TONIGHT WE ARE DISCUSSING A SUBJECT WHICH MIGHT BE OF SOME INTEREST TO SOME AND FOREIGN TO SOME. And yet of some interest to others who might have heard or seen something which has been developing in the earth through out the last few weeks and months as far as the discussion is concerned, in areas that are diametrically opposed to the whole structure of our Christian society. There is a rumour afoot, and it is travelling fast in the Ghettos of the world. And this rumour tells us that the world is soon going to have the opportunity of seeing a Jewish Messiah, who is about to reveal himself and has behind him, the enthusiastic support of a great number of Talmudic Jews through out the world.
Now, this may seem to be a strange thing. But remember the words of Jesus in the 6th chapter of John, when declaring His own identity before the great number of people who were gathered around Him in Jerusalem. He said: ’I have come in the name of YAHWEH.’ It is translated ‘I have come in the Father’s name, and you received me not. ‘When another comes in his own name, him you will receive.’ In fact, on four separate occasions the Sanhedrin points out that Christ pointed out that the people who consisted of Jewry and who repudiated the recognition of HIM as Messiah, and would not accept the fact that He was the revelation of Deity.