Wednesday Night Bible Study – 2nd September

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 2nd September

Dr. Swift talking as tape commences, a question about the Books of Enoch I think (Ella). In the Book of Enoch it says that Enoch was shown the Valley of Fire and beings in it in torment, and when asked as to what it was, was told these are they who have committed sin. This is strictly a Roman concoction. The Book which you can get a copy of today is the one which Oxford re-did. It is a copy of the same kind of manuscripts they used when they did the King James Version, from the Roman Editions. All these hells and purgatories in the Book of Enoch as well as in the Apocrypha was Roman inserted, and didn’t exist before this.

There were a great number of Roman Theologians some of whom I know who will admit this. But there has never been a manuscript which goes back to the time of the Disciples which had any hell fire sown in it, not one single one of them. Not one single one of them ever suggested that a man was punished with fire after he died, or that he went into any situation such as this.

It was the Apocalypse of the Apostle Paul that they tried so hard to change. I have the version now of the one after they tampered with it. I had one of the original ‘Apocalypse of Paul’ but it was taken at the auditorium in down town Los Angeles. We have another one but this one was changed from the original. So when ever you get anything which talks about fire and brimstone and torment, for a person after he dies, then you have a Babylonianized document that had this added after the Second Century, in Rome.