The Ancient Culdees

The Ancient Culdees

WHEN the author engaged in this disquisition, it was not with the remotest idea of writing a book on the subject. His sole design was to collect a few materials, to be afterwards thrown together, so as to form an article in a literary work, to which he had promised to contribute. But,
from the contradictory assertions of learned and able. writers, concerning the Culdees from the
variety of topics regarding their history or character, which demanded particular attention ; and
from the indispensable necessity, in an inquiry of this kind, of producing original authorities; he
soon found, that it was in vain to think of giving any tolerable account of this celebrated society
within the usual limits of an essay. Various difficulties have occurred, indeed, in the progress of this investigation. But, in consequence of perse­vering in it, he has had the satisfaction of meet­ing with facts, which seem to have been formerly overlooked ; and he flatters himself that he has been able to set some others in a new light.

Bishop Strossmayer’s Speech in The Vatican Council

Bishop Strossmayer’s Speech in The Vatican Council

The Roman Catholic Church does not appreciate Strossmayer’s Speech at Vatican I in 1870, when papal infallibility was made official dogma. In fact, there are Roman Catholic authorities and some apologists who deny its authenticity. Why? Because it undermines the primacy of Peter which is the foundation rock of the Papacy.
For Roman Catholics who question the genuineness of the following message by Roman Catholic Strossmayer, there is grave need to consider the following information:
The Catholic Encyclopaedia (©1913 Vol. XIV p. 316) gives an account of Bishop Josip Strossmayer (1815-1905) at the Vatican I Council of 1870, from which we quote: “At the Vatican Council he was one of the most notable opponents of papal infallibility, and distinguished himself as a speaker. The pope praised Strossmayer’s ‘remarkably good Latin.’ A speech in which he defended Protestantism made a great sensation… After the Council Strossmayer maintained his opposition longer than all the other bishops and kept up a connection with Johann J. Ignaz von Dollinger” the greatest Roman Catholic historian in Germany. His books commanded universal respect. This was “until October 1871. Then he notified von Dollinger and Reinkens that he intended to yield ‘at least outwardly.'”

Some Thoughts on Judaeo-Christianity

Some Thoughts on Judaeo-Christianity

Once upon a time, the media was very good at presenting factual news. However, in the 21st century that has all changed as the media has become a tool for propaganda and indoctrination which is seen in almost every area of life, ranging from the advertising of questionable products, to even more questionable matters of education. The art of persuasion has replaced the simple virtues of truth, the media has fallen into the wrong hands, and is being used as the tool to drive our nation ever farther down the wide pathway of destruction. Politicians on the whole cannot differentiate truth from error, anymore than can many of today’s Church leaders

What is The Ecclesia?

What is The Ecclesia?

I am writing these things to you, hoping to come to you quickly: but in case I am delayed, you will know how you should conduct yourself in the house (domain) of God, which is the ecclesia of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. (1 Timothy 3:14-15)

The ecclesia of the living God IS the pillar and ground of the truth! That makes it pretty important. If we can define “ecclesia,” we will have identified “the pillar and ground of the truth.” Few endeavours are as important and rewarding as this.

But, defining words is the crucial factor that many people never consider. Some purposely ignore it. Because of this, millions of people have missed the true meaning of the “ecclesia.” And, because they have missed this meaning, they now find themselves unwittingly in support of an institution the early Christians despised.

Glastonbury Abbey

Glastonbury Abbey

THE history of the ancient and venerable Abbey of Glastonbury is in a great measure buried in its ruins; but yet some vestiges of this once celebrated pile are still to be found in many ancient and valu­able books, which have been published from time to time respecting its antiquity and former state. This Abbey was, together with those of Reading, Colchester, and several others, never surrendered to king Henry the Eighth’s commissioners ; but it was suppressed and seized upon by violence, under an act of parliament for dissolving the rest of the religious houses which remained unsuppressed.

An Open Letter

An Open Letter

I understand you believe that the people we know today as “Jews” are God’s “Chosen  People,” the Israel people of the Bible.  You, and others, call them “The Chosen Race,” “God’s Chosen People,” “Israel,” “The Children of Israel,” and other very complimentary names in relation to God.  I also understand you believe the Jewish occupation of Palestine to be the prophetic “return of Israel” to “their” land.
Since it is Israelites “to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises” (Romans 9:4) it behoves us, as Christian Americans, to know as much about God’s Chosen Israel and His Book as we can.
The information on these pages has been compiled in Christian love and a desire to stimulate your study of “the People of the Book.”

The Light That Never Went Out

The Light That Never Went Out

IN this book, we, the authors, do not claim to have presented anything new to our readers: we have told an old story in a new way. But, though the story of our English Protestantism is old, yet it is not as familiar as it should be to the majority of Protestants; to many, therefore, it will be new. It is hoped that the perusal of this volume may instruct the young and the ill-informed in the vital facts of our Imperial Protestantism, and give them a more vivid realisation of those thrilling, and stirring, conflicts, which our forefathers waged for many long centuries against the forces of Darkness, thereby securing for us the Light, and Liberty, we enjoy at the present time; and that those who are already well acquainted with these all-important matters of our national, blood-bought, and blood-defended Faith, may receive a freshly kindled zeal, and an increasing enthusiasm, in upholding the priceless heritage of Gospel freedom by the perusal of “THE STORY OF THE LIGHT THAT NEVER WENT OUT.”