The Sword of The Lord

The Sword of The Lord

We turn tonight in our thinking to the subject ‘The sword of the LORD.’ There is nothing more important for us tonight than to know that nothing has gotten out of hand. God has not released His control over His Universe. Nor is there any part of His Universe which is not subject to His authority. And eventually these powers of darkness which think they can defeat the Kingdom and carry out their assassinations of earth, shall be broken and subordinated to the power that be.

We are thinking as we survey these conditions of an edict that we see in preparation. The United Nations has just completed an entirely new order, which is to take effect October 2. And of course, is established as a new measure of obedience. It is an executive order in the area of the United Nations to all of the member nations. I point out to you that it is called ‘Race Relations Declaration.’ And it binds all members for an immediate end to all discrimination.

We think this is rather significant for it binds every man, every organization, every institution and every educational program, all religious activities and all corporations, profit or non-profit, all existent operations in Hayfield, to these complete and unique United Nations regulations. They also make it a crime to discriminate in any area whatsoever as attendance in churches or in education. They go so far as to say that such discrimination based on race, colour, or creed, or origin, is even in areas of education or in profit institutions is illegal. They call upon all member states to immediately enforce this. And in this instance, I will show you how far they go.

The Sword of The Lord is Truth

The Sword of The Lord is Truth

ON THIS MEMORIAL DAY, as we are thinking about our soldiers dead, there is this time taken out to give some measure of recognition to those who gave their lives for this nation. And in the long course of our history, we can go over a long continuity of those who sacrificed, but who carried out the destiny ordained as far as the destiny of God’s kingdom is concerned. With a dedication that they would not hold back either their lives or their comfort when it came to the preservation of the structure of God’s kingdom.

These United States were a great and tremendous purpose in the mind of God. And long before this nation came into being, our forefathers understood that this was going to take place. The vision was given unto David even as he stood by the Kings pillar when he was crowned. And David was told about a land that eventually where HIS people would dwell, and from which they would not move anymore. A land that was beyond this spot where he stood now in old Jerusalem, by this pillar of the king. That eventually, we were going to see a great expansion of the program of God’s kingdom.

The prophets proclaimed such a nation, a nation of tall and clean shaven men. Looking forward to the great impact of our day. They talked about a land divided by rivers. They talked about a nation that would be great from its beginning. They talked about the ‘wings of an Eagle’ that would mark such a nation. And surely, those who have given their lives for the destiny of this nation were fulfilling the doomed destiny, that which was known in the ancient past, even to the prophets.

The Stream of Life

The Stream of Life

TURNING TO THE SUBJECT OF THE STREAM OF LIFE, we realize there is a very vital sense of knowledge and understanding concerning the life which proceeds forth from God. Its purposes in earth, the vastness of Grace, and most important for us each one to perceive. Probably there has never been a time of more uncertainty or when it is more important for us to know our relationship to HIS STREAM OF LIFE, and to the vital purposes of God as now.

We would turn for one moment to the book of Revelation, Chapter 22, and we read these words of John as he stands to behold this great mystery of the force of God and he said: ‘I saw a clear pure river of water of life, clear as crystal. And it proceeded out of the throne of God.’ When he discusses this great force, and the healing power which lies within this stream where in grows the tree of the Kingdom. The tree which grew 12 manners of fruit. Each one a symbol of the 12 tribes of Israel. Each one of them a symbol of God’s healing of the nations. And the fruit of Life, and it flows as a mighty river from the throne of God.

When he discusses this great force, and the healing power which lies within this stream where grows the tree of the Kingdom, which grew 12 manners of fruit; each one a symbol of the 12 tribes of Israel, and each of them a symbol of God’s healing of the nations. And the fruit which it bore was the fruit of Destiny. And its life comes out of the STREAM OF LIFE. And it flows as a mighty river from the throne of God.

I think there is nothing more important for us to understand this afternoon, than the impact from this STREAM OF LIFE, and our relationship to the Law of Life. There is a passage in the book of Romans that I should call your attention to for it says: “And the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus, has made me free of the Law of Sins and Death.”

The Strategy For Victory

The Strategy For Victory

ONE of the most important things for you to know is to know the mind of God. And the only people who can know the mind of God are people who can think in the same wavelength as HE thinks. People who can understand the mind of God can understand HIS purposes and HIS revelations.This we know. You cannot learn this by going to a Jewish synagogue. Not one single Jew can understand the mind of God. Did you know that? In the Gospel of John, Jesus talks to these people and HE calls them liars and murderers from the beginning. And HE says that they cannot understand HIS words because they cannot hear HIS voice, HIS words. HE said, talking to the Jews, ‘You lack the ability to understand MY words.’ Then if a Jew cannot understand the words of God because he lacks the spiritual connection of a son of God, and has no part in the begatting of the MOST HIGH, then he has no way of interpreting the words of God and no way for teaching the word. So, there is one thing a JEW CANNOT DO and that is ‘teach’ you the program of the Kingdom.

To top this, you cannot go to a denominational church and learn about the program of the Kingdom. Oh, you say, ‘surely they know the Bible, because they went to seminars and they studied.’ Most went to college and a theological seminar and were taught pastoral psychiatry by a Jewish psychiatrist. They were taught to take a text and straightway depart from it. Some of the people think that the Kingdom of God is a facet of the concept of the mind concerning their better instincts and qualifications. Inside the church, they are teaching a pattern of revolution and the policies of man creating his own concept of God.

The Stone Uncut by Hands

The Stone Uncut by Hands

AS WE TURN IN OUR SUBJECT TO THE STONE UNCUT BY HANDS, we go back into the book of Daniel for Daniel was one of the wisest of men. In fact the scriptures tells us that there was none wiser than Daniel. We go back into Nebuchadnezzar’s great and tremendous capital of Babylon, which would outshine in power and majesty and strength, all of the kingdoms of that era and its day. And the king over this great city was Nebuchadnezzar. We understand that in these days the walls of Babylon rose up 300 feet high, and were 175 feet in width. And around the top of the walls of Babylon 15 war chariots could ride and the total length around the city was 15 miles square.

Inside the walls of Babylon was a secondary wall. And upon this second wall stood men who would pour led down upon anyone who would break down the first wall. And behind them were the tremendous companies of Babylon. And behind this was what they called the break wall and then you entered into Mystery Babylon. Mystery Babylon the great, the great city of the apostate forces of earth. In fact this was the city of Nebuchadnezzar but it was also the city of a false prophet.

This was Baal-god. High in Babylon’s mountains came kings and queens and people of stature to reside in Babylon’s mountains, with its hanging gardens and beautiful buildings. It was a city of power and majesty and none could break into this city. And high on the hill was also this statute of Baal. Here was the symbol of Luciferianism, total and incarnate. Here in this mighty temple of Baal the Vestal virgins by the thousands served Baal. And they served in this wild orgy of sex and corruption. More powerful than this were these priests of Baal, and they controlled the economy of Babylon. The king was supposed to be the ruler but he had little to say under those who ruled over this economy, of Babylon. The people who dominated ancient Babylon, were the people today called Jews.

The Stars of God

The Stars of God

AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT, we have in mind the questions from people as to this Kingdom of God, ‘Where do we go from here.’ As we watch the political situation in our nation, we can tell you this. That as far as the total score is concerned in this battle between the powers of darkness and God’s Kingdom, you will find that this will result in total victory. In some instances these things taking place are going to make the powers of darkness and the forces of evil have to assume the full responsibilities for what transpires. In this last great struggle between the powers of darkness and God’s Kingdom, all the forces of anti-Christ are at work.

All those who sell their souls for popularity with the World Order are at work. Even men in the pulpits have gone the way of the World Order and preached the gospel of the World Order instead of the Gospel of Jesus the Christ. They come out with many an interpretation of law that is contrary to our society. But remember, the people are the law. The people are the ones who determine what a society is under God. But in this last great struggle, if the World Order looses through elections, it will turn to your High Courts and try to hold their ill gotten gains. This, my friends, is blackmail. And even this process will fail when America has taken all she is to suffer.

Our scripture says, ‘I shall raise up wrath in My Household among My people. And there shall not be a Canaanite left in the House of God.’

What America needs, my friends, is the great free enterprise backed by our government currency which belongs to the people from a government institution which will surrender that currency for such purposes without using it for a leash around the necks of the people. We are not the servants of the United States government, for that government belongs to us. It is our horse pulling our wagon.

Ancient Celtic Scottish Viking Sites in New Zealand!

Ancient Celtic Scottish Viking Sites in New Zealand!

UNBELIEVABLE TO ORTHODOX HISTORICAL OPINION? Yes! But so were any New Zealand dinosaurs thirty or so years ago. Now there are many books on such creatures and they have been accepted by orthodox institutions in NZ.

So what is the probability of old pre-Maori, Celtic sites?

If you have an open and inquiring mind there are many facts, artefacts and oral and written histories that confirm the existence of pre-Maori populations in NZ. Our archaeology has yet to be properly investigated by archaeologists that do not have pre-conceived or politically motivated agendas.

Very ancient written records in Europe and the old world confirm knowledge that New Zealand and Australia existed. However getting access to and acknowledgement of these records is difficult. Concocted historical opinion has been based on deliberate intent to discredit and cover up such knowledge. NZ and Australia are not the only countries bound up by such conspiracies. However this article is about a particular NZ example, with some general observations thrown in.

The following is an example of an oral history supported by records held in Scotland. A book about this particular story, with supporting documentation is due for release sometime in the year 2000. As information is slowly released and clarified the story on this page is kept updated. For now it is simply an interesting saga with all the intrigue, and bravery of any Icelandic Saga. The heroes in it eventually suffer horrific deaths though this does not prevent their genes from carrying on generation after generation in a new land. In that, perhaps it was a more successful settlement than was the Viking settlement at Brattahild in Greenland.

The Star of The New Order

The Star of The New Order

Col. Greer:

THERE HAS BEEN AN ATTEMPT BY EVIL MEN TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD AND DESTROY GOD’S KINGDOM. God is not mocked nor is He defeated by the events going on around us because they were known of God before time began. Who ever sits in the White House is permitted by God and we get what we deserve. God is not about to lose the world to the age old enemies of His Kingdom. It is only because of the blindness of Israel that we have to go through the troubles of the day.

We were to occupy the earth until Christ returns as our King, but we have not done this. Instead we have let God’s old enemy, and ours, rule over us. We have stood by complacently while forces, which know not our God, tear our nation apart. Under God’s Divine Law over our nation we would prosper and be free from the hideous crime which stalks every street of our cities. We would be free from the sickness that fills our hospitals and our mental institutions to over flowing. America is a Christian Nation, a Nation of Destiny, and it is up to the hundreds of thousands of people who know that the White Christians of the world are the Israel of the Old Testament, to awaken our nation as to the reason for our great blessings, and why we are going through the troubles that we are in.

As we come to the Christmas season we feel sure that you will thrill to the tremendous message of the late Dr. Swift. I feel sure that you will like the tremendous challenge that it gives us for the message to our day. Lorraine Swift is to be congratulated in her efforts to continue to make these tapes available for you to hear. Now; Dr. Wesley A. Swift speaking on the subject, ”The Star of the New Order.”

The Star of Destiny

The Star of Destiny

IT IS A MOST SIGNIFICANT THING THAT OUT OF ALL OF THE GREAT EVENTS WHICH ARE CONTAINED IN SCRIPTURES, that are the history of our race. Probably the most significant was the visitation of YAHWEH to His household, to His family.

We are told by the Apostle Paul that in the Eternal name of our Father, and in the incarnate manifestation of His name in the earth, the whole family in heaven and earth is named. And we have been assured by the Apostle Paul after his heavenly experiences and his trip into the dimension of Spirit and back, that we are the kinsmen of YAHWEH. And that YAHWEH was not ashamed to be called a kinsman. For He took a body for Himself, out of our race so that He could be one with His kinsmen and like unto you.

We are aware that out of the study of the background of the scriptures and out of the great wisdom and mysteries that belong to our household of the Adamic race and to its developing knowledge that was unveiled again to them in the earth, that which was unveiled, was of the great and mighty purposes of YAHWEH and for His Kingdom which is constituted by the people of your race, and what the purpose of YAHWEH is for the entire earth and what He purposed to do in the ages to come throughout His Universe. All of this affects you. For you are members of His family and of His household. The Apostle Paul says in Ephesians to explain this, ‘Flesh of His flesh and bone of His bone.’

Rapin’s History of England Book 6

Rapin’s History of England Book 6


WILLIAM the Conqueror was two and forty years old at the time of the battle of Hast­ings, and had now been three and thirty years duke of Normandy. It will be necessary, there­fore, before we enter upon his reign, to consider by what degrees Providence raised him to the throne of England, of which his birth seemed to give him no manner of prospect.

Normandy, one of the largest and most considerable provinces of France, was possessed by the Normans ever since the forced grant made by Charles the Simple to Rollo the Dane, the first duke. Rollo and his im­mediate successors, content with this noble acquisition, were less solicitous about enlarging their bounds, than securing the possession to their posterity. By means of numerous colonies of their own nation, who by reci­procal marriages were incorporated with the natives, they soon caused the two nations to become one people, under the common name of Normans; as the French called the foreigners lately settled in Neustria, which from them took also the name of Normandy. The first dukes made it their principal care to gain the affection of their subjects, by causing them to enjoy, as much as possible, the sweets of peace, and governing them with justice and equity. By this prudent conduct they not only destroyed the seeds of rebellion, which might lurk in the hearts of the ancient inhabitants; but also screen­ed themselves from the secret practices of the kings of France, who grieved to see so noble a province torn from their monarchy.

From Rollo to William the Bastard there were seven dukes, among whom Richard II. who was the fourth, was one of the most illustrious. His first wife was Judith of Bretagne, by whom he had three sons, Richard, Robert, and William. After the death of Judith, he made a double alliance with Canute the Great, giving him his sister Emma, widow to Ethelred II. king of England, and taking himself Estrith sister to that prince. How honourable soever this match might be, his love of a young damsel called Pavia, caused him to divorce Estrith and marry his mistress. By this second wife he had William earl of Argues, and Manger archbishop of Rouen.

After the death of this prince, his son Richard III succeeded him, notwithstanding the endeavours of his younger brother Robert to supplant him. Robert, not being able to accomplish his designs, was forced to desist; or rather, as some affirm, went a surer and a more ready way to work. It is said, he procured his brother to be poisoned, who, after a reign of two years, left him the possession of the dukedom, he had so ardently wish­ed for. Whether duke Robert’s crime was never fully proved, or his just government blotted out the remem­brance of it, he found means to gain the affection of his people at home by his justice and liberality, whilst his valour made him respected abroad. By his aid, it was that Henry I. king of France, took possession of the throne,