Church and State

Church and State

There are other things that we should be thinking about while our silly representative talks about building bridges to Soviet Russia. In fact I think that the only thing that the white western world should be thinking on is victory instead of building bridges to a country which has no desire to meet you even one/two way.

So with this observation we are moving in on a situation that began about two weeks ago. And the National Council of Churches was supporting a different idea. One of the things that the National Council of Churches was supporting was a total separation between church and state. So in this policy of church and state, they came out with this idea that the church should not have anything to do with the federal government. Nor should the church have anything to do with anything connected to our government and our way of living. That the areas of instruction in religious matters should be left up to the church to take care of. And at the same time the Federal government should take care of all things civil. And they should take control of education along with other duties of government. But nothing that pertains to the Federal government should be taken care of in the church and the Federal government should stay out of the church.
Then the World Council of Churches decides that when we move into the great new world society. Now this is the World Council of Churches talking about when we move into this great new world society. And then they say that as we move into this structure of the world society, then we must make it void of the status of religion.

Church and Race

Church and Race

We are turning this afternoon to a sort of controversial subject. We have talked to you before about the Sword of Spirit and the Sword of steel, and it is most important that we recognize God’s plan and purpose in the earth. And also to understand that we are at a very crucial period in the history of our race. We have reached a time when we are now watching this approach to Peace conferences and another summits. We must now learn that there is no reaching for a summit upon the part of the people of God, when that conference means getting together with the forces of darkness, or the powers of evil. There can be no good come out of the meeting with the powers of darkness. For always they reflect that we must capitulate. Their program demands that we surrender to all of their demands. And our experience as we have approached Peace conferences with the powers of darkness in the past, has been that we always compromise just a little. And those who have ascended to positions of leadership with their liberal platforms have virtually done this at the sacrifice of our Christian brethren scattered through out the map of Europe. And we today do not believe that any good can be accomplished with any peace conference in which you try to do business with the powers of darkness and the forces of evil, that have no respect for your God, or have no influence working inside of them by which you would feel that they had any expectations of being guided or to keep their word.

We were more or less subject to speak upon this subject this afternoon by the broadcast that came from one of the churches and one of the Clergy from this community. And His message was that we would arrive at a great time of peace, and that this would be demonstrated by a great response of our Christian responsibility which was to make no further preparations for war. And it calls for the nations and the people of the Christian world to cease all armament projects. And having therefore cast aside the sword, we would demonstrate by example that we could trust people. And they would see that we were not intending to attach them and the world would move into Peace. He said that this was our Christian responsibility.

I only cite this because as I listened to this man speak, I realize that he is either naive or he was one of those ministers who has transformed himself into an angel of light, but serving, very definitely, the causes of the enemy.

In this instance he used the scripture that says ‘they who take up the sword shall die by the sword.’ Although the original text says: ‘He who takes up the sword to do violence for gain, shall die by that sword.’ Has no intent as far as the purposes of God are concerned, concerning the blueprint of HIS plan as it relates to HIS kingdom, in its liberation of the people of the world and its maintenance of power, as it relates to the powers of darkness which it must continually engage. There are a great number of Christians taken in today by what we call pacifism they don’t know where Peace is to be located as it relates to the problems of the world or they themselves, as individuals. We have discussed with you this situation as a race and as a people of the earth. And this is most significant as we realize that you, as a race, are living tabernacles, or living temples of the MOST HIGH God

Christmas is For Israel

Christmas is For Israel

This afternoon as we considered the subject of interest before all people of Christendom, and the time of the year, and the season in which we are celebrating, there is one good thing about Christmas and also about Resurrection or Easter. Upon these two weekends all of Christendom thinks about the same thing at the same time. The great catalyst of spiritual force which emerges out of this common testimony is to great advantage to the Kingdom. But strikes fear deep into the heart of the enemy.

Make no mistake about it. For it is a very vital and important service throughout all Christendom. We well understand that there is always controversy over the exactness of ‘dates’. But the importance of the exactness of dates is not as important as it is for Christendom to celebrate the birth of Christ, that they set aside a ceremony and a period and a time for rejoicing and for festivity. For Christmas is a time of festivity for the people of God. This is one of the things about the words, ‘The House of Isaac’ For they are the ‘sons of laughter’, the ‘sons of joy’. Because of the covenants that God has made with them. Because of this then this is one of the great days of festivities of God’s Kingdom.

Christianity and The KKK

Christianity and The KKK

Now the KKK is quite a vital subject when in the history of our nation, we are holding investigations, on the Congressional level into the affairs of the KKK.

I think it quite interesting to note, that I have now numerous copies of various newspapers in my files that come from various parts of the U.S. These are Jewish newspapers. And these newspapers boast that they brought the pressure on our government to bring about the investigation of the KKK.

And the investigation, tonight, of the KKK, and the way it is being handled by the government, can be directly related to Jewish assassination. We were, ourselves, at one time aware of how the Anti-Defamation League hated the KKK, and we well know that the A.D.L. organization and the organization of the B’nai B’rith (the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith) have been instrumental in spreading the Socialist conspiracy. And here the state of California went so far as to oppose legislation that was passing at the state levels to take Communist from our payrolls.
At the time that legislation went through the state legislature in California that all Communist, all those who were members of the Communist Party, who wouldn’t take the oath of allegiance to our National Government, be removed form the Civil Service payroll.

Then the A.D.L. and the B’nai B’rith got their little bulletin out and sent it to every Jew in California and to Jews in other states to help bring pressure on all legislatures. And especially, in California. And they said that pressure must be brought on all legislatures, because ant-Communism is anti-Semitism, because the majority of those who are Communist in the high positions of authority in California are Jewish. They said that if they were to remove Communist from our schools, it would be the Jewish professors who would be removed.

If we were to remove Communist from the Water Works or any other department of our government, it would be the Jewish employee who would be removed. So therefore, they wanted pressure brought on our legislatures. So we took a copy of this bulletin just as fast as it came off their presses and we flew to Washington, D.C. to give it to the Chairman of the Un-American Activities Committee, Congressman Rankin, who had much experience in his own background by experience in his investigation of Communism and the forces who were trying to overthrow America. He had the evidence before him that the conspiracy was mainly directed by Jewish organizations. And everywhere these organizations were obstructing the Un-American Activities Committee in their investigating and getting to the bottom of this design to overthrow America, and to Communise it with the A.D.L.

Christian Vision

Christian Vision

We turn this afternoon to the 29th book of Proverbs, and to the 18th verse. This is instruction given by the LORD for those places where there is no vision. “The people perish. The conclusion being; “He that keepeth the law, happy is he.” One of the great problems which lies at the heart of our Christian civilization lies at the heart of our society. The more a situation is in the hands of God the more significant it is in its purpose. And another area is the spiritual centre of HIS kingdom, HIS church. The responsibility of HIS church is not only to continue as HIS Oracle, but to proclaim the law of God and the Will of God. Within the structure of that institution which we realize is governed with the hand of flesh and with the spread of religious hierarchies over many denominations, there are those who seek from time to time to nullify Divine instructions. Replacing sometimes the instructions of God with the opinions of men. And when the opinions of man is used in place of the instructions of God, you are in serious trouble. Thus, it is that we have a tremendous wave of people today who have been told that the laws of God are no longer necessary for we have passed from a period of law into a period of Grace. But when you ask them to interpret for you the Grace of God, then you find that sometimes they have a hard time explaining this. But they say that this is the ‘love of God’ and the forgiveness of God whether you obey HIM or not. The point is that they so stress this that some people feel relieved from an obligation to proclaim the law of God with strength.

Now the kingdom of God is an administration. And it relates to a Divine government. And in these processes of government then law is important. You cannot have government without law. The program of God’s kingdom is a program of Divine law. Ruling over by that kingdom, is God, Himself. And HE shall rule over the earth. And those who constitute HIS household, HIS children, shall rule with HIM from one end of the earth to the other. But the laws of God, the standards of God and the rightness of God, the world shall obey.

Chosen in Him

Chosen in Him

As we turn in our subject we will turn to the book of Ephesians, for the Apostle Paul is explaining some of the mysteries. In fact the Apostle Paul by this time had already been into the heavenly places and back again. And he writes as one who had already written these things in a book and of course he had in the ‘Apocalypse of Paul’. He had written in that book the great truths of God, taught to him by God himself.

And he had written these also in the great Epistles which he had sent out to the various churches. And these Epistles are named according to the churches which he sent them to. And Peter said that these were to be received as scriptures. For they contained the revelations which God had bestowed upon the Apostle Paul So we are told that, blessed be the spirit which is in us, as it was in our LORD Jesus Christ, which hath blessed us in all heavenly places. Who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places.

And the Apostle Paul tells us that these things happened before the foundation of the world. He said that these thing had happened before he had sent the redeemer for his household and his race. That all of these things had been written in the councils of heaven. And in the records of the mysteries of God’s kingdom. So he had already blessed us with all spiritual blessings and then tells us of the circumstances that govern this. He not only has blessed us with all spiritual blessings but “He had chosen us in HIM before the foundation of the world.” “That we should be holy and without blame before HIM in love.” That he had predetermined us as Children, by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will.

Chose Whom Ye Will Serve

Chose Whom Ye Will Serve

Here this night before the coming election of next Tuesday, we find that there are grave and troublesome times in America, and these times stem from the magnitude of Satanic conspiracy. But we also call your attention to the greatness of your nation as it started. For God had also ordained in the book of Jeremiah, areas of descriptions concerning this nation. As he moved his people out into the lands of the wilderness and into Europe, he established this nation of the Kingdom. He also purposed another great move, for into this land across the great waters would move more of the House of Israel. More than this he said that he would plant them in a great land carved out of the wilderness, a nation of tall can clean shaven men, a nation powerful from its beginnings. And as God spoke these things concerning this nation, he in the 30th, chapter of Jeremiah said of these people. Out of them shall proceed Thanksgiving, and the voice of them that will make merry. I will multiply them, and they shall not be few: I will also glorify them and they shall not be small.

Children of The Stranger

Children of The Stranger

Probably one of the most important subjects that relates to our history and our social philosophy in the earth is the knowledge of our relationship first to God as His children. When I speak of this, I speak only of the White race. I want you to understand tonight, that the Bible does not teach that any other species upon the face of the earth other than the White race constitutes God’s children. I realize that this statement will not meet the approval of many churches, because they bask in ignorance. And they have accepted in their theology, all the people on the face of the earth as being co-equally sharing in the Covenant and the Promises of God and the content of the scripture.
Nothing could be more false as to its origin. For it’s transplanting the covenants and promises that God made to your race to people to whom He never made it. It is also offering them certain promises as reward for certain action which they do not participate in. It is as false as a policy for you to try to apply the agreement that might be made between two businessmen in this city to all the people in another state or another city and merely say because a promise made between one man and another was good, we thereby transplant it to all peoples of other cities. All we have to do is spread the news of the contract, that all they have to do is accept the contract and that makes it binding.

But I am going to assure you the scripture has made no provision for people who are outside of the household of God, are not the Seed of God, and not the recipients of certain covenants of promises to suddenly by agreement lay claim to those promises and thus force an obligation on God to fulfil a promise to somebody He didn’t make it to.

Children of The Spirit

Children of The Spirit

As we view the situations around the world, the troubles affecting the world’s monetary systems, we can well understand that we are looking at a well-developed area of prophecy. And we can through well understand that the people who understand prophecy are the children of the spirit. For YAHWEH HAD MADE A GREAT ENUNCIATION AS TO THE CHILDREN OF HIS SPIRIT. He has told about their origin and their understanding. He has told you of the fact that you are the children of YAHWEH, BEGOTTEN of his spirit, before the foundation of the world. That HE has a race of people begotten and living in the heavens. And in the heavenly pains you thought the thoughts of YAHWEH, and you understood HIS works. And you understood all of the things transpiring around you. For as HE thought, so also did you think, Children of spirit, children of Light, dwelling in bodies of light with spiritual understanding. This is not the background heritage of all men. Not the background heritage of all races. But it is the background heritage of your race. It is the background heritage of the people called Israel. It is the foundation of the sons and daughters of the most High God. Children of the Spirit.

Children of Light

Children of Light

As we turn into an area of philosophy which was introduced by The Christ as He unveils tremendous areas of truth, then in this pattern we turn to read: ‘Ye are the LIGHT of the world’. Turn to the Book of Matthew chapter 5; where He made this statement, and you find that HE had been up on the mountain speaking to the people, as He brought forth the areas of the ‘Sermon on the Mount’. Here He had brought forth the pattern of truth concerning the origin of people. He said: ‘Ye are the LIGHT of the world (order), like a city that is set on a hill and cannot be hid.’ He went on to say: ‘neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light for the house. Let you LIGHT shine before men, so they may see your good works, and Glorify your Father which is in Heaven.’

Here YAHSHUA (Jesus) was talking in this ‘Sermon on the Mount’ strictly to the people of the Kingdom. But today many are trying to apply the ‘Sermon on the Mount’ to the way that we treat all the rest of the world (order) around about us. They want us of course to turn the other cheek, and do all these things which were expressly given by The Christ for the children of the Kingdom, give them to the world. Yet The Christ proves this is only for the children of the kingdom as HE stated: ‘Ye are the light of the world, therefore a city set on a hill cannot be hid.’ Turn to the Book of James 1:17, and we have some explanation of this pattern: ‘For every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of Light. There is no variableness in the Father of Light, there was within HI no shadow of turning.’ Thus He who is the MOST HIGH, THE ETERNAL YAHWEH‑YAHSHUA is the Father of all Spirit which is referred to as Light from this plane of Spirit, and the plane of Spirit is a plane of LIGHT.