now of course there are those who say, witches, that is one of the sources of superstition that we had back in our earlier Colonial times. Why, they even burned witches at the stake back in our Colonial days. This was a time of great error and a great many people were persecuted and punished unjustly. If someone had something against an older person, or something which they did not understand, they accused them of witchcraft. And this was one of the great blights on our early history. Well, I am not going to cite that they did not have the witches and wizards back in that time, because there are a lot of witches and wizards today.

The Army of Christ

The Army of Christ

TONIGHT AS WE TURN TO THE SUBJECT OF THE ARMY OF CHRIST IT MAY SEEM LIKE A SUBJECT THAT YOU HAVE NEVER HEARD ABOUT. But there were many things to discuss as we approach this Resurrection period each year, and many times there is much that is left out. One of the things that you have been told to do is to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. So all of the record and all of the background and all of the panorama of the things which took place around the life of Christ and the events of the scripture are very vital and important to you.

As we survey this background of history of this day called Palm Sunday, it is given this title because the people had gathered outside of the gates of Jerusalem and along its streets to strew palm branches in front of Christ as He entered the city. And you remember that they cried “Hosannah in the Highest to the son of David. Who is He that cometh in the name of the LORD?” And we have that cry repeated and the story told of the significance of that hour. Of course the fact in that time was that a great multitude of people in Palestine hung around the gate of the city and they were anticipating that He would come this way.

They knew that He was going to enter into this city by this gate, and they were waiting to strew before HIM these garlands and palm branches. And to cry, “Crown HIM King, and hail Jesus.” There was a reason for this, because it had been planned for sometime. Because this was a most important thing in the hearts and minds that had planned it. If one had gone back over the events in Palestine since the hour of the birth of Christ, they would find that the story had spread and grown concerning the things which had taken place at the hour of His birth. The enunciation out of the heavens, the signs in the sky, the coming of the wise men, the preservation of John the Baptist by the fourth wise man

The Armour of God

The Armour of God

THIS IS AN EVIL DAY, AND WE TURN IN THE BOOK OF EPHESIANS. For here in the book of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul said, ‘Put on the whole armour of God.’ (Eph. 6:ll) ‘That ye may be able to stand against the devil.’

Now, of course, ‘the Apostle Paul did not know that there really was not a devil. This is just some ‘bad ideas’ that people get. Some of their ideas are good, but some of them are also bad. But of course there is no devil.’ And the Apostle Paul did not know that! In fact, that is what some of our ministers are trying to tell us in this Presbyterian convention. Because I know some Presbyterian ministers, who do not believe that there is any devil whatsoever.

So the Apostle Paul may be a little off his rocker here, but he said, ‘Put on the whole armour of God so that you may be able to stand against the devil.’

Then over in the book of Romans, it tells us in the thirteenth chapter of the book of Romans, in the 12th verse, it tells us to put on the armour of light. The divine armour of God is laced with his majesty in light and this provides an armour of protection for the household of the Most High God. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers.’ The correct interpretation is, ‘we wrestle not alone against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers.’ Against the rulers of darkness in this world.

Now principalities and powers are areas of administration set up by the devil. Whole areas of the earth are set up for the ruling princes of darkness. Demons. More over, Lucifer, now the ruler of darkness, was once prince of this world, until he as cast down by the kingdom of God. And it also says, ‘against spiritual wickedness in high places.’

The Kingdom of Shylock

The Kingdom of Shylock

“The triumphant nation of tomorrow will be that which defeats the others on the economic field, by reorganising the conditions of human toil, and by bringing more justice and happiness to mankind.” —“Zola” in “Truth” Page 171.

In days of old the feudal baronage sallied forth with sword and spear to levy toll upon terrorised producers. They were masters of highways and waterways, and in the name of their overlordship exacted tribute from the toiling people. They were the self-evident personification of tyranny. To rise against them, destroy them, escape their vassalage, was to leave an open road along which the products of free men could pass untolled. Organised resentment and bloody victory were the sole essentials for the spontaneous development of industry in its primitive forms.
But the days of primitive industry and primitive Radicalism are passing. Under the freest political institutions exist financial oligarchies more rapacious than the old-time baronies. They bleed, not with sword nor spear, but by subtle processes that leave a people impoverished, they know not how or why. The mechanism of robbery is complex and impersonal. The operators are out of sight. The public only know them as benignant gentry distributing tracts or charity by the wayside.
In theory the Labor Movement is a protest against Capitalism. In practice it is its endorser and subsidiser. Legislation is enacted to make the baronage of Capitalism bearable and acceptable to democracy, but the baronage remains. Its exactions, if less outwardly brutal, are none the less extensive and complete. Not in the least do we touch its sacred edifice, impinge upon its prerogatives, or limit the unseen power which predatory wealth exercises upon the political machinery of the State, the lives of the people, and the economic future of the Nation.
We see States and Nation governed by the machinery of past centuries. We have seen a Labor Government in N.S.W. upholding the absurdity of an Upper Chamber to nullify its own proceedings. We have seen Governments of working men upholding as rigidly as the most rabid Tories all the procedures, formalities, mummeries and ceremonies of obsolete forms of government. In the midst of a flood tide of economic and scientific progression the legislative and administrative methods of Governments stand petrified in the chamber of dead ages.

The Jewish Problem as Dealt with by The Popes

The Jewish Problem as Dealt with by The Popes

THIS MANUSCRIPT IS PUBLISHED in order that it might be demonstrated beyond any peradventure of a doubt that the Jewish problem is not in any sense a creation of modern bigotry. An alertness to the anti-Christian and aggressive activities of Jewish politicians and religionists has prevailed down through the centuries. It is neither a Catholic nor Protestant attitude. The Popes were compelled to speak firmly concerning the Jewish problem, and Martin Luther, the chief founder of Protestantism, wrote a book entitled “The Jews and Their Lies,” which is as strong as any statement ever issued by any Pope or leader in the Catholic Church.

Among Catholics the most recent, frank statement that has been made concerning the Jewish problem was made by Father Charles E. Coughlin, the noted radio priest of Royal Oak, Michigan. He published “The Protocols of the Learned. Elders of Zion”* which outlines the Jewish plot. He made numerous addresses over the radio in which he levelled pointed accusations at certain unrighteous Jews. He immediately became the victim of great persecution, slander and libel, and the organized Jews of America did not rest until he was removed from the radio.

The enemies of Father Coughlin tried to represent him as a modern villain and bigot, but the content of this brochure demonstrates that Father Coughlin was only experiencing some of the reactions that had been experienced by the Popes down through the centuries as well as by Martin Luther and other great Protestant leaders.

The Ark of The Covenant and its Reappearance

The Ark of The Covenant and its Reappearance

THIS SUBJECT …THE ARK OF THE COVENANT IS NEVER DISCUSSED VERY OFTEN IN CHRISTENDOM, or among Christians generally. Because throughout the years through which we have just passed the knowledge of our ancient heritage, our Christian background has been dropped from the average Christian Church, until the average Christian of today does not now where he came from, and where he is going. Generally speaking he has just assumed that he is just a Gentile who heard the Gospel from some clergyman, ors evangelists, or from his mothers knee, and by some type of activities, or by acceptance he has by these semantics in thinking, and by some mental gymnastics of certain things he has accepted, has now become a son of God. We in the past few weeks have been discussing with you the origin of your race, and the distinction between the Adamic Race and other peoples upon the face of the earth.

The Scriptures have given us the descriptions of two creations, and one of them is the begatting of the household of the Most High. We have discussed the migrations of your race from its birthplace, and from the High Steppes of the Tarim Plateau, moving out over the earth. Its multitude of lines left on the earth as it set up its way-marks And built its centres of civilization. We have talked about the great centres of wisdom established in Egypt by your forefathers. The great knowledge and wisdom which was recorded by the Egyptians and by the Greeks, as well as others writing later of these points of your origin. And the other trails of your Race, such as Aryan …Manu …White sons of the Most High God …the children of Yahweh …the children of Indra, the children of Osiris the Lord of Life and Resurrection.

From one end of the earth to the other, the races which serve pagan gods and their background, and philosophies of their religion bear testimony to your race and its one God, and to its faith. Testimony that you were White people, the pale race, the children of the God beyond the sun. And with all the testimony of time and tradition, the background and the record of this book which we call the Bible is the generations of the man Adam. It is the history of the Adamic race, its starts off in the fifth chapter of the book of Genesis to fulfil this responsibility to become the record of things which pertain to the Race of Adam.

The Chemistry of The Holocaust

The Chemistry of The Holocaust

It has escaped the notice of most people that stories of a “Nazi Holocaust” during World War II are actually impossible as regards the chemistry of poisons. This can be verified by calling or writing the American Cyanamid Co., Box 31, Linden, NJ 07036, telephone (201) 862-6000, or by consulting standard reference works such as the various editions (in particular the 11th) of the Encyclopaedia Britannica under “Hydrocyanic Acid,” “’Prussic Acid,” “Poisons,” Gleason’s Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, or Legal Medicine and Toxicology by Peterson, Haines and Webster (2nd edition).

One might be permitted to ask:

1) whether there is any such thing as an “amethyst-blue crystal of hydrogen cyanide” (Reitlinger, The Final Solution, p. 160; Shirer, Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, p. 970);

2) whether hydrogen cyanide can be solidified at room temperature in an ordinary tin can (Hilberg, The Destruction of the European Jews, p. 566, “The hydrogen cyanide, solidified into pellets, immediately passed into the gaseous state.”);

3) whether hydrogen cyanide can be made to crystallize in a vacuum and become gaseous upon exposure to air (“I used Zyklon B, which was a crystallized prussic acid,” Rudolf Hoess at Nuremberg, quoted in Shirer, p. 968);

The Three Jewish Clauses in Magna Carta

The Three Jewish Clauses in Magna Carta

IF YOU ASK MOST PEOPLE WHAT THEY ASSOCIATE WITH MAGNA CARTA, they may say: King John, barons, Runnymede, or the beginning of English democracy. What they will not say is: Jews.

Yet three of its clauses directly relate to Jews, and, in particular, their money lending activities. It means that the document not only has enormous significance for English history, but also epitomises the privileges and problems of medieval Anglo Jewry.

Magna Carta was signed on June 15 1215, and there will be many commemorative events for its 800th anniversary next year, but its Jewish roots go back to 1066. It is likely that individual Jews came to this country long before then, as far back as Roman times, whether willingly as traders, or by force as slaves. However, it is impossible to talk of a settled Jewish community until the late 11th century. It was then that William of Normandy brought over Jews from his French territory to help colonise his new kingdom.