IN this book, we, the authors, do not claim to have presented anything new to our readers: we have told an old story in a new way. But, though the story of our English Protestantism is old, yet it is not as familiar as it should be to the majority of Protestants; to many, therefore, it will be new. It is hoped that the perusal of this volume may instruct the young and the ill-informed in the vital facts of our Imperial Protestantism, and give them a more vivid realisation of those thrilling, and stirring, conflicts, which our forefathers waged for many long centuries against the forces of Darkness, thereby securing for us the Light, and Liberty, we enjoy at the present time; and that those who are already well acquainted with these all-important matters of our national, blood-bought, and blood-defended Faith, may receive a freshly kindled zeal, and an increasing enthusiasm, in upholding the priceless heritage of Gospel freedom by the perusal of “THE STORY OF THE LIGHT THAT NEVER WENT OUT.”
The Light That Never Went Out
The Light That Never Went Out