Addressing The Origins of False Doctrines

Addressing The Origins of False Doctrines

BEFORE GETTING STARTED ON OUR WALK THROUGH DANIEL AND REVELATION, we should consider how false opinions get started. It’s like the mistaken conclusion by some that Ruth was a Moabite; and that Moses married a black woman. Today, that untrue concept is being used by the enemy through nominal churchianity to promote multi-culturalism. If one will consult Bertrand L. Comparet’s work, Ruth Was an Israelite, one will see that the Israelites had driven the Moabites out of the land of Moab 150 years previous to Ruth’s time. Therefore, Ruth was only a Moabite geographically; not genetically.

The Joseph-Sceptre Theory Examined

The Joseph-Sceptre theory is based on the false assumption that the town of Bethlehem was situated in Josephite territory, far north of the country of Judah. It has been promoted by people who believe that the patriarch Judah was a non-Israelite “Jew” and therefore could not have been an ancestor of Jesus Christ. Those who have held this view have not studied the separate and distinct histories of the Tribe of Judah and the impostor Jews, who are descended from Esau. The following is documentary evidence that the real Bethlehem was indeed located in the territory of Judah.

Was Christ Born in A Different Bethlehem?

Another such false teaching being promoted in some circles of Israel Identity is built on 1 Samuel 17:12 which says in part:

A Law to Allow The Execution Of Christians And Non

A Law to Allow The Execution Of Christians And Non

Public Law 102‑14 and Its Implications To Christian Americans

105 STAT. 44 Public Law 102‑14 ‑‑ March 20, 1991 Joint Resolution To designate March 26, 1991, as “Education Day, U.S.A.”

WHEREAS CONGRESS RECOGNIZES the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded;

Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws;

Whereas without these ethical values and principles the edifice of civilization stands  in serious peril of returning chaos;

Whereas society is profoundly concerned with the recent weakening of these principles that has resulted in crises that beleaguer and threaten the fabric of civilized society;

Whereas the justified preoccupation with these crises must not let the citizens of this Nation lose sight of their responsibility to transmit these historical ethical values from our distinguished past to the generations of the future;

Whereas Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch movement, is universally respected

Keys to David’s Throne

Keys to David’s Throne

IT SEEMS LIKE THERE IS ALWAYS SOMEONE OUT THERE ALWAYS TEACHING A DIFFERENT GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM. One such person is Garrison R. Russell in his book “Son Placing,” where he says on page 290: “The Sons of God are not descendants of Abraham or Israel, or Adam.” if you have this man’s book, it is highly recommended you scrutinize very carefully every word he says. From what has been observed from his book thus far, it is filled with half-truths and downright lies.

As we have reported before Queen Elizabeth II’s husband, Philip, was of questionable blood and how all the children from that union are unfit to take the Throne of David, which the British throne represents. It has been said: “…from the news I notice the queen-mother of England is dead. I’m fully persuaded Elizabeth II is the last pure-blooded descendant of David left to sit on the throne, while Philip Mountbatten and his heirs are of  questionable blood presenting prophecy problems.”

Then again in lesson #50 I reiterated: “in the last lesson, I briefly mentioned that the queen-mother of Britain had died. I believe that this is a major mile-marker in time as to where we are today on Yahweh’s time-clock. I would remind you that Scripture says in no uncertain terms that there would always be a descendant of David on a throne somewhere until Messiah’s Second Advent. Conceivably, this could mean; if the present Queen Elizabeth II were to have a heart attack and die, and our Redeemer has not returned, the promise to David is a lie and our bible is untrustworthy.

History of Events

History of Events

ANTI‑SEMITISM TODAY, AT THE END OF 2001, is the greatest of taboos. Racism generally is taboo, but most people of most races harbour racist attitudes. So, while being publicly branded a “racist” is damaging, the racist may rest assured that many understand that he is not the demon the media makes him out to be.

Anti‑Semitism, on the other hand, is more complex. Many third‑tier, commonsense racists do not understand why anyone would think negatively of Jews. They are comfortable expressing dislike of blacks or other minorities based on crime rates or illegitimacy or drug use. But most may not even know any Jews (or know they know Jews). Jews, they assume, are white people who go to a different church. And why wouldn’t they think this when well‑organized, highly funded Jewish groups have been diligently working for decades to create that very impression or, rather, that lack of impression, the most strategic of all impressions: invisibility.

Once one has the eyes to see them, their ubiquitous presence and culture destroying nature is obvious to the point of revulsion. Indeed, there is a reason why the founding fathers of America, as well as other world‑ renowned philosophers, writers, entrepreneurs and great leaders throughout history have warned against them. Many have openly scorned the Jews as the most dangerous enemy to Western cultural integrity and European values, others have merely depicted the Jew as the lecherous, deceptive creature it is. (There is nothing more “anti‑Semitic” or offensive to Jews than depicting them accurately)

Events – 1937 – 1940

Events – 1937 – 1940

THE HAGANAH forms the Committee for Illegal Immigration to rescue European Jews.

Japanese invade China, capturing Peking and Shang­hai; German aircraft bomb Spain in support of Franco.

“Germany is the enemy of Judaism and must be pursued with deadly hatred. The parol of Judaism of today is: a merciless campaign against all German peoples and the complete destruction of the nation. We demand a complete blockade of trade, the importation of raw materials stopped, and retaliation towards every German, woman and child.” (Jewish profes­sor A. Kulischer, October, 1937)

“World War II was a Zionist plot to make way for the foundation of the Jewish State in Palestine.” (Joseph Burg, an anti‑Zio­nist Jew)

“In [pre‑WW II] Berlin, for example, when the Nazis came to power, 50.2% of the lawyers were Jews–-48% of the doctors were Jews. The Jews owned the largest and most important Berlin newspapers, and made great inroads on the educational system.” (The House That Hitler Built, by Stephen Roberts, 1937)

“The Rothschilds introduced the rule of money into European politics. The Rothschilds were the servants of money who undertook the reconstruc­tion of the world as an image of money and its functions. Money and the employment of wealth have become the law of European life; we no longer have nations, but economic provinces.” (New York Times, Professor Wilhelm, a German historian, July 8, 1937)

Thou Shalt Have No Other God Before Me

Thou Shalt Have No Other God Before Me

WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON TO THE DISCUSSION THAT IS MOST VITAL, especially in the discussion of the Beatitudes and to the enemies of our faith, our nation and of our race. It is not possible today to discuss the problems that beset our nation until we have looked into the areas of fine points. The problems that beset our nation are caused by design and by plan, because there is something about this nation and all other Christian nations that is very disturbing to our enemies.

This nation has been known historically from its colonial beginnings as a by-product of God gathering out and inspiring and moving out and transferring from one part of the earth to the other HIS people. Today we are a great nation because of the inspiration and construction. We are a nation made up of the people of Western Europe. It is from the nations of Western Europe that the majority of our people came. And as we look over this nation, we notice that it is Scandinavian, Basque, Nordic, Anglo-Saxon and Germanic that covers your nation. There is only one way to discover a nationality.

This is a necessary pattern of thinking that must be restored to our youth. And that is to realize that there is a difference between races and nationalities. It is possible to immaculate the people of the same race when they have the same spiritual, theological, ethnic background. But it is impossible to integrate into this race a people who do not have any of these same qualities; and it is a violation of divine law to try to accomplish it.

Thou Art a Holy People

Thou Art a Holy People

IT IS A SIGNIFICANT THING THAT IN VIEWING THE WORD OF GOD, AND THE EXISTENCE OF THE WHITE RACE, that we recognize that God has very clearly stated certain things that are undeniable in His world. Among these things which He has ordained is the establishing in earth, of His Household. This would be the establishing in earth of His Kingdom to bring the earth back into order. This is declared as necessary because of the Luciferian rebellion against the program of the Most High God, which swept 1/3 of the Universe into chaos.

In the course of the defeat of Lucifer and his followers by Michael’s the Archangel, the vastness of time and of space, and of the coverage of planets and conditions is without question a tremendous development. And in the hour that Michael defeated Lucifer, and drove him to earth, here he would have accomplished an area of devastating victory, but God said: ‘Stay’. Remember, Lucifer is still an Archangel although a fallen one. Then He said: ‘I will deal with Lucifer in my own time’.

He said: I am going to send my own family into earth, and thus the hand of Michael was stayed, to serve the program of the Most High God. We are to note that in the patterns of the Scriptures that this is referred to, and even the Jews refer to how the Archangel Michael was stayed in his power and not allowed to denounce the program of Lucifer’s power. But the programs that followed the areas of the ages, the chaos, the violence, the viciousness of the Luciferian Kingdom were many and evil. The purpose and program always was to mongrelise the people upon the face of the earth, all which was displeasing to the Most High.

This Generation Shall Not Pass Away

This Generation Shall Not Pass Away

We are talking about this generation which shall not pass away until all these things are fulfilled. You will note the words of Jesus in the book of Matthew, after He has called this to the attention of His disciples, events that have become common place news in your time. In which He had discussed the strange forces which are at work for this struggle for the earth. He talks about the wars and the rumours of wars and the powers of evil forces seeking to take over the world. Discusses clearly the famines and the pestilence, the earthquakes, and the floods, the conditions of upset weather and unbalanced factors of the Universe.

He tells His disciples about false religious leaders and false ‘Christs’ who will arise, which will attempt to lead the nations of God’s Kingdom into error. And He tells them about these things which will climax the world events. The gathering hoards which you see on the horizon, and the backdrops which you see to the prophets. And in this situation, He talks about this condition which arises in which we see even ancient Jerusalem filled with a strange people. And these people, the scripture tells us who occupy it, are the Abomination of the Desolator, standing in the Holy Place.

Thomas Edison and The Jews

Thomas Edison and The Jews


Inventing a motion picture camera that worked properly was the easy part for Edison. Keeping the Jews from using the camera without paying him royalties for his invention was the hard part.

As soon as the German born Jew, Carl Laemmle found out about motion pictures, he started figuring ways to exploit the new invention. Efforts by Laemmle and other Jews to deprive Edison of his fees for using his cameras forced Edison and other movie makers like Dickson, Casler, Koopman, Long, Smith, Klein and Marion to form a protective association called the TRUST.

As fast as the Jews could get their hands on Edison’s equipment and started using it, the Trust would file lawsuits against them to stop their illegally using his patented equipment.

The Devil’s Hand in Your Pocket

The Devil’s Hand in Your Pocket

IN THE 28TH CHAPTER OF EZEKIEL, EZEKIEL GOES DOWN TO THE KING OF TYRE and he says. ‘Thus saith YAHWEH ‘thus because thy heart is lifted up and thou hast said ‘I am a God, I sit in the seat of God in the midst of the seas’, thou art but a man, and I shall bring thee down. Every precious stone was thy covering, thou was in the Garden of Eden and thy covering was with the jasper and the topaz, thou wast the anointed Cherub that covered, and we now discover that; ‘Thy iniquity hath been found in thee. Thou hath defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thy evil. Thou hast been cast down and thou has profaned the mountain of God. Therefore, ye shall be destroyed from the midst of these areas of thy power. Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty. But they shall know thee among the people, and they shall be astonished at thee, and never shalt thou be anymore. Thou shall be a terror, but shall be a terror no more.’

Well it seems a strange thing that this incarnate body, this embodied Lucifer ruling in this particular instance as the king of Tyre. But he was brought down and the prophecies were fulfilled against this king. But of course, this did not end the embodiment of Lucifer nor of his household, or his operations. But it is an identification of the fact that he refused to acknowledge the House of God, and acknowledged himself above all that was to be exalted, had been satisfied with gold, silver, and bobbies when he had the whole universe at his disposal.