The Stream of Life

The Stream of Life

TURNING TO THE SUBJECT OF THE STREAM OF LIFE, we realize there is a very vital sense of knowledge and understanding concerning the life which proceeds forth from God. Its purposes in earth, the vastness of Grace, and most important for us each one to perceive. Probably there has never been a time of more uncertainty or when it is more important for us to know our relationship to HIS STREAM OF LIFE, and to the vital purposes of God as now.

We would turn for one moment to the book of Revelation, Chapter 22, and we read these words of John as he stands to behold this great mystery of the force of God and he said: ‘I saw a clear pure river of water of life, clear as crystal. And it proceeded out of the throne of God.’ When he discusses this great force, and the healing power which lies within this stream where in grows the tree of the Kingdom. The tree which grew 12 manners of fruit. Each one a symbol of the 12 tribes of Israel. Each one of them a symbol of God’s healing of the nations. And the fruit of Life, and it flows as a mighty river from the throne of God.

When he discusses this great force, and the healing power which lies within this stream where grows the tree of the Kingdom, which grew 12 manners of fruit; each one a symbol of the 12 tribes of Israel, and each of them a symbol of God’s healing of the nations. And the fruit which it bore was the fruit of Destiny. And its life comes out of the STREAM OF LIFE. And it flows as a mighty river from the throne of God.

I think there is nothing more important for us to understand this afternoon, than the impact from this STREAM OF LIFE, and our relationship to the Law of Life. There is a passage in the book of Romans that I should call your attention to for it says: “And the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus, has made me free of the Law of Sins and Death.”