Publications Showing the Jews to be Khazars and Not Israelites

Publications Showing the Jews to be Khazars and Not Israelites


In addition, under the heading of “A brief History of the Terms for Jew” in the 1980 Jewish Almanac is the following: “Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an Ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.”

The World Book omits any reference to the Jews, but under the word Semite it states: “Semite–Semites are those who speak Semitic languages. In this sense the ancient Hebrews, Assyrians, Phoenicians, and Cartaginians were Semites. The Arabs and some Ethiopians are modern Semitic-speaking people. Modern Jews are often called Semites, but this name properly applies only to those who use the Hebrew Language. The Jews were once a sub-type of the Mediterranean race, but they have mixed with other peoples until the name ‘Jew’ has lost all racial meaning.”

There are hundreds of books {most of which are Jewish Encyclopaedias and history books} available for study, which prove that over 90% of the Jews of the world are not a Semitic people, but few people other than historians ever bother to read them. Following are just a few:

Hollywood Name Changers

Hollywood Name Changers

The Name Changers

THE JEWISH HOLLYWOOD MOGULS LONG AGO DECIDED that it would help them make more money if the general public viewed films as being “Christian.” In fact, they personally wanted to blend in with the Gentile community. Thus Samuel Goldfish changed his name to Goldwyn and Cecil B. de Mille insisted that he was a Gentile until his death when a Rabbi officiated at his funeral. Every single one of the original Jewish developers of the movie industry divorced their Jewish wives and married beautiful Christian starlets. This includes Louis B. Mayer, Samuel Goldwyn, Jack Warner, David O. Selznick and Harry Cohen. They gave orders to the numerous Jews they made “stars” to change their Jewish names to Christian sounding ones. This has also included a lot of “nose jobs” for both Jewish male and female stars. Here are but a few who followed this road to stardom.

Odds and Ends

Odds and Ends

Now some will complain that this is old news, and that it is. But I believe that we should reflect upon what has gone on before; least we forget, for Americans have the shortest memories in the world.

The Kosovo Attraction: Sara Flounders, in July 30, 1998, wrote an article entitled: “Kosovo, The War Is About Mines.” She stated, “Wars are at root about economics, and the rapidly expanding war in Kosovo is no different. So why have millions of dollars in high-tech weapons suddenly become available to the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army by way of the U.S. and Germany?”

She discovered what other reports had already uncovered, that the real wealth of Kosovo is the “Stari Trg Mining Complex,” including lead, zinc, cadmium, gold and silver.” According to the mine’s director Novak Bjelic, ‘The war in Kosovo is about the mines, nothing else. This is Serbia’s Kuwait; the heart of Kosovo–-in addition to all this, Kosovo has 17 billion tons of coal reserves.'” The labour power of millions of workers throughout Yugoslavia built this mining-complex into the powerhouse it is today, and it belongs to the sovereign state of Yugoslavia.

It has been stated that our national interests are at stake in Kosovo, but no one has defined what those national interest are. This article reminds us that “The whole world knows and observed firsthand in the war against Iraq to what horrendous extent the Pentagon was willing to go in order to guarantee control of the oil wealth of Kuwait. But U.S. United Nations Ambassador Richard Holbroke, President Clinton or the Pentagon generals never publicly discuss the enormous mineral wealth of Kosovo.” Flounders warns, “NATO domination on the ground would put U.S. corporations in the best ownership position.

The Significance of The Cross

The Significance of The Cross

TODAY ON PALM SUNDAY, WE FIND THAT CHRISTIANS ARE WORSHIPING IN DIFFERENT WAYS. Some churches are passing out Palms and calling attention to the significance of this being Palm Sunday. As we observe the areas of Palm Sunday we want to call your attention to the pageantry of history that is not often mentioned when we deal with the bare facts given to us in the scriptures. However, every man of god should consider this. I am speaking to your race, as I quote these scriptures.

‘I am thy Maker and thy Husband, I am YAHWEH of Hosts, this is My name, I am the Redeemer. I am the Holy One of Israel, I am the God of the whole earth.

Therefore, all thy children shall be taught of YAHWEH, Great shall be the peace of thy children, No weapon formed against thee shall prosper, and every tongue raised against thee, thou shall condemn.

This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of Me, saith the LORD.’

Also, HE has expounded in HIS Word, and taught them that it was essential that God be embodied in the earth. And in the areas of this, we again turn to the words to the Virgin Mary, in which she was told that she was to have a child. And it was to be a Holy thing that she would bring forth. In this declaration, we discover also that Elizabeth, a cousin of Mary, was in her 6th month and her child would be the Prophet to prepare the way for Mary’s Child. One of the things that was declared, was that when Elizabeth’s child was born, the father Zacharias would say, ‘Thou child, shall be called the Prophet of the Highest, for thou shall go forth before the face of the LORD to prepare the way.

The Sign of The Sun, Moon and Stars

The Sign of The Sun, Moon and Stars

IT IS ONLY FITTING THAT WE UPON THIS MEMORIAL DAY, as Christian Americans, recognize that this great Nation, under God, has a Great Destiny, and was planned and purposed to do a Mighty Work, from the foundation of the world. That in the days of the writing of the prophecies in the Book of Isaiah, it was made known unto Isaiah and recorded in his Book that this Great Nation would have the symbol of the Outstretched Wings of the Eagle, Isaiah 19. That it would be a Nation powerful from its beginning. From this time onward it would be a Nation blessed with the many rivers which would divide it. A land which was to expand through out the courses of time into a mighty commitment unto God. The Prophecies made concerning this Nation was that it would be a leader among the Nations of God’s Kingdom. And during the hours of great trial and struggle it would stand out as one of the great forces, as a geo‑political centre for the Kingdom of God.

So, we have the privilege of being citizens of such a Nation. And this Nation would not be here if it wasn’t for the dedicated effort upon the part of those who had dedicated their lives, even all that was involved in their living, and the complete structure of their destiny, for the preservation of their society. They dedicated their lives and their fortunes, and their sacred honour, for this purpose. It is only fitting that there is a memorial day in a Nation like this, because as we have this memory of what we call our Soldier Dead, there is something which transpires in our consciousness that transcends this, for there is no death.

The Seed of The Dragon

The Seed of The Dragon

THE SCRIPTURE HAS NOT LEFT US IN DARKNESS AS TO THE SEED OF THE DRAGON. It has not left us not knowing who they are. And this message tonight, is not designed to particularly please anyone at all. Especially are we not desiring to please our enemy. For the enemy in the earth today is the seed of the satanic powers who are waging war against us.

If you will turn to the 12th chapter of the book of Revelation, you will soon find the key to the hour in which we live. But in no way are the facts contained in this discussion to cause us fear, but to bring us to a complete realization as to what is taking place. Here in the book of Revelation we read the words that in the ante-deluvian times, there was a great struggle in space.

But first we are told that one of the great wonders of the heavens was the symbol of the woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. This is a part of the Revelation given to John when he was called into the timeless dimensions when he was told to ‘Come in hither.’ It was as though a door opened in space and John walked into that dimension and travelled with the conscious knowledge of those times, backwards and forward over the patterns and courses of history. He saw and he visualized. And he heard and he experienced things which had not come to pass in his day, but which are coming to fulfilment in ours. During that period of time, and the day in which we live, many have been fulfilled prophecy.

Rapin’s History of England Book 5 – Appendix

Rapin’s History of England Book 5 – Appendix


THE revolution which happened in Europe, about the beginning of the fifth century, is one of the most remarkable events in history. The Roman empire, which was almost of equal extent with the known world, was then divided into two empires, one containing the eastern, the other the western provinces.

The western empire was so harassed by the continual invasions of the northern nations, that loos­ing by degrees all its provinces, it was reduced to no­thing, and the very name of emperor of the west, vanished with that empire. This great revolution quite altered the state of Europe, by introducing new inhabitants, who, raising new kingdoms upon the ruins of the Roman Empire, brought at the same time new laws and customs into the conquered countries.

Spain was peopled with colonies of Visigoths, Catti, Alani, and Suevi. Gallia was overwhelmed with a deluge of Visigoths, Burgundians, and Francs. Italy was so exposed to the successive invasions of the Heruli, Ostrogoths, and Lombards, that the ancient inhabitants, in­stead of preserving the superiority of number, made no figure at all. The Saxons, Suevi, and Bavarians, spread themselves over all Germany, and became masters over that vast tract of land. In a word, Great-Britain was so over-run with Saxons, Angles, and Jutes, that hardly could any remains of the ancient Britons be discovered. It was very natural for these conquerors to establish in their new erected kingdoms their own country customs. And therefore it may be advanced for certain, that the laws now in force, through­out the greatest part of Europe, are derived from the laws these ancient conquerors brought with them from the north.

In the second book of this history we have seen that the Saxons were no sooner arrived in Great Britain than they formed a design of settling there, and at length succeeded after a war of 150 years. This long war bred such enmity between them and the Britons, that there is no probability the Saxons, who in the end proved victorious, should borrow from the vanquished the form of government, established in their conquests. If therefore we would trace the origin of the laws and customs of the Anglo-Saxons, we must search for it in Germany and the other northern countries, rather than among the ancient Britons. And indeed, such is the resemblance between the laws of the Saxons, Francs, Suevi, Lombards, and the other northern nations, that it must necessarily be concluded, they had all the same origin, of an older date than the separation of these peo­ple.

The Sign of The Son of God In The Heavens

The Sign of The Son of God In The Heavens

AS WE TURN TONIGHT TO LOOK AT THE YEAR AHEAD, there have never been so many factors involved, so many measures. In fact, as we have been making calculations and looking at the measures, we realize that this was one of the hardest years because of the size and the numbers and the factors to be measured which relates to this year. There are a lot of things of deep importance. And I think it is important that we understand that the scriptures identify you as the children of light, not the children of darkness.

You are not to be taken unawares about the things taking place upon the face of the earth, unless you are out of adjustment with the patterns of revelation and the areas of wisdom. You have been told that the LORD does nothing unless HE reveals it unto HIS ministers and HIS prophets. HE has set up the pattern of knowledge and understanding so that we might be guided, and we might be prepared for the things which are coming to pass. We have been told several things concerning the processes of God and the pattern which HE uses. And one of those things is the direct word of prophecy by declaring the things which shall come to pass and by revealing it unto the prophets and holy men moved by the spirit recorded these things.

Thus, we have in the Bible, the sure word of prophecy. We have the continuing guidance and intuition that God gives to HIS household to whom HE has given the gift of prophecy and the gift of this particular type of intuition which is very vital to understanding. We are told, in the writings of Peter, something that is rather significant. And we call your attention to that in the first chapter of II Peter 19th verse. It says we have also a more sure word of prophecy. “Where unto you would do well to take heed as unto a Light that shines in a dark place until the day dawns and the day star arises in your heart.”

The Sheep of His Pasture

The Sheep of His Pasture


There is in the structure of these events the great turbulence that faces the world, and there is a general trend of great fear. In fact we are told that fear is one of the signs of the age, and we are told that men’s hearts are failing them for fear as they look upon those things that are coming upon the earth.

Even this type of complex becomes an area of excuse, for in the area of administration in our government, they excuse their treachery on the grounds of great feat that if they did the things which were right then we would be evolved in a nuclear war with our enemies. Always there is an excuse, and we are told that is because of fear.

Now we want you to know that if there is one area that does not belong to the children of God’s Kingdom, it is an area of fear. For this Kingdom is based on a relationship that exists with God, and that the Scriptures make so very clear. The Scriptures make it so touching that God looks upon you as His Household, as His people and His children. Then sets it in the Symbolism of a Shepherd and His Sheep.

The Shaking Earth 2

The Shaking Earth 2

AS WE TURN IN OUR DISCUSSION OF ‘THE SHAKING EARTH’, it is rather significant that we chose this subject and then announced it last week. Starting this morning with a whole series of articles by Dr. Richter in the ‘Times,’ he is one of the foremost seismologists in the South land. And he measures these earthquakes and we well know that this scale is called the Richter scale. Thus this morning, the L.A. Times comes out and it says, ‘Great quake overdue in the south land, says Dr. Richter. And the article says that earthquakes have probably moved Los Angeles. And the impact these quakes have had upon the geology of our south land is not known. More importantly, is the fact that these seismologists talk about the fact that they anticipate that there is a big one about to take place.

Of course, when they tell you that it is about to take place in the south land, the Chamber of Commerce is not very happy about that. If they would spread this word around Watts area, it might have a much more profitable advantage for us than just putting it in the general newspaper. Because there are some people who are already thinking of moving. Although I do not know where you would move to. And some say how about the Pacific Northwest, or how about Idaho?

Let me tell you something just as a matter of course. But do you realize that only about two thousand years ago an earthquake moved over much of the area of Idaho and also flowing eruptions of lava? This was the seventh time it had moved in 12,000 years. And even now, the Snake River has just cut its way down through seven layers of this lava.