Hoskins Report Arabs and Jews Make Peace

Hoskins Report Arabs and Jews Make Peace

The Arab Invasion

ROME WAS THE GREATEST EMPIRE IN THE WORLD. ITS CAPITOL WAS ROME. Emperor Constantine built a new city between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea and gave it his name – Constantinople. Profiting from the trade with Russia, the Mid-east and Africa, this new trading centre became the wealthy capitol of the Eastern half of the Roman Empire consisting of Greece, Southern Russia, Turkey, Palestine, Egypt, and much of North Africa. It was far more profitable and powerful than the Western half of the Roman Empire whose capitol was Rome.

The furtherest limits of Crusader’s Latin Kingdom, c. 1128. After conquering Turkey the Crusaders were forced to give it up to Constantinople because of earlier agreements between the Catholic Pope and the Emperor of Constantinople, who was also head of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

With the passage of time, the population of Greece, Macedonia, and Southern Russia changed as a peaceful migration of Slavic immigrants settled vacant land in Macedonia and Greece. The empire of Constantinople gradually became predominately Slavic. Even the royal family changed as marriages were made with some of the more powerful Slavic and Turkish rulers of their eastern and northeastern neighbours. In the Roman manner, Constantinople’s emperor was also its religious head. He led what is now known as the Eastern Orthodox Church. It had became a state religion – the church of the Slavs. It still is.

Then, out of the forbidding deserts of Arabia came mounted invaders. These fierce warriors quickly conquered Palestine, Syria, Egypt, North Africa, and then Turkey. All that was left of the vast territories of Constantinople’s empire was the city of Constantinople, Greece, some land in Southern Russia, and a beachhead in Turkey. The land that was lost had produced bountiful rents and tithes to the church. It was a disaster.

Constantinople’s religious and temporal emperor saw that he could not regain the lost portion of his empire by himself, so he humbled himself and begged his western counterpart, the Roman Pope, to come to his aid. The actual arrangements between these two holy men were secret, and not confided to those who were to do the actual fighting.

Hoskins Report Arab And Turk Invasions

Hoskins Report Arab And Turk Invasions

When the Vandals invaded Rome they discovered warehouses loaded with spices, silks, and expensive goods from the Far East.

Romans had only a vague idea of where these costly goods had come from. It was a trade secret. All they knew was that they had come from somewhere on the other side of the the deserts beyond the borders of the Roman Empire. Those who did know didn’t talk.

The thing that everyone understood was that a pound of pepper was worth a pound of gold. The spice trade delivered coveted goods, and bags and chests of gold and silver were returned in payment. Rome was drained of its gold and silver. Someone on the other side of the desert collected it. At the last, Rome had no gold and was forced to adopt the barter system. The spice merchants in the Far East owned the world’s supply of gold. That gold allowed the spice merchants to buy anything that gold will buy – priests, kings, armies – anything!

The Hoskins Report – Operation Armageddon

The Hoskins Report – Operation Armageddon

America “Helps” Somalia

“Preliminary evidence of Clinton administration plans for foreign policy suggests that the new president is inclined to let the UN Security Council take over de-facto command of the U.S. military and determine U.S. policy. The plans include the commitment of American troops for service in the UN’s standing army. The steps are considered the ‘next logical steps’ toward a new world order.” (American Sentinel, 11/30/92, World News Digest Dec. 92)

“Sweep the floor and open the door!” The invasion of yet another country by the U.S. is presently taking place. It is directed against the most strategically valuable piece of real estate in the world – Somalia.

SOMALIA, THE PART OF AFRICA THAT JUTS OUT INTO THE INDIAN OCEAN, looks very much like the horn of a rhinoceros. Hence the name – “Horn of Africa.” The excuse for the invasion is humanitarian – to save the starving Somalians. It is legal and logical if the dictates of the UN are legal. Again, there has been no declaration of war.

“Warlords” is the name given the present rulers of Somalia by the media in their continuing incitement of the public to war. Its pictures show soldiers giving food to emaciated blacks. This proves that America is concerned over the welfare of the world’s poor and downtrodden. The pictures are better than ten thousand words and prove not only the good intentions of America but also of the UN. The media is also preparing the people for the unpleasantness to come by playing up photos of starving blacks who are starving because of the acts of evil Somalian “warlords.”

The Buying of Churchill

The Buying of Churchill

THE MAN MOST directly responsible for the demise of the British Empire and its replacement as a world power by the Soviet Empire is Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874-1965). The policies which he advocated as a member of the British government in the period just before World War II and the policies which he followed as prime minister during that war were diametrically opposed to the interests of the British people and led ultimately to the sad plight in which Britain finds herself today. Churchill acted as he did, because he consciously and deliberately served alien interests from 1938, at the latest, until the end of the war.

Winston Churchill was the descendant of a noble family, the son of Lord Randolph Churchill, who was the third son of the seventh duke of Marlborough. As a young man Winston was a dilettante who early developed a lifelong taste for expensive clothes, imported cigars, old brandy, and the other amenities of “the good life. (Cover illustration: Churchill liked to think of himself as a great warlord, but he came across at the personal level as a petty gangster: theatrical, irresponsible, and immensely vain.)

Imperium – Francis Parker Yockey

Imperium – Francis Parker Yockey

MUCH HAS BEEN SAID ALREADY ABOUT THIS UNIQUE AND DISTURBING BOOK, but this much is reasonably certain: A thousand times more is yet to be said. Imperium is the first sequel the literary world knows to Spengler‘s monumental The Decline of the West.

In fact, the author of Imperium does more than even Spengler attempted — he defines and creates the pathology of Culture in all of its infinitely urgent importance, including the discipline of Cultural Vitalism.

Imperium rejects the Nineteenth Century: the parched fossils of its thought — Marx, Freud and the scientific-technical world outlook; its exhausted political nostrums — the pluralistic state, liberalism, democracy, communism, internationalism; all of which fail to satisfy the organically vital realities of politics.
Imperium presents unique and almost esoteric political, social and historical definitions and explanations which shall become more widely known — indeed, commonly understood — if our West survives.

Imperium is probably the first book to advocate European unification — to dogmatically predict it — in terms other than the crassly materialistic. Imperium is the first comprehensive and profoundly constructive alternative to the Marxist-liberal degeneracy surrounding us. Imperium is the creation of a man who believed in his Destiny — and in this book — so thoroughly that he became a martyr to it. Imperium is written with a dramatic style and flair for expression seldom encountered even in novels.

Yet rising above all else is the simple fact that in Imperium a creative genius has given the world something new: A fourth dimension of intellect and a new concept of spirituality. Imperium heralds the dawn of a new day of Faith. Among all books, therefore, Imperium has a distinct status. Hardly a man alive will agree with all it contains, yet will not find his personal horizons extended by the reading of it.

International Jewry US War Department Investigation 1919

International Jewry US War Department Investigation 1919

The below given report is a U.S. War Department investigation and evaluation of issues generated by Jewish power. It was compiled in August 1919 and given SECRET classification until 1973.

A hard copy of this document may be obtained from U.S. National Archives in Washington DC, – its number is 245-1. HERE and HERE

NOTE: This entire document is reproduced verbatim and presented with all due respect to Polish people who take the time and the risk to make this document available when so many try to hide such valuable information to this day, even though it was technically declassified in 1973!

This is PART 1, of serial parts as transcribed by PAPUREC.


The recent emphasis in American public opinion placed on the part the Jews have been taking in world events, has seemed to warrant the Department in undertaking a preliminary study of the particular matters in controversy and also the larger question of the scope of Jewish influence in world affairs today. Among the more important points around which controversy has waged are:

Hitler’s War Crimes Vs Those of Churchill and The Americans

Hitler’s War Crimes Vs Those of Churchill and The Americans

WHEN WE WANT TO DEMONISE SOMEONE THE WORST EPITHET WE CAN THINK OF IS TO CALL HIM A NAZI or compare the person to Hitler, as Hillary Clinton did when she declared Russia’s President Putin “the new Hitler.” This ingrained habit comes from the influence of the massive anti-German World War II propaganda. Revisionist historians who have actually dug up the buried evidence and examined it have made a case that whatever the Nazi crimes, they were rivaled, if not exceeded, by those of Churchill and the Americans.

Unz, a prolific reader with a knack for tying things together reviews some of the true history in what follows. To condition yourself for the coming shock, keep in mind that the same Hitler that is said to have hated Jews and systematically gassed and burnt them, had 150,000 half-and quarter-Jews serving in his armies, “mostly as combat officers, and these included at least 15 half-Jewish generals and admirals, with another dozen quarter Jews holding those same high ranks.

The most notable example was Field Marshal Erhard Milch, Hermann Goering’s powerful second-in-command, who played such an important operational role in creating the Luftwaffe. Milch certainly had a Jewish father, and according to some much less substantiated claims, perhaps even a Jewish mother as well, while his sister was married to an SS general.”

American Atrocities in Germany

American Atrocities in Germany

AMERICAN INVESTIGATORS AT THE U. S. COURT IN DACHAU, Germany, used the following methods to obtain confessions: Beatings and brutal kicking. Knocking out teeth and breaking jaws. Mock trials. Solitary confinement. Posturing as priests. Very limited rations. Spiritual deprivation. Promises of acquittal. Complaints concerning these third degree methods were received by Secretary of the Army Kenneth Royall last Spring [1948]. Royall appointed Justice Gordon Simpson of the Texas Supreme Court and me to go to Germany and check up on the reports. Accompanied by Lt. Col. Charles Lawrence, Jr., we went to Munich, Germany, set up offices there, and heard a stream of testimony about the way in which American atrocities were committed.

Winston Churchill Was Bankers’ Puppet

Winston Churchill Was Bankers’ Puppet

THIS VERSION OF THE “V” SALUTE IS A GREETING BY RABBIS IN THE HEBREW TRADITION. The hand split down the centre represents the 2 fingers on each side of the “V” in deVil, as the initials DE and IL represent the fingers.” See also Leonard Nimoy’s Vulcan sign is Invocation of the Devil

Winston Churchill who led Britain into two world wars with his famous “victory” salute is still revered by many people. In a recent rigged newspaper poll, he was voted Britain’s greatest Englishman.

Churchill was a long-term Zionist puppet and served their interest before that of Britain. He was a Druid priest, a 33rd degree Mason and member of the Golden Dawn. Masonry is a secret elitist anti-democratic anti-Christian satanic cult.

Britain’s War Leadership

Britain’s War Leadership

THE FIRST NEGATIVE ANSWER came in school summer holiday time 1940. I was playing in the front garden of our family home, 42 Shotburn Crescent, Leven, Fife, Scotland when two men arrived with a blow torch and cut the iron railings down for scrap. I asked my stepfather what tool they had used “an oxyacetylene torch” he said. He didn’t look too pleased. The Durie foundry where he was manager were making aluminium aircraft wings and assembling armoured cars

Sometimes stepfather had to go to London to consult the Ministry of War Production. He did so shortly after and returned home in a flaming temper. He told mother and me, while passing through Yorkshire they passed tens of thousands of tonnes of iron railings on their way to a furnace. An iron furnace is like a bottle of wine with lees. In a furnace the lees is the metal to be used for iron railings, it has so many impurities it cannot be used for anything else.

I thought the Cabinet only needed to ask any engineer or iron Master about the usefulness of iron railings and thereby prevented all this waste!

As a navigator I know the coastlines of the world are littered with wrecks, the navigator caused by him assuming his ship was elsewhere than it was. When navigating the ship of state likewise assumptions are dangerous and the above is a classic case.