The Testament & Heraldry of Dan

The Testament & Heraldry of Dan

Chapter 1

1 The copy of the words of Dan, which he spake to his sons in his last days, in the hundred and

2 twenty-fifth year of his life. For he called together his family, and said: Hearken to my words, ye

3 sons of Dan; and give heed to the words of your father. I have proved in my heart, and in my whole life, that truth with just dealing is good and well pleasing to God, and that lying and anger

4 are evil, because they teach man all wickedness. I confess, therefore, this day to you, my children,

5 that in my heart I resolved on the death of Joseph my brother, the true and good man. [And

6 I rejoiced that he was sold, because his father loved him more than us.] For the spirit of jealousy

7 and vainglory said to me: Thou thyself also art his son. And one of the
spirits of Beliar stirred me up, saying: Take this sword, and with it slay Joseph: so shall thy father love thee when he is dead.

8 Now this is the spirit of anger that persuaded me to crush Joseph as a leopard crusheth a kid.

9 But the God of my fathers did not suffer him to fall into my hands, so that I should find him alone and slay him, and cause a second tribe to be destroyed in Israel.